The Biden administration could sidestep McConnell's refusal to pay off America's bills by minting a $1 trillion platinum coin


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Now here's an old/new idea. 1 trillion dollar coin and f'k Congress.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has firmly dug in on refusing GOP help to renew the US's ability to pay off its bills, known as the debt ceiling. Instead, the Kentucky Republican said it's up to Democrats to raise it in order to finance their social spending plans on healthcare, education, and childcare. He insists he's not "bluffing."
But the conundrum could have a coin-sized solution. A loophole in the law that prescribes the types of coins that can legally be minted in the US theoretically allows the Treasury Department to mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then continue paying its bills as normal.
In the Obama era, several economists and commenters noted a potential workaround to the debt limit. The law that governs the types of coins that the Treasury Department is legally allowed to mint includes descriptions of typical coins like dimes, nickels, and quarters, as well as special commemorative and collectors' coins, like a palladium $25 coin.

The law includes this clause: "The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time."
That clause leaves it up to the Treasury Secretary to decide on the denomination for a platinum coin, meaning in theory, Yellen could carve out the amount required and Congress could get on with more pressing business.
Of course, Treasury officials have long ruled out using the trillion-dollar platinum coin as a solution to the debt ceiling, arguing that Congress should do its job and raise the ceiling itself.
To start with platinum is $949.65/oz USD at the moment I write this. To arbitrarily assign a value other than that is nonsense. The damn thing might just as well be printed on copy paper or stamped from aluminum.
Call this the Weimar or Zimbabwe option. first might appear so. Of course, the whole idea of fiat the fiat, right?
Would it be inflationary? Given that it wouldn't be in circulation, as it were...and the release of the funds based on the coin would be indistinguishable from the normal spending by the Fed.--probably not--Now, is it good idea to end-run Congress?
No matter how satisfying--probably not~
Republicans have no problem with weaponizing the rule book when it suits them. If that's what it takes to keep them from holding the nation hostage again it should be done. first might appear so. Of course, the whole idea of fiat the fiat, right?
Would it be inflationary? Given that it wouldn't be in circulation, as it were...and the release of the funds based on the coin would be indistinguishable from the normal spending by the Fed.--probably not--Now, is it good idea to end-run Congress?
No matter how satisfying--probably not~
During uncertain times, coins that are clad will be worth more then paper money for a while until people wise up. Coins that are precious money will dominate over paper money after they wise up from clad coins. people will barter and trade with the value of the precious metal and not what is printed on the coin. The banker elites who own the rights to print the currencies in many countries will most likely to attempt a digital currency replacing all paper currencies and coins blaming the massive downturn or any troubles on those instruments of exchange in any way. They then can hide inflation and other defects from the fiat currency weaknesses even with certain groups of people around the globe suffering for it.
Republicans will make a big showing of not raising the debt ceiling.

Eventually, they'll raise the debt ceiling.

Happens every year.
Perhaps so, but the stagflation is smelling pretty bad. And since the Federal Reserve can not raise interest rates to double digits to erase bad debts, this is going to continue with people in all ways domestically and internationally going to get screwed over. We see it in parts of the world with endless numbers of people trying to enter nations from hellholes that we are not allowed to call hellholes.
Every time Leftists Sidestep common this trillion $ coin nonsense, dumb idea.....something bad happens.....why does the Left hate women so much ???

Taliban-Run Kabul Municipality to Female Workers: Stay Home​

Female employees in the Kabul city government have been told to stay home, with work only allowed for those who cannot be replaced by men, the interim mayor of Afghanistan's capital said Sunday, detailing the latest restrictions on women by the new Taliban rulers.

The decision to prevent most female city workers from returning to their jobs is another sign that the Taliban, who overran Kabul last month, are enforcing their harsh interpretation of Islam despite initial promises by some that they would be tolerant and inclusive. In their previous rule in the 1990s, the Taliban had barred girls and women from schools, jobs and public life.

In recent days, the new Taliban government issued several decrees rolling back the rights of girls and women. It told female middle- and high school students that they could not return to school for the time being, while boys in those grades resumed studies this weekend. Female university students were informed that studies would take place in gender-segregated settings from now on, and that they must abide by a strict Islamic dress code. Under the U.S.-backed government deposed by the Taliban, university studies had been co-ed, for the most part.
Off topic.
Republicans have no problem with weaponizing the rule book when it suits them. If that's what it takes to keep them from holding the nation hostage again it should be done.
I keep seeing these ignorant posts by Democrats.
Everything you just said is essentially what the Democrats are doing now.
Holding the nation hostage to whatever COVID BS they can dream up.
What do you think mask mandates and lock downs were designed for, you fucking nimrod???
And all of that spending is going on because the Democrats are using a crisis to pass all of their pet projects.

