The Biden Era

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
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According to FiveThirtyEight, which is a poll that averages several leading polls, our President's current approval number is 42%. That's not very good, and it is somewhat of a mystery.

CNN reports, "The United States is rapidly approaching a major jobs milestone that highlights the historically strong economic recovery from Covid-19.

The axiom is true. Presidents, unless they do something drastic, have very little control over the economy. Nonetheless, if the economy is good, they get the credit, as in the case of Trump. If there are serious problems with the economy, the President gets the blame, as in the case of Biden.

ABC reports, "Employers posted a record 11.5 million job openings in March, meaning the United States now has an unprecedented two job openings for every person who is unemployed.

"The latest data released Tuesday by the the Bureau of Labor Statistics further reveals an extraordinarily tight labor market that has emboldened millions of Americans to seek better paying jobs, while also contributing to the biggest inflation surge in four decades."

According to CNN, 66% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.

The AP reports, "President Joe Biden on Wednesday highlighted new figures showing the government’s red ink will grow less than expected this year and the national debt will shrink this quarter as he tried to counter criticism of his economic leadership amid growing dismay over inflation going into midterm elections that will decide control of Congress.

"Biden, embracing deficit reduction as a way to fight inflation, stressed that the dip in the national debt would be the first in six years, an achievement that eluded former President Donald Trump despite his promises to improve the federal balance sheet."

Stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by half a percentage point.

"The Dow ended the day up by more than 900 points, and the S&P 500 gained almost 3 percent," NPR.

When it comes to the economy, Americans are naive.
According to FiveThirtyEight, which is a poll that averages several leading polls, our President's current approval number is 42%. That's not very good, and it is somewhat of a mystery.

CNN reports, "The United States is rapidly approaching a major jobs milestone that highlights the historically strong economic recovery from Covid-19.

The axiom is true. Presidents, unless they do something drastic, have very little control over the economy. Nonetheless, if the economy is good, they get the credit, as in the case of Trump. If there are serious problems with the economy, the President gets the blame, as in the case of Biden.

ABC reports, "Employers posted a record 11.5 million job openings in March, meaning the United States now has an unprecedented two job openings for every person who is unemployed.

"The latest data released Tuesday by the the Bureau of Labor Statistics further reveals an extraordinarily tight labor market that has emboldened millions of Americans to seek better paying jobs, while also contributing to the biggest inflation surge in four decades."

According to CNN, 66% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.

The AP reports, "President Joe Biden on Wednesday highlighted new figures showing the government’s red ink will grow less than expected this year and the national debt will shrink this quarter as he tried to counter criticism of his economic leadership amid growing dismay over inflation going into midterm elections that will decide control of Congress.

"Biden, embracing deficit reduction as a way to fight inflation, stressed that the dip in the national debt would be the first in six years, an achievement that eluded former President Donald Trump despite his promises to improve the federal balance sheet."

Stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by half a percentage point.

"The Dow ended the day up by more than 900 points, and the S&P 500 gained almost 3 percent," NPR.

When it comes to the economy, Americans are naive.
Biden's policies are economy killing so he should get full blame
Everything about this is wrong!

It is, indeed, our misfortune as Americans that we must endure Trump's legacy. How cruel is fate when the worst President in our history was granted the privilege of appointing three Supreme Court Justices.

It would appear that the Republican dominated Supreme Court will issue a minority decision sometime in June, minority meaning an unpopular decision with respect to the American people.

ABC reports, "Amid reports of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that majorities of Americans support upholding Roe, say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and -- by a wide margin -- see abortion as a decision to be made by a woman and her doctor, not by lawmakers.

"In this poll 57% of Americans oppose a ban after 15 weeks; 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases; and 54% say the court should uphold Roe, compared with 28% who say the ruling should be overturned.

In other words, 28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.

This begs a question. Many wonder how Republican women in the South feel about old, white men dictating health decisions for them ... in so doing bypassing their doctors.

We will never find out. Republicans never talk about the repercussions of decisions made by Republican leaders, and this applies to the judges chosen by Republicans.

Raising a child is no small task. It becomes far more difficult if the mother is a child, a 16-year old girl who hasn't finished school yet. Then, of course, there are other issues to consider, a pregnancy the product of rape or incest for instance.

That said, it is safe to say that poor women will die if the conservative judges void Roe.

CNN reports, "President Joe Biden on Tuesday urged Congress to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade and said a woman’s right to have an abortion is “fundamental,” but said he wasn’t ready to call for an end to the filibuster to push for abortion rights legislation."

ABC reports, "Amid fallout from a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the conservative justices “lied” to the Senate during confirmation hearings when they assured senators the case that since 1973 has allowed abortion access was settled law."

Republican Senator Susan Collins agreed, saying the testimonies of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaug were “completely inconsistent,” meaning they lied.

