The "Black Face" Issue


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?
Justin Trudeau deserves to be shamed and shown for the fake piece of shit that he is.
I just feel pity for his wife and son when it is revealed that his also takes it up the knot.
Cause that will more than likely come next.
Justin Trudeau deserves to be shamed and shown for the fake piece of shit that he is.
I just feel pity for his wife and son when it is revealed that his also takes it up the knot.
Cause that will more than likely come next.

They say he likes to play "dress up".... :gay:
Justin Trudeau deserves to be shamed and shown for the fake piece of shit that he is.
I just feel pity for his wife and son when it is revealed that his also takes it up the knot.
Cause that will more than likely come next.

They say he likes to play "dress up".... :gay:
Oh he putts from the rough doubt.

So, if a white guy attends a costume party and dresses up like Martin Luther King, complete with black face, out of sincere respect for the man, is it 'racist'?
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

The definition of racism is acting against others based solely on their race with the view that their race makes them inferior.

The Left have now morphed that to mean anything which refers to a person's race, as if race didn't exist. All except:
  • Black people calling Whites crackers.
  • Black people calling anyone a racist just because they are White.
  • All the people claiming White Privilege.
Then it is OK to bring up race.

For generations, it was called a Minstrel Show. Used to be a common occurrence and no one was ever harmed by it. Not really sure how it got started, but I've never heard a black person say they were harmed by one. Never heard one say they were offended by it either, but then, since when is getting offended a crime? No one worries about offending me! Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

Frankly, I could care less if Trudeau was in a minstrel show many years ago. So what? Are we now going to look 30 years into every person's past on the planet to find something they did we don't like? That's an awfully high bar for most people to pass. How far back is far enough? Just how many perfect people are out there who never did anything not knowing that decades in the future, it would be frowned on?

If a bunch of black people want to dress up with white faces and sing and dance, let them, I could care less.
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I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

The definition of racism is acting against others based solely on their race with the view that their race makes them inferior.

The Left have now morphed that to mean anything which refers to a person's race, as if race didn't exist. All except:
  • Black people calling Whites crackers.
  • Black people calling anyone a racist just because they are White.
  • All the people claiming White Privilege.
Then it is OK to bring up race.

For generations, it was called a Minstrel Show. Used to be a common occurrence and no one was ever harmed by it. Not really sure how it got started, but I've never heard a black person say they were harmed by one. Never heard one say they were offended by it either, but then, since when is getting offended a crime? No one worries about offending me! Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

Frankly, I could care less if Trudeau was in a minstrel show many years ago. So what? Are we now going to look 30 years into ever person's past on the planet to find something they did we don't like? That's an awfully high bar for most people to pass. How far back is far enough? Just how many perfect people are out there who never did anything knowing that decades in the future, it would be frowned on?

If a bunch of black people want to dress up with white faces and sing and dance, let them, I could care less.

The reality is that the Shakedown industry is looking to charge racism anytime they can make money or score political points.
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Wow, that's pretty incredibly stupid.

Black face was invented because of lazy blacks? Jesus, that's a double whammy of racist horseshit.

Read it, I implore you.
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Wow, that's pretty incredibly stupid.

Black face was invented because of lazy blacks? Jesus, that's a double whammy of racist horseshit.

Read it, I implore you.

The stereotype of the lazy, shuffling black, like ALL stereotypes, has its roots partly in ignorance and partly in truth. The liberated black in the southern states after the Civil War was like most people down there is the high heat and humidity, at that time with no education, no schooling. And like all stereotypes, was best exemplified in the early cartoons because they had no restrictions on honesty, seeking to portray HUMOROUSLY caricatures of the blacks, the american Indian, Japanese, Germans, cowboys, etc.

These were all caricatures of reality. Not racism. And they were damned funny and no ill will was ever meant by any of it.

Carried forward to today, the basis of ALL humor has been based in making fun of caricatures of reality, but the progressive cannot laugh at himself and so has essentially outlawed all real humor as racist now, putting comedians out of business. No one is allowed to laugh anymore, except if it is poking fun at Donald Trump.
I am no fan of Justine Trudeau, but he and other politicians who are now being excoriated for having worn "black face" at some time in the past are the latest examples of PC gone wild in our society. What is the basis for this moral outrage?

In Vaudeville they had trouble finding blacks who could remember their lines or show up sober or at all. So white folks had to play black characters. It didn't have anything to do with "racism" was the show business..

Wow, that's pretty incredibly stupid.

Black face was invented because of lazy blacks? Jesus, that's a double whammy of racist horseshit.

Read it, I implore you.

The stereotype of the lazy, shuffling black, like ALL stereotypes, has its roots partly in ignorance and partly in truth. The liberated black in the southern states after the Civil War was like most people down there is the high heat and humidity, at that time with no education, no schooling. And like all stereotypes, was best exemplified in the early cartoons because they had no restrictions on honesty, seeking to portray HUMOROUSLY caricatures of the blacks, the american Indian, Japanese, Germans, cowboys, etc.

