The Bipartisan Consensus Against 'Deem and Pass'


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Even Nancy Pelosi herself used to be against 'deem and pass'...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

As we slog through the week, which the White House says it expects will end with the passage of health care, all the pressure is on House Democrats. Though they previously passed a reform bill, they must now pass the moderately different Senate version, as well as a separate package through reconciliation. House Dems, apparently worried they may lack the votes to pass the Senate version, are considering using a procedural tactic call "deem and pass."

The move, which has been used by Republicans and Democrats many times previously, is nonetheless controversial because of the sheer size of health care reform. It would allow the House to pass the separate amendments package, for which it has the votes, and then simply "deem" the Senate bill to be passed. The House Rules Committee has released a memo defending the procedure, which is either a mere test balloon or a serious effort to pave the way for using the deem and pass. But pundits across the spectrum--with a couple of notable exceptions--think this is a bad idea. Here's what they're saying.

The Bipartisan Consensus Against 'Deem and Pass' | The Atlantic Wire
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How can you pass something without voting on it??

Sleight of hand in my book.
Well, back in '06 Obama said using reconciliation to pass healthcare was the sign of a POTUS in name only. He said it was against the founding principles of the country.

Rock, meet hard place.

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