We know Trump led a coup attempt based on lies to overthrow our elected government. Has he also marginalized the Supreme Court?

"Leaking a draft SCOTUS ruling is worse than January 6th. The Court was the one institution where conservatives and liberals lived in peace and trust," wrote right-wing commentator Mike Cernovich. "You disagreed but the trust was sacred. This completely destroys the Court's inner workings. Totally in shock right now."

Vladimir Putin helped Trump become President in 2016. Is he now getting his wish? Has Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, done serious damage to the American government, a dream come true in Putin's mind?

Republicans expect to win control of Congress in November.
According to FiveThirtyEight, which is a poll that averages several leading polls, our President's current approval number is 42%. That's not very good, and it is somewhat of a mystery.

CNN reports, "The United States is rapidly approaching a major jobs milestone that highlights the historically strong economic recovery from Covid-19.

The axiom is true. Presidents, unless they do something drastic, have very little control over the economy. Nonetheless, if the economy is good, they get the credit, as in the case of Trump. If there are serious problems with the economy, the President gets the blame, as in the case of Biden.

ABC reports, "Employers posted a record 11.5 million job openings in March, meaning the United States now has an unprecedented two job openings for every person who is unemployed.

"The latest data released Tuesday by the the Bureau of Labor Statistics further reveals an extraordinarily tight labor market that has emboldened millions of Americans to seek better paying jobs, while also contributing to the biggest inflation surge in four decades."

According to CNN, 66% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.

The AP reports, "President Joe Biden on Wednesday highlighted new figures showing the government’s red ink will grow less than expected this year and the national debt will shrink this quarter as he tried to counter criticism of his economic leadership amid growing dismay over inflation going into midterm elections that will decide control of Congress.15

"Biden, embracing deficit reduction as a way to fight inflation, stressed that the dip in the national debt would be the first in six years, an achievement that eluded former President Donald Trump despite his promises to improve the federal balance sheet."

Stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by half a percentage point.

"The Dow ended the day up by more than 900 points, and the S&P 500 gained almost 3 percent," NPR.

When it comes to the economy, Americans are naive.
It's taken Brandon 15 months to take America from the penthouse to the outhouse. CNN Polls are a joke. His real approval rating is near Nixonian levels.
Everything about this is wrong!

It is, indeed, our misfortune as Americans that we must endure Trump's legacy. How cruel is fate when the worst President in our history was granted the privilege of appointing three Supreme Court Justices.

It would appear that the Republican dominated Supreme Court will issue a minority decision sometime in June, minority meaning an unpopular decision with respect to the American people.

ABC reports, "Amid reports of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that majorities of Americans support upholding Roe, say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and -- by a wide margin -- see abortion as a decision to be made by a woman and her doctor, not by lawmakers.

"In this poll 57% of Americans oppose a ban after 15 weeks; 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases; and 54% say the court should uphold Roe, compared with 28% who say the ruling should be overturned.

In other words, 28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.

This begs a question. Many wonder how Republican women in the South feel about old, white men dictating health decisions for them ... in so doing bypassing their doctors.

We will never find out. Republicans never talk about the repercussions of decisions made by Republican leaders, and this applies to the judges chosen by Republicans.

Raising a child is no small task. It becomes far more difficult if the mother is a child, a 16-year old girl who hasn't finished school yet. Then, of course, there are other issues to consider, a pregnancy the product of rape or incest for instance.

That said, it is safe to say that poor women will die if the conservative judges void Roe.

CNN reports, "President Joe Biden on Tuesday urged Congress to pass legislation codifying Roe v. Wade and said a woman’s right to have an abortion is “fundamental,” but said he wasn’t ready to call for an end to the filibuster to push for abortion rights legislation."

ABC reports, "Amid fallout from a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the conservative justices “lied” to the Senate during confirmation hearings when they assured senators the case that since 1973 has allowed abortion access was settled law."

Republican Senator Susan Collins agreed, saying the testimonies of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaug were “completely inconsistent,” meaning they lied.

We know Trump led a coup attempt based on lies to overthrow our elected government. Has he also marginalized the Supreme Court?

"Leaking a draft SCOTUS ruling is worse than January 6th. The Court was the one institution where conservatives and liberals lived in peace and trust," wrote right-wing commentator Mike Cernovich. "You disagreed but the trust was sacred. This completely destroys the Court's inner workings. Totally in shock right now."

Vladimir Putin helped Trump become President in 2016. Is he now getting his wish? Has Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, done serious damage to the American government, a dream come true in Putin's mind?

Republicans expect to win control of Congress in November.
The worse president is in the white house right now.
To save yourself some stress look and see if you can find the right to an abortion in the constitution. If you can't it's a 10th amendment issue a states right issue.
It's taken Brandon 15 months to take America from the penthouse to the outhouse. CNN Polls are a joke. His real approval rating is near Nixonian levels.
It's taken Biden 15 months to take us from 15% unemployment under the GOP to 4% unemployment. You must be high or something.

