The Biden Trump Debate: Donald has fallen into his own trap!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Bad idea for Donald to lower expectations for Uncle Joe. Now he has a very low bar to clear. :)

Donald Trump will face Joe Biden within days for the first of three presidential debates, and some of the president’s supporters are already bracing for a humiliating loss.​
White House allies, Republican donors and some of Trump’s closest advisers worry that a recent, frenzied push by his top lieutenants to portray Biden as a seasoned debater — with the goal of raising expectations for the Democratic presidential nominee — is too late and too disingenuous to have an impact when the two meet on the debate stage next Tuesday.​
They worry Trump has set a trap for himself by incessantly attacking Biden’s age and mental acumen. It’s a tactic the president has maintained even as his campaign publicly insists the former vice president is fully capable of a satisfactory performance. Unlike the president, who has spuriously claimed Biden is “probably” on performance-enhancing drugs, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh attributed Biden’s “quite good” performance in past debates to the Democrat’s ability “to turn it on when the cameras come” after years of experience in politics.​
“Eight years as vice president, three decades in the Senate, two debates as vice president and he just came through about a dozen debates in the Democratic primaries where he vanquished two dozen opponents — that’s the Joe Biden we’re expecting,” Murtaugh said.​
It’s this type of expectation-setting that some of the president’s allies believe he and his campaign should have engaged in all along, an approach they’re now frustrated to see deployed so close to the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland. The Trump campaign spent the bulk of this summer questioning whether “Sleepy Joe” is fit for office and accusing the Biden campaign of trying to circumvent the traditional debates to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation for their candidate.​
“This idea of Biden not knowing how to debate is ridiculous. The more that expectations are lowered for him the worse,” said former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.​
“A lot of folks are looking for a reason to declare him the victor and now they’ll be able to use Trump’s words as a way to justify their verdict that Biden won,” added Spicer, who believes Biden “will land a punch or two” against Trump.​
Ed Rollins, a veteran GOP strategist who currently runs a pro-Trump super PAC, said the Trump campaign has “so diminished” Biden that he is virtually guaranteed to be perceived as the winner once he and Trump emerge from their first debate.​
“Biden has clearly shown he can function, the bar is low and the expectations are so low, all he has to do is exceed those expectations,” Rollins said.​

Biden will perform better than expected, I predict, so you are right that 'setting the bar low, for Biden was a mistake.
Bad idea for Donald to lower expectations for Uncle Joe. Now he has a very low bar to clear. :)

Donald Trump will face Joe Biden within days for the first of three presidential debates, and some of the president’s supporters are already bracing for a humiliating loss.​
White House allies, Republican donors and some of Trump’s closest advisers worry that a recent, frenzied push by his top lieutenants to portray Biden as a seasoned debater — with the goal of raising expectations for the Democratic presidential nominee — is too late and too disingenuous to have an impact when the two meet on the debate stage next Tuesday.​
They worry Trump has set a trap for himself by incessantly attacking Biden’s age and mental acumen. It’s a tactic the president has maintained even as his campaign publicly insists the former vice president is fully capable of a satisfactory performance. Unlike the president, who has spuriously claimed Biden is “probably” on performance-enhancing drugs, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh attributed Biden’s “quite good” performance in past debates to the Democrat’s ability “to turn it on when the cameras come” after years of experience in politics.​
“Eight years as vice president, three decades in the Senate, two debates as vice president and he just came through about a dozen debates in the Democratic primaries where he vanquished two dozen opponents — that’s the Joe Biden we’re expecting,” Murtaugh said.​
It’s this type of expectation-setting that some of the president’s allies believe he and his campaign should have engaged in all along, an approach they’re now frustrated to see deployed so close to the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland. The Trump campaign spent the bulk of this summer questioning whether “Sleepy Joe” is fit for office and accusing the Biden campaign of trying to circumvent the traditional debates to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation for their candidate.​
“This idea of Biden not knowing how to debate is ridiculous. The more that expectations are lowered for him the worse,” said former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.​
“A lot of folks are looking for a reason to declare him the victor and now they’ll be able to use Trump’s words as a way to justify their verdict that Biden won,” added Spicer, who believes Biden “will land a punch or two” against Trump.​
Ed Rollins, a veteran GOP strategist who currently runs a pro-Trump super PAC, said the Trump campaign has “so diminished” Biden that he is virtually guaranteed to be perceived as the winner once he and Trump emerge from their first debate.​
“Biden has clearly shown he can function, the bar is low and the expectations are so low, all he has to do is exceed those expectations,” Rollins said.​

