The biased liberal media is at it again


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Shoveling the ashes
NBC, CBS, and ABC Highlight Sanford's GOP Label; Downplayed Label For Disgraced Dem
In a 2008 study of evening and morning network newscasts following the Spitzer scandal, NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes found that within the first week of news coverage Spitzer was only identified as a Democrat 20% of the time. However, within the first 24 hours of Sanford’s confession to having an affair, he was identified as a Republican 100% of the time, during coverage on all the networks.
I suppose in the MSM's eyes, cheating on your wife isn't as bad if you pay a hooker for it and you are a democrat.
Quite telling.
The way I see it, the media likes to make a much larger deal out these things than they need to. Especially when it involves conservatives. Imagine a hypothetical situation. Barney Frank is having a relationship with a another man who is running a prostitution ring out of Barneys Washington residence, would the media make a huge story out of it? Oh wait that already happened, oops.
I think whats worse is delibritely mis-labeling people's party to save your own skin. Fox has gotten really good at that over the years....
NBC, CBS, and ABC Highlight Sanford's GOP Label; Downplayed Label For Disgraced Dem
In a 2008 study of evening and morning network newscasts following the Spitzer scandal, NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes found that within the first week of news coverage Spitzer was only identified as a Democrat 20% of the time. However, within the first 24 hours of Sanford’s confession to having an affair, he was identified as a Republican 100% of the time, during coverage on all the networks.
I suppose in the MSM's eyes, cheating on your wife isn't as bad if you pay a hooker for it and you are a democrat.
Quite telling.

In school, I took a coupole classes in Journalism. One of the ethics classes pointed out that many times an article about a crime would indentify the alleged criminal as "Elmer jones, black, ..." and then go on to realte the facts of the story.

To the reporters and editors who published this kind of stuff, there was no problem here. That Elmer Jones was a black man seemed like an integral part of the story when in truth it was only an integral part of their own prejudice.

Does anyone else see a parallel?
NBC, CBS, and ABC Highlight Sanford's GOP Label; Downplayed Label For Disgraced Dem
In a 2008 study of evening and morning network newscasts following the Spitzer scandal, NewsBusters’ Rich Noyes found that within the first week of news coverage Spitzer was only identified as a Democrat 20% of the time. However, within the first 24 hours of Sanford’s confession to having an affair, he was identified as a Republican 100% of the time, during coverage on all the networks.
I suppose in the MSM's eyes, cheating on your wife isn't as bad if you pay a hooker for it and you are a democrat.
Quite telling.

In school, I took a coupole classes in Journalism. One of the ethics classes pointed out that many times an article about a crime would indentify the alleged criminal as "Elmer jones, black, ..." and then go on to realte the facts of the story.

To the reporters and editors who published this kind of stuff, there was no problem here. That Elmer Jones was a black man seemed like an integral part of the story when in truth it was only an integral part of their own prejudice.

Does anyone else see a parallel?

I always noticed that too, and wondered why they didn't say "Elmer Fudd, a white man from Kokomo..."
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