The best solution for Israel and Arabic illegal immigrants, so-called "Palestinians".


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?
Winston Churchill, Secretary of Palestine, to British House of Commons, 1939...
The Jews had Palestine before that "indigenous population" [the Arabs] came in and inhabited it

So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.
Winston Churchill, Secretary of Palestine, to British House of Commons, 1939...
The Jews had Palestine before that "indigenous population" [the Arabs] came in and inhabited it

So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population.

Arabs have two or more wifes and twenty children, Jews have only one or two. Additional most of Arabs are illegal immigrants in Israel. Islam performs Demographic Jihad against Jews, the Country of Israel was given Jews by God.Only Jews have the Right to posses it.

They already have their home state. It's called Jordan.
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.


And neither does the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.

We have to deal with this. Not pretend it is not there.
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Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

1 problem, none of the Arab countries are interested in taking them.
^ That was then, this is now.

You think to deal with the Palestinians as Truman dealt with the Japanese?
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


That isn't to do with whether the EU wants Israel to join. It has to do with settlements which mean a Palestinian State is impossible and more, because Merkel was given the impression by Netanyahu that if she went against the Palestinians with their UN vote there would be no more settlement buildings. She had had talks with Abbas and believed that it would then be possible to get genuine peace talks happening.

When French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed in his speech to the General Assembly that the PA's status be upgraded to that of non-member observer state, Netanyahu's advisers asked senior German officials to object to the idea.

Due to the tense relations between the Palestinians and the United States, Germany was almost unique among Israel's allies in its ability to influence the Palestinians, and therefore it was Germany that Israel asked to pressure Abbas to renew negotiations.

Merkel phoned Abbas Monday to demand that he immediately return to the negotiating table.

When Merkel asked Abbas what it would take for him to resume talks with the Israelis, Abbas urged Merkel to ask Netanyahu to give the Germans or the Americans a guarantee to freeze construction in the settlements for a three-month period, during which talks on borders and security could take place.

"I don't need him to say so publicly, I need him not to embarrass us," Abbas told Merkel. Shortly after the conversation the message was conveyed to Netanyahu, however the latter did not respond.

One day after Merkel spoke to Abbas, she found out that Israel had approved the Gilo construction project. In what was described as a "furious" phone call, she spoke with Netanyahu on Friday.

Israel and Germany in unprecedented diplomatic crisis over Jerusalem construction - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

But as for joining the EU according to Robert Fist, David Cronin says she already is in all but name!

"Israel has developed such strong political and economic ties to the EU over the past decade that it has become a member state of the union in all but name." Indeed, it was Javier Solana, the grubby top dog of the EU's foreign policy (formerly Nato secretary general), who actually said last year that "Israel, allow me to say, is a member of the European Union without being a member of the institution".

Robert Fisk: Israel has crept into the EU without anyone noticing - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


That isn't to do with whether the EU wants Israel to join. It has to do with settlements which mean a Palestinian State is impossible and more, because Merkel was given the impression by Netanyahu that if she went against the Palestinians with their UN vote there would be no more settlement buildings. She had had talks with Abbas and believed that it would then be possible to get genuine peace talks happening.

When French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed in his speech to the General Assembly that the PA's status be upgraded to that of non-member observer state, Netanyahu's advisers asked senior German officials to object to the idea.

Due to the tense relations between the Palestinians and the United States, Germany was almost unique among Israel's allies in its ability to influence the Palestinians, and therefore it was Germany that Israel asked to pressure Abbas to renew negotiations.

Merkel phoned Abbas Monday to demand that he immediately return to the negotiating table.

When Merkel asked Abbas what it would take for him to resume talks with the Israelis, Abbas urged Merkel to ask Netanyahu to give the Germans or the Americans a guarantee to freeze construction in the settlements for a three-month period, during which talks on borders and security could take place.

"I don't need him to say so publicly, I need him not to embarrass us," Abbas told Merkel. Shortly after the conversation the message was conveyed to Netanyahu, however the latter did not respond.

