The Border Is Closed? 180,000 Illegal Aliens Arrested at the Border in May – 674% Increase Over Last Year

And exactly what do you hope you accomplished today with this....your millionth alarm bell rattling ?

I suspect this is what makes you "feel good" is all.

Sounding the alarm, but never responding to the fire always ends up with your house burned to the ground.

Response:View attachment 499470View attachment 499471View attachment 499472

The US govt really should officially declare Mexican Drug Cartels are a Criminal and Terrorist entity, a threat to the US.

Biden and the Democrats will never do it.
Nope. Will never happen. Welcome to "America"......
Why can we afford a drug war and not economic aid for those nations?

President Trump proved that the money sent to these nations by Democrats to improve their nations so their people would not head to the US ended up in these nations' leaders' pockets and did nothing to stop illegal immigration. Trump's policies did. Both the Mexican and Guatemalan Presidents have publicly declared Trump's policies were working and the current US Open Border disaster is due to Biden's failed policies of reversing / ending Trump's policies.

The USBP recently confiscated enough fentynal being smuggled into the US to kill every singled person in New York City - that's over 8 million Americans....and tha tis just the fentynal that was caught being smuggled in.

The 'war on drugs' that should be being fought is #1 regaining our sovereignty by truly closing the border and retaking control of our border that has been ceded - according to Biden's own (Illegal) Immigration Czar - to the Mexican Drug Cartels and coyotes who currently control our border and who are making a reported $25 million per month through child trafficking alone, not counting the amount they are making off of drug and human trafficking as well.
Why can we afford a drug war and not economic aid for those nations?

President Trump proved that the money sent to these nations by Democrats to improve their nations so their people would not head to the US ended up in these nations' leaders' pockets and did nothing to stop illegal immigration. Trump's policies did. Both the Mexican and Guatemalan Presidents have publicly declared Trump's policies were working and the current US Open Border disaster is due to Biden's failed policies of reversing / ending Trump's policies.

The USBP recently confiscated enough fentynal being smuggled into the US to kill every singled person in New York City - that's over 8 million Americans....and tha tis just the fentynal that was caught being smuggled in.

The 'war on drugs' that should be being fought is #1 regaining our sovereignty by truly closing the border and retaking control of our border that has been ceded - according to Biden's own (Illegal) Immigration Czar - to the Mexican Drug Cartels and coyotes who currently control our border and who are making a reported $25 million per month through child trafficking alone, not counting the amount they are making off of drug and human trafficking as well.
Your drug war is even more worthless.
And exactly what do you hope you accomplished today with this....your millionth alarm bell rattling ?

I suspect this is what makes you "feel good" is all.

Sounding the alarm, but never responding to the fire always ends up with your house burned to the ground.
Because not being aware of what's going on has served us so well?

Knowledge is power. Bliss is ignorance
Right wingers are even sillier alleging they are for "law and order".

Costs to taxpayers
According to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government. Miron further estimated at least $46.7 billion in tax revenue based on rates comparable to those on tobacco and alcohol: $8.7 billion from marijuana, $32.6 billion from cocaine and heroin, and $5.4 billion from other drugs.[144]

Low taxation in Central American countries has been credited with weakening the region's response in dealing with drug traffickers. Many cartels, especially Los Zetas have taken advantage of the limited resources of these nations. 2010 tax revenue in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, composed just 13.53% of GDP. As a comparison, in Chile and the U.S., taxes were 18.6% and 26.9% of GDP respectively. However, direct taxes on income are very hard to enforce and in some cases tax evasion is seen as a national pastime.[145]

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Right wingers are even sillier alleging they are for "law and order".

Costs to taxpayers
According to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government. Miron further estimated at least $46.7 billion in tax revenue based on rates comparable to those on tobacco and alcohol: $8.7 billion from marijuana, $32.6 billion from cocaine and heroin, and $5.4 billion from other drugs.[144]

Low taxation in Central American countries has been credited with weakening the region's response in dealing with drug traffickers. Many cartels, especially Los Zetas have taken advantage of the limited resources of these nations. 2010 tax revenue in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, composed just 13.53% of GDP. As a comparison, in Chile and the U.S., taxes were 18.6% and 26.9% of GDP respectively. However, direct taxes on income are very hard to enforce and in some cases tax evasion is seen as a national pastime.[145]

A 2008 study from some Harvard hippie?

Your drug war is even more worthless.

Wow, snowflakes have the memory of goldfish...

Do you remember before the COVID-19 became a pandemic how Fentynal overdosing in the US was going out of control?

You're one of those leftist idiots who argue, 'If we can not stop the illegal drug trafficking and the entire opioid overdose problem then why try to fight / stop it at all?!'