The top goals of the Dem/Communist Party:

  • Raise the debt
  • Ruin the economy
  • Decimate the military
  • Pass federal election reform
  • Pass amnesty for 30 million illegals
  • Pass and institute Black reparations
  • Turn everyone against white people/Republicans so they become targets....and eventually statistics
  • Cause a race-war or a purge
  • End private ownership of all businesses and property
  • Create starvation
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OH! The IRONY !!!!

So severe it requires an anesthetic

AKA....The lunatics are running the asylum
Refusing to pay for stuff that has already been approved by congress is stupid and has never worked out for the republicans but they seem to really like holding a gun to the nation's credit rating.
I keep seeing these ignorant posts by Democrats.
Everything you just said is essentially what the Democrats are doing now.
Holding the nation hostage to whatever COVID BS they can dream up.
What do you think mask mandates and lock downs were designed for, you fucking nimrod???
Look up what Nimrod means.
I keep seeing these ignorant posts by Democrats.
Everything you just said is essentially what the Democrats are doing now.
Holding the nation hostage to whatever COVID BS they can dream up.
What do you think mask mandates and lock downs were designed for, you fucking nimrod???
And all of that spending is going on because the Democrats are using a crisis to pass all of their pet projects.

The top goals of the Dem/Communist Party:

  • Raise the debt
  • Ruin the economy
  • Decimate the military
  • Pass federal election reform
  • Pass amnesty for 30 million illegals
  • Pass and institute Black reparations
  • Turn everyone against white people/Republicans so they become targets....and eventually statistics
  • Cause a race-war or a purge
  • End private ownership of all businesses and property
  • Create starvation
  1. Collective or state ownership of capital: capital resources such as money, property and other physical assets are owned by the State. There is no (or very little) private ownership.
  2. Inputs and outputs are determined by the State: the State has an elaborate planning mechanism in place that determines the level and proportions of inputs to be devoted to producing goods and services. Local planning authorities are handed 1 year, 5 year, 10 year or, in the case of China, up to 25-year plans. The local authorities then implement these plans by meeting with State Owned Enterprises, whereby further plans are developed specific to the business. Inputs are allocated according to the plans and output targets are set.
  3. Labor is allocated according to state plans: in a command planning economy, there is no choice of profession; when a child is in school (from a very early age), a streaming system allocates people into designated industries.
  4. Private ownership is not possible: under a command planning system an individual cannot own shares, real estate, or any other form of physical or non-physical asset. People are allocated residences by the State.
  5. Prices and paying for goods and services: prices are regulated entirely by the State with little regard for the actual costs of production. Often a currencydoes not exist in a command planning economy and when it does, its main purpose is for accounting. Instead of paying for goods and services when you need to buy them, you are allocated goods and services. This is often also called rationing.
More tax cuts for the billionaires will get that debt paid off in no time.
Uh....the purpose of all of this massive spending is to raise the paying the debt isn't ever going to happen.
No.....they'll just use the debt to raise taxes so they can stifle the economy and cause another economic collapse.
Now here's an old/new idea. 1 trillion dollar coin and f'k Congress.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has firmly dug in on refusing GOP help to renew the US's ability to pay off its bills, known as the debt ceiling. Instead, the Kentucky Republican said it's up to Democrats to raise it in order to finance their social spending plans on healthcare, education, and childcare. He insists he's not "bluffing."
But the conundrum could have a coin-sized solution. A loophole in the law that prescribes the types of coins that can legally be minted in the US theoretically allows the Treasury Department to mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then continue paying its bills as normal.
In the Obama era, several economists and commenters noted a potential workaround to the debt limit. The law that governs the types of coins that the Treasury Department is legally allowed to mint includes descriptions of typical coins like dimes, nickels, and quarters, as well as special commemorative and collectors' coins, like a palladium $25 coin.

The law includes this clause: "The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time."
That clause leaves it up to the Treasury Secretary to decide on the denomination for a platinum coin, meaning in theory, Yellen could carve out the amount required and Congress could get on with more pressing business.
Of course, Treasury officials have long ruled out using the trillion-dollar platinum coin as a solution to the debt ceiling, arguing that Congress should do its job and raise the ceiling itself.

So is granny gonna get some platinum shavings in the mail instead of a social security checks?
This possibility came up in 2013 - Not very likely.


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