The Big Short

And through all that, one (1) person went to jail, some smalltime trader somewhere.

The banks, among other things, were selling shit securities (with phony, paid-for AAA ratings) to people WHILE SHORTING THEM, THEMSELVES. That's why, towards the end of the movie, the prices of those shit securities stayed high for a long time.

That's a fucking disgrace. The banks, ridiculous derivatives and a complete refusal by Greenspan to regulate them damn near killed us.
And through all that, one (1) person went to jail, some smalltime trader somewhere.

The banks, among other things, were selling shit securities to people WHILE SHORTING THEM, THEMSELVES. That's why, towards the end of the movie, the prices of those shit securities stayed high for a long time.

That's a fucking disgrace. The banks, ridiculous derivatives and a complete refusal by Greenspan to regulate them damn near killed us.
And Paulson was our very own Baghdad Bob.
I finally got around to watching it the other day......Jeez, and I didn't think I could hate politicians and the banks anymore than I already did.

Favorite scene....Because I'm not gay. ;)

Starting under Clinton, the government forced Fannie and Freddie to buy those shit mortgages, boosting demand for them and creating an incentive to write and sell more of them.
And through all that, one (1) person went to jail, some smalltime trader somewhere.

The banks, among other things, were selling shit securities (with phony, paid-for AAA ratings) to people WHILE SHORTING THEM, THEMSELVES. That's why, towards the end of the movie, the prices of those shit securities stayed high for a long time.

That's a fucking disgrace. The banks, ridiculous derivatives and a complete refusal by Greenspan to regulate them damn near killed us.
Thanks to the Messiah, Big Ears.
And through all that, one (1) person went to jail, some smalltime trader somewhere.

The banks, among other things, were selling shit securities (with phony, paid-for AAA ratings) to people WHILE SHORTING THEM, THEMSELVES. That's why, towards the end of the movie, the prices of those shit securities stayed high for a long time.

That's a fucking disgrace. The banks, ridiculous derivatives and a complete refusal by Greenspan to regulate them damn near killed us.

The banks, among other things, were selling shit securities (with phony, paid-for AAA ratings) to people WHILE SHORTING THEM, THEMSELVES.

They can't "SHORT THEM" into thin air. They need a counterparty.
Usually another financial "professional", willing to buy a synthetic.
No you misunderstand, which is common.

You stated one person went to prison. Why? Because O protected the banks, while kicking millions out of their homes. Get it?
Actually, that was a continuation of W. , Clinton, and H.W. policy.

3 shit presidents in a row. But was W. that made the decision to bail out the banks and Obammer just

rolled with it and then some. A lot of wealth was grifted from the American people with all that.
Actually, that was a continuation of W. , Clinton, and H.W. policy.

3 shit presidents in a row. But was W. that made the decision to bail out the banks and Obammer just

rolled with it and then some.
Yet O is a man of the people.

Fucking fraud.
And through all that, one (1) person went to jail, some smalltime trader somewhere.
Thanks to the Messiah, Big Ears.
You're blaming Obama for a catastrophe that happened before he was even President.
“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”
Why didnt obama go after them?
On 15 November 2011, TRAC Reports noted that ever since TRAC had started counting these prosecutions, back in 1991, the prosecutions were now at an all-time low, down more than half since the year 2000, continuing the plunge that had started when George W. Bush entered the White House. Under President Obama, these prosecutions were about 30% below the GWB annual average. Though these prosecutions should have been at record-setting highs in the wake of the biggest orgy of financial crimes in this nation's history, which was the period leading up to the 2008 GWB-era collapse, they were instead at record-setting lows now, under Obama.
Partisan politics perverts everything. Especially markets and economics.
Yes. Thank you for proving that. You belligerent dumbfuck.
Partisan politics perverts everything. Especially markets and economics.
And what goes on between Mac1958's ears. Fuckin' gears skippin' n shit with a little mini Trump throwin' monkey wrenches into them.
“My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”
Why didnt obama go after them?
On 15 November 2011, TRAC Reports noted that ever since TRAC had started counting these prosecutions, back in 1991, the prosecutions were now at an all-time low, down more than half since the year 2000, continuing the plunge that had started when George W. Bush entered the White House. Under President Obama, these prosecutions were about 30% below the GWB annual average. Though these prosecutions should have been at record-setting highs in the wake of the biggest orgy of financial crimes in this nation's history, which was the period leading up to the 2008 GWB-era collapse, they were instead at record-setting lows now, under Obama.

Yes. Thank you for proving that. You belligerent dumbfuck.
What’s most disturbing and laughable are those who condemn Trump as a fraud and failure, yet simultaneously claim O was a good honest law abiding potus.

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