The Border Is Closed? 180,000 Illegal Aliens Arrested at the Border in May – 674% Increase Over Last Year

Seriously, Xiden is Russia First, China First, and Mexico First
  • General Motors plans to invest more than $1 billion in a plant in Mexico to produce electric vehicles.
  • The facility will begin producing at least one EV beginning in 2023, GM said.
  • United Auto Workers Vice President Terry Dittes, who leads GM members, called the investment a “slap in the face” to the union members and U.S. taxpayers.
Union voters will back Trump and the GOP is 2022 and 2024 if the elections are legitimate

Americans last, the motto of the Democratic Party.
Endless wars y'all don't want to pay for is as fiscally responsible as right wingers get.

Yeah, I've heard the liberal faux outrage against 'endless wars'.....while the Nobel Peace prize Winner pimped out our military to Al Qaeda to help them take over Libya for their own and while US troops were sent into Syria for......Barry's war.

Perhaps the US should just carve out a piece of Texas on our side of the river and give it to the Cartels to make it easier for them, sorta like a US version of Gaza?!
Yet, it is right wingers who insist on repeating the historical mistake of Prohibition and wanting to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth".
Prog broads did prohibition. Woody Wilson and his wife did a number on us all.
Prohibition is all right wingers understand not free market Capitalism like they allege in socialism threads.
A Dimwinger was in charge when Prohibition went into effect, Dumbass.

You're never not an idiot, are you, dumbfuck?

Explain what that Democrat president had to do with Prohibition.....

Well, dumbfuck?

I'm running out of popcorn.
Simmer down, Fuckwit. Some of have things to do. I’ll get around to kicking your ass soon enough.


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