You believe in the token theatrical attempt to resolve the US Immigration Crisis by lining the pockets of corrupt south American leaders - which has already been proven to be a failed democrat policy that was successfully abandoned byPresident Trump in favor of policies that actually worked - instead of attempting to end the Cartel's largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, thanks to the Biden administration.
Umm, that they were arrested means the border is closed.
That Xiden invited them means that the borders are open.
That no one is being deported, means open borders
That thousands are being released into the US after being "arrested" means open borders
Right wingers are even sillier alleging they are for "law and order".

Costs to taxpayers
According to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government. Miron further estimated at least $46.7 billion in tax revenue based on rates comparable to those on tobacco and alcohol: $8.7 billion from marijuana, $32.6 billion from cocaine and heroin, and $5.4 billion from other drugs.[144]

Low taxation in Central American countries has been credited with weakening the region's response in dealing with drug traffickers. Many cartels, especially Los Zetas have taken advantage of the limited resources of these nations. 2010 tax revenue in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, composed just 13.53% of GDP. As a comparison, in Chile and the U.S., taxes were 18.6% and 26.9% of GDP respectively. However, direct taxes on income are very hard to enforce and in some cases tax evasion is seen as a national pastime.[145]

A 2008 study from some Harvard hippie?

Endless wars y'all don't want to pay for is as fiscally responsible as right wingers get.
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Your drug war is even more worthless.

Wow, snowflakes have the memory of goldfish...

Do you remember before the COVID-19 became a pandemic how Fentynal overdosing in the US was going out of control?

You're one of those leftist idiots who argue, 'If we can not stop the illegal drug trafficking and the entire opioid overdose problem then why try to fight / stop it at all?!'

You believe in the token theatrical attempt to resolve the US Immigration Crisis by lining the pockets of corrupt south American leaders - which has already been proven to be a failed democrat policy that was successfully abandoned byPresident Trump in favor of policies that actually worked - instead of attempting to end the Cartel's largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, thanks to the Biden administration.
There must be a root cause for it. We already know Prohibition didn't work and only right wingers are silly enough to repeat that well documented historical mistake.
  • Disagree
Reactions: 007
Right wingers are even sillier alleging they are for "law and order".

Costs to taxpayers
According to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government. Miron further estimated at least $46.7 billion in tax revenue based on rates comparable to those on tobacco and alcohol: $8.7 billion from marijuana, $32.6 billion from cocaine and heroin, and $5.4 billion from other drugs.[144]

Low taxation in Central American countries has been credited with weakening the region's response in dealing with drug traffickers. Many cartels, especially Los Zetas have taken advantage of the limited resources of these nations. 2010 tax revenue in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, composed just 13.53% of GDP. As a comparison, in Chile and the U.S., taxes were 18.6% and 26.9% of GDP respectively. However, direct taxes on income are very hard to enforce and in some cases tax evasion is seen as a national pastime.[145]

Please paste the link to and the data showing the number of deaths of Americans due to fentynal and other illegally smuggled drugs, the cost of rehab, medical costs, economic impact, number of Americans caught dealing, murdering other Americans by pushing this shit, the economic impact, etc....

The Drug War is not only a war about illegal drugs being smuggled into the US - The LA Sheriff is currently leading an operation to destroy illegal Marijuana farms owned / operated / funded by Mexican Drug Cartels: 500 grows, 70 greenhouses, over 10 acres, wit ha cash total of reportedly %50 1 day ... being grown in the US by Cartels...and the operation is just starting. Many more are expected as the week / operation continues.

Yeah, f* the Cartels, f* prohibiting from invading our country and running illegal drug ops on our soil, f* trying to take back our border from the Cartels who now own / run our border.

Endless wars y'all don't want to pay for is as fiscally responsible as right wingers get.

Yeah, I've heard the liberal faux outrage against 'endless wars'.....while the Nobel Peace prize Winner pimped out our military to Al Qaeda to help them take over Libya for their own and while US troops were sent into Syria for......Barry's war.

Perhaps the US should just carve out a piece of Texas on our side of the river and give it to the Cartels to make it easier for them, sorta like a US version of Gaza?!
makala harris tells central americans DO NOT COME TO THE USA. While dementia joe tells them . we will reunite children dumped at the border with relatives living illegally in the the USA. WE will reunite families living illegally in the USA .We will not deport them. WE will not deport elderly illegal aliens. WE will not deport pregnant women. What the F--k does makala and dementia joe think these central americans are going to do. they are rushing to the US border. Here in south Texas pregnant women have been arriving to try to sneak across the border so they can have their children in the USA. Some rush to the local international bridges when they are about to go into they can go into labor in the middle of the bridge, makala so they can be taken to hospitals in the US side of the border . once their child is born in the USA, they say my child is a US citizen. makala and joe are idiots
Your drug war is even more worthless.

Wow, snowflakes have the memory of goldfish...

Do you remember before the COVID-19 became a pandemic how Fentynal overdosing in the US was going out of control?

You're one of those leftist idiots who argue, 'If we can not stop the illegal drug trafficking and the entire opioid overdose problem then why try to fight / stop it at all?!'