One day after Merkel spoke to Abbas, she found out that Israel had approved the Gilo construction project. In what was described as a "furious" phone call, she spoke with Netanyahu on Friday.

Israel and Germany in unprecedented diplomatic crisis over Jerusalem construction - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

But as for joining the EU according to Robert Fist, David Cronin says she already is in all but name!

"Israel has developed such strong political and economic ties to the EU over the past decade that it has become a member state of the union in all but name." Indeed, it was Javier Solana, the grubby top dog of the EU's foreign policy (formerly Nato secretary general), who actually said last year that "Israel, allow me to say, is a member of the European Union without being a member of the institution".

Robert Fisk: Israel has crept into the EU without anyone noticing - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Can you tell us what nation other than the Jewish nation has ever been established in Israel during the last 3000 years?
No, I didn't think you could. :lol:

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time magazine's 100 heroes and pioneers whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world",28804,1975813_1975847_1976751,00.html.

I believe that any nation that grants equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or gender, thereby, establishes its moral legitimacy. According to this principle, Israel stands alone in the Middle East region, as a nation with moral legitimacy: it grants all citizens equal rights for men and women alike, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech and of the press. Not a single Arab or Muslim country in the surrounding region does the same. Nor do any of those Arab and Muslim nations allow their citizens personal freedom, or the right to maintain and express opposing points of view.

A Palestinian women's organization reported that Muslim men perpetrate some 40 honor killings annually in the West Bank alone, not including the vast majority of honor killing and abuse of women that go unreported -- as Islamic society maintains secrecy in upholding the popular belief that those "cursed with a sin, [should] hide it."

These essential qualities of life provide oxygen for the human soul; they are the kind of basic nourishment that is desperately missing in all of Israel's Muslim neighbors. Yet, the so-called humanitarian aid organizations at the United Nations direct all their energy to act against anything and everything Israel does. Let me ask: as every human being deserves to live in dignity, why has an enormous unbalanced portion of global aid gone mostly to Palestinians, while millions of underprivileged people all over the world suffer genuine, life-threatening deprivation?

Here is why: The United Nations time and again focuses its power on the perpetual manufacturing of false anti-Israel accusations. Painting Palestinians as perennial underdogs provides the perfect cover for their subversive effort. Without doubt, this trend encourages hatred and violence against the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere else. And that is exactly its point.

Those who love liberty and life will strengthen their ties and warm relations with Israel, and stand with her. Israel will continue to shine its light among all nations.
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They already have their home state. It's called Jordan.
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?


I know this river, it's very nice.
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


And neither does the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.

We have to deal with this. Not pretend it is not there.

Not EU, but corrupted pro-Islam EU- politicians, Israel should be allow to join EU_ otherwise Arabs will take it over due to their immense birth rates.
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

1 problem, none of the Arab countries are interested in taking them.

Understandably no one serious country need this gang of gangsters.Probably it would be better if Israel will begin to force all illegal immigrants to leave the country.
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


That isn't to do with whether the EU wants Israel to join. It has to do with settlements which mean a Palestinian State is impossible and more, because Merkel was given the impression by Netanyahu that if she went against the Palestinians with their UN vote there would be no more settlement buildings. She had had talks with Abbas and believed that it would then be possible to get genuine peace talks happening.

When French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed in his speech to the General Assembly that the PA's status be upgraded to that of non-member observer state, Netanyahu's advisers asked senior German officials to object to the idea.

Due to the tense relations between the Palestinians and the United States, Germany was almost unique among Israel's allies in its ability to influence the Palestinians, and therefore it was Germany that Israel asked to pressure Abbas to renew negotiations.

Merkel phoned Abbas Monday to demand that he immediately return to the negotiating table.

When Merkel asked Abbas what it would take for him to resume talks with the Israelis, Abbas urged Merkel to ask Netanyahu to give the Germans or the Americans a guarantee to freeze construction in the settlements for a three-month period, during which talks on borders and security could take place.