Stick to the "Sports" sub-forum where your posts actually don't suck dick.
"Leaking a draft SCOTUS ruling is worse than January 6th. The Court was the one institution where conservatives and liberals lived in peace and trust," wrote right-wing commentator Mike Cernovich. "You disagreed but the trust was sacred. This completely destroys the Court's inner workings. Totally in shock right now."

“The conservative majority on the court has a fundamental right to choose when they want to release a decision into the world. Imagine having some random person violate your privacy and make that choice for you. Who would do such a thing?” — TREVOR NOAH
28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.
Everything about this is wrong.

"In Samuel Alito’s draft of the opinion that is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, the conservative justice makes a familiar argument about the ruling that he seeks to overturn: that Roe was a poorly reasoned decision that isn’t based on anything in the U.S. Constitution," Slate.

Justice Alito argued, "The Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one." That argument is spurious, and, quite honestly, it is a foolish statement to make.

Our Constitution stresses basic American freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom to assemble, and so on.

The freedom to make decisions regarding one's own health is a given. Much like the freedom to breathe air, the Framers never considered the freedom of health.

However, in the case of pregnancies, Republicans think the state should make health decisions for women. It is why three judges appointed by Trump favor the expiration of Roe.

The Catholic Church opposes abortion. Evangelicals, a dominant religion in the southern states, opposes abortion.

The idea that a human being is created at the point of conception is a religious belief. Republicans think they can impose religious beliefs upon others.

States like Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma that passed highly restrictive laws regarding abortion are defying reality and marginalizing their own religious beliefs. According to these states it is okay to kill a human being in the womb if it is within the parameters set by the state, be it six weeks, fifteen weeks, or whatever.

If the Republicans via their court appointed judges deny women the ability to make their own health decisions, what cherished freedoms will be next?

The freedom of free elections, for example. If Republican state officials do not like the result of an election, will the state change the result? We then head down the road of tyranny, and, thanks to Russian sponsored President Trump (2016 election), Vladimir Putin would be enormously pleased.

The Biden Era​

"In this poll 57% of Americans oppose a ban after 15 weeks; 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases; and 54% say the court should uphold Roe, compared with 28% who say the ruling should be overturned.
Justice Samuel Alito, author of leaked indictment of Roe vs. Wade, ducked a conference of his colleagues.

The Guardian reports, "The conservative justice has bailed on a conference of senior judges Thursday in New Orleans, Reuters reports, just three days after his opinion indicating the high court would overturn its landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that guaranteed the right to abortion nationwide was leaked.

"According to the news agency, Alito had been set to appear at the 5th US circuit court of appeals’ judicial conference, a gathering of judges from the New Orleans-based federal appeals court and the district courts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, a person familiar with the matter said.

"But he has since canceled, the person said, and Patricia McCabe, a spokesperson for the supreme court, said he was not attending. No reason was given for why Alito was not going."

An educated guess can easily be made, and it would explain why Alito doesn't want to talk about it.

Overturning Roe is very unpopular with Americans. Also, Alito's colleagues may take exception to the fact that he favors criminalizing a medical procedure on the state level. Indeed, that has already been done some southern states.

Overturning Roe is so unpopular even several Republicans are opposed to it. They didn't want to talk about it.

Slate reports, "It is difficult to describe what an achievement the overturning of Roe v. Wade would be for the conservative movement. It is, more than maybe any other issue, foundational to the movement itself."

That said, however, "Leading Republicans on Tuesday preferred to make the story of Politico’s bombshell publication of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade not about the elimination of the right to an abortion. They tried to divert attention to the scandalous leak of that news itself."

This is how the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell described the leak. "“Liberals want to rip the blindfold off Lady Justice. They want to override impartiality with intimidation. They want to elevate mob rule over the rule of law. This lawless action should be investigated and punished to the fullest extent possible.”

There was nothing about the conservative accomplishment enabled by the Supreme Court which will allow states to criminalize abortion, which some southern states have done already. Some states are considering the possibility of bringing criminal charges against a woman who got an abortion.

Little wonder as to why Republicans are not celebrating. This kind of thing can have a dramatic effect on the November elections, and Republicans want to hush up their achievement.
The conservative accomplishment enabled by the Supreme Court which will allow states to criminalize abortion, which some southern states have done already. Some states are considering the possibility of bringing criminal charges against a woman who got an abortion.
Criminalizing abortion, including the patient, has already started.

The Post reports, "Republicans in the Louisiana House advanced a bill Wednesday that would classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutors to criminally charge patients, with supporters citing a draft opinion leaked this week showing the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.