Trump was singing the laurels for Biden the other night. 50 years has to mean something.
Right. Republicans are very concerned Trump will lose a debate to Biden.
Unless Wallace actively protects Biden, this will be an ass whuppin'. Biden doesn't even have the wherewithal to recite the pledge of allegiance. I actually expect that Biden to back out. He'll probably give some lame excuse about having to quarantine or something like that. Biden is a cellar dwelling chicken. Viva Trump. Keep America Great
Unless Wallace actively protects Biden, this will be an ass whuppin'. Biden doesn't even have the wherewithal to recite the pledge of allegiance. I actually expect that Biden to back out. He'll probably give some lame excuse about having to quarantine or something like that. Biden is a cellar dwelling chicken. Viva Trump. Keep America Great

Look for some real time fact checking on Putin's Puppet from Wallace.
He'll be fair and balanced, but won't let the Dotard get away with his usual whoppers.

2 days ago, Trump said he is preparing and called pedo joe a professional and said he could debate good.
Unless Wallace actively protects Biden, this will be an ass whuppin'. Biden doesn't even have the wherewithal to recite the pledge of allegiance. I actually expect that Biden to back out. He'll probably give some lame excuse about having to quarantine or something like that. Biden is a cellar dwelling chicken. Viva Trump. Keep America Great

I think it is pretty likely that Biden will get a copy of the exact questions ahead of time. They will be leaked to him in advance. I still think he will get crushed even with that advantage,
it isnt a real debate unless the audience gets to ask whatever questions they want and they have to answer right there.....that will show you how much they know....
Unless Wallace actively protects Biden, this will be an ass whuppin'. Biden doesn't even have the wherewithal to recite the pledge of allegiance. I actually expect that Biden to back out. He'll probably give some lame excuse about having to quarantine or something like that. Biden is a cellar dwelling chicken. Viva Trump. Keep America Great

I think it is pretty likely that Biden will get a copy of the exact questions ahead of time. They will be leaked to him in advance. I still think he will get crushed even with that advantage,

So Fox News is gonna leak the questions to Biden? That's HILARIOUS!! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump was singing the laurels for Biden the other night. 50 years has to mean something.

Too late - Too much Sleepy Joe BS and overconfidence. Donald is gonna get pulverized. He never practices for anything and Joe will be prepared.

Actually it's the "irrational exhuberance" of the politically aligned media that you eat that GIVES YOU "higher expectations.... It's crap you consume before your avie shits like this...

“Eight years as vice president, three decades in the Senate, two debates as vice president and he just came through about a dozen debates in the Democratic primaries where he vanquished two dozen opponents — that’s the Joe Biden we’re expecting,” Murtaugh said.

Was no "vanquishing" goin on.. The other posers (minus Gabbard and one other) were trying to "out prog" and "out virtue signal" Bernie.. Which was impossible given what all they previously had done. And the "debate" was nothing but a coke/pepsi showdown on the "Democrat brand".. In the end -- EVERY Dem prez nominee is selected on seniority and the number of Purple Stars they collected getting wounded for the party.. UNLESS -- they have outrageous "diversity points"

It's ALL ABOUT WINNING -- not vision, not leadership skills..

And you buy this stuff and crap it back it out..
Unless Wallace actively protects Biden, this will be an ass whuppin'. Biden doesn't even have the wherewithal to recite the pledge of allegiance. I actually expect that Biden to back out. He'll probably give some lame excuse about having to quarantine or something like that. Biden is a cellar dwelling chicken. Viva Trump. Keep America Great

I think it is pretty likely that Biden will get a copy of the exact questions ahead of time. They will be leaked to him in advance. I still think he will get crushed even with that advantage,

So Fox News is gonna leak the questions to Biden? That's HILARIOUS!! :auiqs.jpg:

Get it right, Qdog. Where Chris Wallace is concerned, it's FAUX news. MAGA

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