These were all caricatures of reality. Not racism. And they were damned funny and no ill will was ever meant by any of it.

Carried forward to today, the basis of ALL humor has been based in making fun of caricatures of reality, but the progressive cannot laugh at himself and so has essentially outlawed all real humor as racist now, putting comedians out of business. No one is allowed to laugh anymore, except if it is poking fun at Donald Trump.

Sorry, black face was meant to be dehumanizing. The South was built by black labor but blacks were the lazy ones? Interesting.

Then of course you just crawl back to your own personal victim hood. What a bitch.
Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

LOL, maybe cross-dressing should be banned.
Funny thing is.
British and Canadian comedic actors frequently dress the woman's part with exaggerated behavior's for comic effect. All the way back to Shakespeare.
Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Kids In The Hall.
Comic geniuses? Or misogynists?

Everyone is frankly too hutthurt these days.
Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

LOL, maybe cross-dressing should be banned.
Funny thing is.
British and Canadian comedic actors frequently dress the woman's part with exaggerated behavior's for comic effect. All the way back to Shakespeare.
Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Kids In The Hall.
Comic geniuses? Or misogynists?

Everyone is frankly too hutthurt these days.

Doesn't really have the same historical context of making fun of formerly enslaved people. But if you want to get all PC about it then be my guest.
Sorry, black face was meant to be dehumanizing.
Who did it "dehumanize?" Is that why it was freely seen on public TV by major networks just a few years back? Is that why being gay was openly criticized in the wide open as undesirable and wrong on national TV just 20 years ago?

It was a stereotype form of humor, just as Archie Bunker was. Archie Bunker was Hollywood's stereotype for the conservative, making him out as a total racist, gun nut, backward, uneducated, fearful of change has been, and that view still prevails onward to today.

Why wasn't anyone ever worried about offending or dehumanizing conservatives with a TV show BUILT around making fun of them?


Why is it "truth" when the finger is pointed at whites or conservatives, yet "racism" when pointed anywhere else?
Quit wearing your blatant hypocritical double standard on your sleeve for all to see.
Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

LOL, maybe cross-dressing should be banned.
Funny thing is.
British and Canadian comedic actors frequently dress the woman's part with exaggerated behavior's for comic effect. All the way back to Shakespeare.
Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Kids In The Hall.
Comic geniuses? Or misogynists?

Everyone is frankly too hutthurt these days.

Not everyone. Just the Snowflake Left. They have no humor. They are mean, bitter, angry people with only one thing safe they can all agree on laughing at, Donald Trump. Their laughter helps them cope with the humiliation of 2016 and helps them swallow the bitter pill of another defeat next year.
Sorry, black face was meant to be dehumanizing.
Who did it "dehumanize?" Is that why it was freely seen on public TV by major networks just a few years back? Is that why being gay was openly criticized in the wide open as undesirable and wrong on national TV just 20 years ago?

It was a stereotype form of humor, just as Archie Bunker was. Archie Bunker was Hollywood's stereotype for the conservative, making him out as a total racist, gun nut, backward, uneducated, fearful of change has been, and that view still prevails onward to today.

Why wasn't anyone ever worried about offending or dehumanizing conservatives with a TV show BUILT around making fun of them?

View attachment 280238

Why is it "truth" when the finger is pointed at whites or conservatives, yet "racism" when pointed anywhere else?
Quit wearing your blatant hypocritical double standard on your sleeve for all to see.

Archie Bunker was a gun nut?

What I'm reading is you're upset because you identify with Archie Bunker. I'm sorry. Doesn't change the meaning of black face just the same.
Getting offended only counts if you are a woman or a black these days.

LOL, maybe cross-dressing should be banned.
Funny thing is.
British and Canadian comedic actors frequently dress the woman's part with exaggerated behavior's for comic effect. All the way back to Shakespeare.
Benny Hill, Monty Python, The Kids In The Hall.
Comic geniuses? Or misogynists?

Everyone is frankly too hutthurt these days.

Doesn't really have the same historical context of making fun of formerly enslaved people. But if you want to get all PC about it then be my guest.

Far worse was done to the American Indian. Far worse was done to gays. And far far worse was done to women since time immortal, being virtual slaves to men to keep home, cook the meals, get pregnant, raise the family, be subservient to the husband to his every whim, while he went out and worked, socialized and enjoyed the fruits of the world.

History is REPLETE with injustices. People are sick of hearing Blacks whine like they are the only ones who ever fell to injustice due to a superior force. The Europeans of the 17th century were literally 10,000 years ahead of the African primitives when they found them. That is not justification or rationalization, mere definition of human behavior.

Had the Blacks been 10,000 years ahead and found primitive white man in Africa 400 years ago, THEY WOULD HAVE DONE THE EXACT SAME THING.

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