"I don't need him to say so publicly, I need him not to embarrass us," Abbas told Merkel. Shortly after the conversation the message was conveyed to Netanyahu, however the latter did not respond.

One day after Merkel spoke to Abbas, she found out that Israel had approved the Gilo construction project. In what was described as a "furious" phone call, she spoke with Netanyahu on Friday.

Israel and Germany in unprecedented diplomatic crisis over Jerusalem construction - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

But as for joining the EU according to Robert Fist, David Cronin says she already is in all but name!

"Israel has developed such strong political and economic ties to the EU over the past decade that it has become a member state of the union in all but name." Indeed, it was Javier Solana, the grubby top dog of the EU's foreign policy (formerly Nato secretary general), who actually said last year that "Israel, allow me to say, is a member of the European Union without being a member of the institution".

Robert Fisk: Israel has crept into the EU without anyone noticing - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Someone can say that my dishwasher belongs in my bedroom.

Yet, it is still in my kitchen and likely to stay there.

I will believe that the EU wants Israel in anything when they begin to show a true support of Israel.

Until then, not so much alexa. Words are words. :)
Can you figure out that more as 10 millions illegal immigrants from Mexico demand own State in the US and blow daily lot of bombs somewhere in L.A., D.C. or NYC?The similar situation has been happened in Israel where Arabic countries sent millions of illegal Arabic immigrants as weapons against Israel.
Probably a good solution could be if Arabic countries take back their breathers or sisters, and Israel get huge territorials stolen by Arabs back. It would be good if Israel will join EU, thoughts?

The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


And neither does the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.

We have to deal with this. Not pretend it is not there.

Not EU, but corrupted pro-Islam EU- politicians, Israel should be allow to join EU_ otherwise Arabs will take it over due to their immense birth rates.

Sounds like you have been reading the same material as Breivik. All seems to come back to the supposed expert Bat Ye'or who does not even have a University degree. Enjoy your nightmares but Europe is doing fine.
The EU does not want Israel.

AFP: EU says Israel flouting settlement 'obligations'


And neither does the Palestinian Authority or Hamas.

We have to deal with this. Not pretend it is not there.

Not EU, but corrupted pro-Islam EU- politicians, Israel should be allow to join EU_ otherwise Arabs will take it over due to their immense birth rates.

Sounds like you have been reading the same material as Breivik. All seems to come back to the supposed expert Bat Ye'or who does not even have a University degree. Enjoy your nightmares but Europe is doing fine.

Bat Yeor is educated enough for Bernard Lewis, the foremost historian and Islamic scholar, who has quoted her.

You, not so much.
Not EU, but corrupted pro-Islam EU- politicians, Israel should be allow to join EU_ otherwise Arabs will take it over due to their immense birth rates.

Sounds like you have been reading the same material as Breivik. All seems to come back to the supposed expert Bat Ye'or who does not even have a University degree. Enjoy your nightmares but Europe is doing fine.

Bat Yeor is educated enough for Bernard Lewis, the foremost historian and Islamic scholar, who has quoted her.

You, not so much.

No educational qualifications not even a University degree. Do you understand how someone becomes an expert?
Sounds like you have been reading the same material as Breivik. All seems to come back to the supposed expert Bat Ye'or who does not even have a University degree. Enjoy your nightmares but Europe is doing fine.

Bat Yeor is educated enough for Bernard Lewis, the foremost historian and Islamic scholar, who has quoted her.

You, not so much.

No educational qualifications not even a University degree. Do you understand how someone becomes an expert?

Bat Yeor is widely considered the foremost authority on dhimmitude in Islamic history
Bat Yeor is educated enough for Bernard Lewis, the foremost historian and Islamic scholar, who has quoted her.

You, not so much.

No educational qualifications not even a University degree. Do you understand how someone becomes an expert?

Bat Yeor is widely considered the foremost authority on dhimmitude in Islamic history

By anti-islam extremists yes, but she has no education qualifications at all. It is spin and lies.

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