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Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

Share 'em when you find 'em - this is my new favorite.

That's right. With all the painstaking, loyal, monogamous, and patient love I showed throughout this failed relationship, I carefully laid out all of the yarn and photographed it. I had other girls offering to help, but no, like all my problems, I handled this one on my own, because I was a good guy. Don't think I'm exaggerating about the weight of this yarn. I weighed it on a scale. Though usually I lie and say things look like they weigh far less than they actually weigh, just to be kind, because lately things sometimes looked like they weighed a lot more than they did when I met them.

In one of the photos, I even included one of the two demon cats my ex-girlfriend brought against my will into my home. We can say I included them for scale. There are a lot of different types of yarn. Some of it is colorful, or multi-colored, and is pretty. Some of it is not and has been used to start some of the hideous projects you see before you. Look at that grey and red hat. Who would wear that? What was she thinking? My living room floor looks like Trouble with Tribbles. I don't know as much about yarn as I know about Star Trek, but it seems pretty nice overall.

I mean, its in good shape. It wasn't damaged, when, for example, she put my half-smoked cigar back in humidor, ruining all my remaining cigars. It also wasn't damaged when she poured screen-cleaning solution all over her laptop, then got all surprised when that damaged the laptop, which I had to replace.

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