You believe in the token theatrical attempt to resolve the US Immigration Crisis by lining the pockets of corrupt south American leaders - which has already been proven to be a failed democrat policy that was successfully abandoned byPresident Trump in favor of policies that actually worked - instead of attempting to end the Cartel's largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, thanks to the Biden administration.
There must be a root cause for it. We already know Prohibition didn't work and only right wingers are silly enough to repeat that well documented historical mistake.
Dimwingers control everything. Why is there still a "war on drugs" , Simpleton?
  • Thanks
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Right wingers are even sillier alleging they are for "law and order".

Costs to taxpayers
According to a 2008 study published by Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron, the annual savings on enforcement and incarceration costs from the legalization of drugs would amount to roughly $41.3 billion, with $25.7 billion being saved among the states and over $15.6 billion accrued for the federal government. Miron further estimated at least $46.7 billion in tax revenue based on rates comparable to those on tobacco and alcohol: $8.7 billion from marijuana, $32.6 billion from cocaine and heroin, and $5.4 billion from other drugs.[144]

Low taxation in Central American countries has been credited with weakening the region's response in dealing with drug traffickers. Many cartels, especially Los Zetas have taken advantage of the limited resources of these nations. 2010 tax revenue in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, composed just 13.53% of GDP. As a comparison, in Chile and the U.S., taxes were 18.6% and 26.9% of GDP respectively. However, direct taxes on income are very hard to enforce and in some cases tax evasion is seen as a national pastime.[145]

Please paste the link to and the data showing the number of deaths of Americans due to fentynal and other illegally smuggled drugs, the cost of rehab, medical costs, economic impact, number of Americans caught dealing, murdering other Americans by pushing this shit, the economic impact, etc....

The Drug War is not only a war about illegal drugs being smuggled into the US - The LA Sheriff is currently leading an operation to destroy illegal Marijuana farms owned / operated / funded by Mexican Drug Cartels: 500 grows, 70 greenhouses, over 10 acres, wit ha cash total of reportedly %50 1 day ... being grown in the US by Cartels...and the operation is just starting. Many more are expected as the week / operation continues.

Yeah, f* the Cartels, f* prohibiting from invading our country and running illegal drug ops on our soil, f* trying to take back our border from the Cartels who now own / run our border.

They should be fining the growers and then taxing them once they cash in their crop. Proof, right-wingers don't care about Capitalism unlike what they allege in socialism, Big Government nanny-Statism threads.
  • Disagree
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Endless wars y'all don't want to pay for is as fiscally responsible as right wingers get.

Yeah, I've heard the liberal faux outrage against 'endless wars'.....while the Nobel Peace prize Winner pimped out our military to Al Qaeda to help them take over Libya for their own and while US troops were sent into Syria for......Barry's war.

Perhaps the US should just carve out a piece of Texas on our side of the river and give it to the Cartels to make it easier for them, sorta like a US version of Gaza?!
Yet, it is right wingers who insist on repeating the historical mistake of Prohibition and wanting to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth".
Your drug war is even more worthless.

Wow, snowflakes have the memory of goldfish...

Do you remember before the COVID-19 became a pandemic how Fentynal overdosing in the US was going out of control?

You're one of those leftist idiots who argue, 'If we can not stop the illegal drug trafficking and the entire opioid overdose problem then why try to fight / stop it at all?!'

You believe in the token theatrical attempt to resolve the US Immigration Crisis by lining the pockets of corrupt south American leaders - which has already been proven to be a failed democrat policy that was successfully abandoned byPresident Trump in favor of policies that actually worked - instead of attempting to end the Cartel's largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, thanks to the Biden administration.
There must be a root cause for it. We already know Prohibition didn't work and only right wingers are silly enough to repeat that well documented historical mistake.
Fentynal is an extremely powerful addictive drug that was becoming a massive deadly problem here in the US. One dose of this stuff can kill someone. Ever hear of hundreds of thousands of Americans being addicted to alcohol after one drink, dying from one drink?
Your drug war is even more worthless.

Wow, snowflakes have the memory of goldfish...

Do you remember before the COVID-19 became a pandemic how Fentynal overdosing in the US was going out of control?

You're one of those leftist idiots who argue, 'If we can not stop the illegal drug trafficking and the entire opioid overdose problem then why try to fight / stop it at all?!'

You believe in the token theatrical attempt to resolve the US Immigration Crisis by lining the pockets of corrupt south American leaders - which has already been proven to be a failed democrat policy that was successfully abandoned byPresident Trump in favor of policies that actually worked - instead of attempting to end the Cartel's largest drug / human / child trafficking event in history, thanks to the Biden administration.
There must be a root cause for it. We already know Prohibition didn't work and only right wingers are silly enough to repeat that well documented historical mistake.
Dimwingers control everything. Why is there still a "war on drugs" , Simpleton?
Cut the drug war to help pay for infrastructure spending!

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