*The Beauty Of Tattoos, No, None*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. No, tattoos are not an enhancement to beauty.
2. Quite the opposite, they add ugly.
3. So seeing a tattoo on a pretty girl is absolutely *Ugly Added*.
4. And a tattoo on a man makes him look like a loser, doesn't add anything worthwhile to him.
5. Makes him look like he self rejected.
6. He ruined his gift of life, the thing that wraps up his being, his skin.
7. Thinking of getting a tattoo, don't you will ruin yourselves.
8. A tattoo is a mark saying, *I don't care about anything*
9. Reprobates have tattoos.
10. Next to the, *Freakish Tattoo Lady*, you will sit.
11. Freak Show at the carnival.

I don't get it, although I've had it explained to me that it's basically "wearing their emotions on their skin".

One or two discrete tats is one thing. Covering your fucking body is something completely different.

Unless, of course, you make your living being a sideshow exhibit.

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Y'all are tripping. Hot girls with tattoos are sexy AF. I think some guys don't like them because they're a powerful statement. You seem like the kinds of guys that want your women broken, meek and subservient.
Nah, just sexually submissive. :p
Sorry bout that,

1. No, tattoos are not an enhancement to beauty.
2. Quite the opposite, they add ugly.
3. So seeing a tattoo on a pretty girl is absolutely *Ugly Added*.
4. And a tattoo on a man makes him look like a loser, doesn't add anything worthwhile to him.
5. Makes him look like he self rejected.
6. He ruined his gift of life, the thing that wraps up his being, his skin.
7. Thinking of getting a tattoo, don't you will ruin yourselves.
8. A tattoo is a mark saying, *I don't care about anything*
9. Reprobates have tattoos.
10. Next to the, *Freakish Tattoo Lady*, you will sit.
11. Freak Show at the carnival.

Got my tattoo on my last Me cruise, in Rota.

Sinking Ship, with the logo, "Bury Me At Sea"

Basically, my Last Will and Testament
You are putting a Toxic substance in your Skin!!?. The ink from Tattoos is toxic. Your skin is considered an organ of the human body.!!!?
I don’t get the tattoo thing, they are okay but some people go overboard.

I used to volunteer at a transitional housing program for homeless women, where almost all of the residents' needs were seen to by the religious organization that administered the program, as well as those private citizens who donated. The women had to pay a nominal percentage of whatever their income was, leaving the rest of their income -- almost all were on welfare -- to use as their discretion saw fit.

A few of the residents saved their money or spent it on household goods they knew they would need when they found permanent housing, but we saw the same offenders over and over frittering their money on bling and shit.

One woman spent what amounted to almost a whole month's welfare on a tattoo.

A slap in the face of the good people who donated to see that she didn't starve while sleeping on the street.


I used to volunteer at a transitional housing program for homeless women, where almost all of the residents' needs were seen to by the religious organization that administered the program, as well as those private citizens who donated. The women had to pay a nominal percentage of whatever their income was, leaving the rest of their income -- almost all were on welfare -- to use as their discretion saw fit.
Sounds like a great program. As I reach retirement age, I will look into volunteering at such a place.
A few of the residents saved their money or spent it on household goods they knew they would need when they found permanent housing, but we saw the same offenders over and over frittering their money on bling and shit.

One woman spent what amounted to almost a whole month's welfare on a tattoo.
Some of them may have been victims of misfortune beyond their control. But most of them ended up in a transistional housing program splitting their welfare checks by making decisions exactly like that.
A slap in the face of the good people who donated to see that she didn't starve while sleeping on the street.

Not to mention the taxpayers who keep her in monthly checks.
Two of my boys are heavily tatted up. My other three kids have none at all. My fourth son's fiance is a very pretty and very smart young woman who is also tatted. To me it adds nothing and detracts from her natural beauty. But, she is perfect for my son, so whatevs.

When I was a teenager, it was rare to see a woman with a tattoo. So rare that I remember well the first one I saw at the flea market in Houston. It was a rose on the upper part of her breast. I never saw more than one woman at once with a tattoo until I went to my first tittie bar. One skinny skank had Mr. Peanut tattood on her calf. But that was then.
Sounds like a great program. As I reach retirement age, I will look into volunteering at such a place.

Some of them may have been victims of misfortune beyond their control. But most of them ended up in a transistional housing program splitting their welfare checks by making decisions exactly like that.

Not to mention the taxpayers who keep her in monthly checks.

It was very gratifying work. One of the things I did was teach art classes and the women felt so empowered by the beautiful things they learned to create.

Sorry bout that,

1. On a pretty girl a tattoo is a sign to people like myself, fucking run the hell away, I don't want anything to do with you *Ugly Added* girl.
2. Kinda like saying, *Keep Your Hands Off*!
3. Or like saying, your Super Man, but my tattoo is *Kryptonite*!
4. Stay Away Far Away!
5. It like the girl who has a tattoo, is saying, "Stay away from me, I don't even like men, much less myself, I hate myself."
6. Nice girls never get a tattoo.

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Sorry bout that,

1. No, tattoos are not an enhancement to beauty.
2. Quite the opposite, they add ugly.
3. So seeing a tattoo on a pretty girl is absolutely *Ugly Added*.
4. And a tattoo on a man makes him look like a loser, doesn't add anything worthwhile to him.
5. Makes him look like he self rejected.
6. He ruined his gift of life, the thing that wraps up his being, his skin.
7. Thinking of getting a tattoo, don't you will ruin yourselves.
8. A tattoo is a mark saying, *I don't care about anything*
9. Reprobates have tattoos.
10. Next to the, *Freakish Tattoo Lady*, you will sit.
11. Freak Show at the carnival.


There's a lot of room in variations in tastes from one person to another.

Myself, I do not like tattoos on women. I think they look ugly. It's like looking at a once-great work of art, by the greatest artist of all, that has been trashed with graffiti by some talentless asshole with a can of spray paint.

I have never seen a woman with visible tattoos, who I didn't think would look much more attractive without them.

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