"The legislation, which passed through a committee on a 7-to-2 vote, goes one step further than other antiabortion bans that have gained momentum in recent years, which focus on punishing abortion providers and others who help facilitate the procedure. Experts say the bill could also restrict in vitro fertilization and emergency contraception because it would grant constitutional rights to a person “from the moment of fertilization.”

CNN reports, "Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill Thursday criminalizing abortion-inducing drugs that are provided via mail.

"The measure, known as HB2416, establishes criminal penalties for offenders, but would not apply to the patient who was provided the abortion drugs."

Praise the Lord, Tennessee is not charging the patient with a crime.

Are Republicans proud of their accomplishment?

There is a better question. Have Republicans, overcome with religious fanaticism, gone nuts?
The idea that a human being is created at the point of conception is a religious belief. Republicans think they can impose religious beliefs upon others.
Three-quarters of white evangelicals say abortion should be illegal, with half (53%) allowing for exceptions and 21 percent saying it should be banned in all cases. White evangelicals were more likely than other faith groups and twice as likely as Americans overall to say abortion should be illegal.

White evangelicals are predominantly found in the southern states. The rural counties of the South form the base of the Republican Party.

Fox News reports, "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said it is "possible" abortion will be banned nationwide if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade this summer.

"During an interview with USA Today, published Friday, McConnell suggested a national abortion ban could happen.

"When asked if a conversation on a national abortion ban is worthy of debate, the senator said federal restrictions on the procedure are possible."

"If the leaked opinion became the final opinion, legislative bodies – not only at the state level but at the federal level – certainly could legislate in that area," McConnell said.

McConnell, a savvy politician is laying the groundwork for a federal ban on abortion in the event Republicans gain control of Congress in November.

Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Republicans will remain silent about all of this just as they have done all week. For proof, scan this thread. Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing.
Three-quarters of white evangelicals say abortion should be illegal, with half (53%) allowing for exceptions and 21 percent saying it should be banned in all cases. White evangelicals were more likely than other faith groups and twice as likely as Americans overall to say abortion should be illegal.
White evangelicals are predominantly found in the southern states. The rural counties of the South form the base of the Republican Party.
Fox News reports, "Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said it is "possible" abortion will be banned nationwide if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade this summer.
"During an interview with USA Today, published Friday, McConnell suggested a national abortion ban could happen.
"When asked if a conversation on a national abortion ban is worthy of debate, the senator said federal restrictions on the procedure are possible."
"If the leaked opinion became the final opinion, legislative bodies – not only at the state level but at the federal level – certainly could legislate in that area," McConnell said.
McConnell, a savvy politician is laying the groundwork for a federal ban on abortion in the event Republicans gain control of Congress in November.
Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.
Republicans will remain silent about all of this just as they have done all week. For proof, scan this thread. Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing.
1. The USSC is NOT banning all abortions. The USSC may say that "abortions" is NOT covered in the US Constitution, and so goes to the States for legalities.
2. Many states will have unrestricted abortions.
3. Many states will have some restrictions on abortions.
4. That's the way the US Constitution is written, as interpreted by the USSC.

Any questions?
Republicans want to impose an unpopular religious belief on the majority of Americans who do not share that belief.

Republicans will remain silent about all of this just as they have done all week. For proof, scan this thread. Republicans do not talk about what their party is doing.
As expected, no response from the forum's Republicans. They don't have the intellect to respond rationally. They have proven that on this thread.
As expected, no response from the forum's Republicans. They don't have the intellect to respond rationally. They have proven that on this thread.
What part of "Abortions are not covered by the US Constitution, so they are governed by STATE LAWS" don't you understand?
Its not that difficult a decision. Really, its not complicated. Re-read my post #16 again before whining about Republicans.
This is the leader of the Republican Party. He is the leading Republican candidate for the Presidency in 2024. Most Republicans seeking office in November want his endorsement.

The Guardian reports, "Given a chance to address whether he contemplated firing missiles at Mexico, as his ex-defense secretary writes in a new memoir, Donald Trump avoided the issue, instead attacking his former cabinet member as “weak and ineffective”.

"Trump, in a written statement to CBS’s 60 Minutes, said he had “no comment” when asked whether he ever asked ex-defense secretary Mark Esper about sending “missiles into Mexico” to destroy drug cartel labs in the country, which Esper claimed in a memoir published this week.
"And having passed on confirming or disputing Esper’s recollections, the former president instead mocked his second and last secretary of defense by calling him “Yesper”, among other things, resorting to bombast Trump has used before whenever faced with unfavorable facts."

“Mark Esper was weak and totally ineffective, and because of it, I had to run the military,” Trump’s statement to 60 Minutes boasted. “He was a lightweight and figurehead, and I realized it very early on.

“I fired Yesper because he was a Rino (Republican in name only) incapable of leading, and I had to run the military myself.”

Little wonder as to why Republicans avoid discussing Donald Trump.
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