The best sign yet over government run health care!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
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rocky mountains
While most all of us agree that something needs to be done with health care reform--to bring medical insurance rates under control--most Americans do not want a government run program.

So this came across the e-mail & I thought I would share it with you--:lol::lol::lol:

$Ram it down.webp
Health insurance reform will pass in time for the 2010 election, and the GOP will remain in the minority.
Health insurance reform will pass in time for the 2010 election, and the GOP will remain in the minority.

I think democrats are watching next months election Nov. 3, 2009--with democrat Corzine N.J in the fight of his life. If he loses--you will see an entire democrat congress back-off of government run health care. ---

The inclusion or disappearance of a government plan to compete with private insurers will leave one of the Democratic power-brokers basking in the credit '
Medicare beneficiaries scared out of their wits that health care reform meant their own government-run health program would deteriorate have gotten a lot of coverage. Veterans have not, though itÂ’s clear they share the same concerns.

Thank you..

The inclusion or disappearance of a government plan to compete with private insurers will leave one of the Democratic power-brokers basking in the credit '
Medicare beneficiaries scared out of their wits that health care reform meant their own government-run health program would deteriorate have gotten a lot of coverage. Veterans have not, though itÂ’s clear they share the same concerns.

Thank you..

Bzzzzz! Wrong, Medicare coverage has been declining to a long time now, for more than a decade it's been shrinking.

The inclusion or disappearance of a government plan to compete with private insurers will leave one of the Democratic power-brokers basking in the credit '
Medicare beneficiaries scared out of their wits that health care reform meant their own government-run health program would deteriorate have gotten a lot of coverage. Veterans have not, though itÂ’s clear they share the same concerns.

Thank you..

Bzzzzz! Wrong, Medicare coverage has been declining to a long time now, for more than a decade it's been shrinking.

However Obama has taken steps to actually TAKE money from Medicare to shore up his demands for other Government run health care. Money he wants removed from current legislation.

The inclusion or disappearance of a government plan to compete with private insurers will leave one of the Democratic power-brokers basking in the credit '
Medicare beneficiaries scared out of their wits that health care reform meant their own government-run health program would deteriorate have gotten a lot of coverage. Veterans have not, though itÂ’s clear they share the same concerns.

Thank you..

Bzzzzz! Wrong, Medicare coverage has been declining to a long time now, for more than a decade it's been shrinking.

However Obama has taken steps to actually TAKE money from Medicare to shore up his demands for other Government run health care. Money he wants removed from current legislation.

So have many of the presidents, each taking more than the previous, which is the whole problem with Medicare (and even Social Security but that's a bit off topic). Not to say they are not raiding Veteran's benefits either, I believe they are. My point was, Medicare isn't as good as people seem to think. Got the booklet of what they cover now, it's less than half what Bush had it at, and the co-pays have almost doubled. At this rate it won't cover anything by the next election, unless they put all the money back instead of wasting it on their pet projects, no one will have any form of coverage. ;)
Most Americans (at least according to the polls that I'm reading) want some kind of reform.

Now how that reform plays out, is, I think, where the debate really is.
A universal health care system, single payer, would solve most of the problems associated with Medicare. In fact, it is Conservatives like Rick Scott preying on the sytem that has created the shortfalls.
Oh, by the way, yes, we are going to cram it down your throat. Good luck doing anything about it when the fellow that has lost his job suddenly realizes that he has some coverage, at a price that he can afford.

Like Social Security, once people have a real benefit, they are not going to give it up for a lot of ideological ranting from the wingnut fringe.
Most Americans (at least according to the polls that I'm reading) want some kind of reform.

Now how that reform plays out, is, I think, where the debate really is.

Most americans wanted hope and change too.
But I doubt that double digit unemployment and mounting deficits were what they had in mind.
Oh, by the way, yes, we are going to cram it down your throat. Good luck doing anything about it when the fellow that has lost his job suddenly realizes that he has some coverage, at a price that he can afford.

Like Social Security, once people have a real benefit, they are not going to give it up for a lot of ideological ranting from the wingnut fringe.

I don't know who "we" are. Are you a member of Congress or merely deluded?

In any case, if the radical Dums could have passed this turd they would have done so by now. But the more sensible heads in their own party will block it.
While most all of us agree that something needs to be done with health care reform--to bring medical insurance rates under control--most Americans do not want a government run program.

So this came across the e-mail & I thought I would share it with you--:lol::lol::lol:

View attachment 8466

I totally agree. Great sign. Here's a little rep for you. You deserve it.
While most all of us agree that something needs to be done with health care reform--to bring medical insurance rates under control--most Americans do not want a government run program.

So this came across the e-mail & I thought I would share it with you--:lol::lol::lol:

View attachment 8466

Wow!! Got to love those sexually perverted consrvatives.. Does your pastor know you think of such thoughts?? I mean anal sex is gay sex.. :eusa_pray:

Oh.. Wait.. My bad.. Your hypocrits as well.. :lol:

I wonder how many of those people use the post office, police department, fire department, or drive on public roads?? Did I mention they were perverted and stupid??

So here is the question of the day, since shoving something in a donkey's ass is so appealing.. How many of you practice anal sex with your wives or husbands?? I mean, beastiality isn't beyond you obviously..

The real sad thing is all this stuff came from the bible.. No wonder there are so many gay priests or priests that molest children.. I even saw one crying big aligator tears on the TV.. It was funnier than hell!!

Rabbi, you should make this post your sig!! Since you like donkey sex and all..
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