The arrogance, policies and actions of the Left


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Inside GT's Head
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Elections have consequences. Where did we hear that?

You can sit at the back of the bus. Where did we hear that?

The lieberals have been kicked in the teeth, their arrogance brought it on themselves.

And this arrogance has now cost them as many as 4 SCOTUS appointments.

Their failed attempt to take back the Senate.

They sealed the House of Representatives for Republicans for the rest of this century.

They overplayed everything from race card to sexist. Just laugh at the losers.
Watch sell the far and alt rights out when he makes consensus with the mainstream GOP and the dems.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

I commented the below, perhaps I think in the wrong thread, this thread is more appropriate for it, so I've copy and pasted the below here.

The Left ignored and rejected tens of millions of white Blue Collar men and women who had lost their jobs, were in danger of losing their jobs to Off Shoring of jobs under very destructive trade deals such as NAFTA, instead obsessing about and pampering those who haven't help build and sustain the American nation for generations.

Look at Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the tens of millions of what Donald Trump called the Forgotten Men and Women knew they had a champion in him, that he reached out to them and spoke directly to them and in the tens of millions they voted for him.

Today Donald Trump stated that the Forgotten Men and Women will not be forgotten anymore.

The Left abandoned these people more than ever during Obama's eight years, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania have been bedrocks of support for the Democratic Party but no longer, the term Reagan Democrats now becomes Trump Democrats.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

There were Northern and Eastern Counties in Ohio for example, they'd voted Democratic for nearly 60 years, last night in overwhelming numbers they voted Republican for the first time.

There were almost identical situations in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Michael Moore attempted to warn the Democratic Party and the Left in general, especially about Michigan, but their arrogance and sense of taking people for granted resulted in them ignoring what Michael Moore was warning.

P.S. Since yesterday I love Pennsylvania.
Watch sell the far and alt rights out when he makes consensus with the mainstream GOP and the dems.

Hitting the sauce a little hard today fakey? Based on what he was saying before, and immediately after the election he WILL work with the left and the right to get this country going again. For too long it has been all left wing policies that have governed this country. There needs to be some pull back from that. The best balance for the PEOPLE of this country is a healthy mix of left and right wing philosophies.

You, and your handlers, forgot that simple fact.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

"including the union based Blue Wall."

The issue there is less Labor Union control for a while, less Union members, less jobs, thanks to destructive Trade Deals and also importation of those who don't share the same values, eg. Dearborn.

With Michigan, the Democrats have always been guaranteed a huge black vote from Detroit and surroundings, but not even that helped this time, because in general the black vote was down and the bleeding of the White Blue Collar Vote was of such mega proportions, an abandonment of the Democratic Party, that whatever vote came in from Detroit was swamped.

Same in Pennsylvania with Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, the Hillary supporters were counting and focusing on Philadelphia, especially South Philadelphia, my American friends and myself together were focusing on what was happening in Northern, Eastern and Western Counties and Trump was piling up significant votes that at about 80% of the vote count completed it then showed that even the remaining Hillary votes from any areas within Philadelphia were not going to be enough.

We also were watching Florida as the pool of votes for Hillary from Broward County and Miami-Dade County got smaller and smaller but the votes from the Florida Panhandle were still adding up for Trump.

Last night began nervous, but once North Carolina and Ohio went for Trump, we had a pretty enjoyable night with our American friends.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.
I agree with the O.P.

The damn Bolsheviks have gotten a long overdue ass-kicking.

But, the Pussy-Republicans need to learn a lesson too.

We need more Trey Gowdys and Jason Chavitzs and fewer Mitch McConnells and Paul Ryans who lead a Republican Congress which has more Pussies than 20 Bunny Ranches.

They have constantly insinuated that we rubes outside the Beltway are too stupid to understand the 60 vote rule in the Senate and the Veto power of the Head Bolshevik Obama---and all the while---in full control of the House of Representatives---let Obama borrow about 8 trillion dollars from our childrens' futures....and piss it all away trying to buy votes for Bolsheviks.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

It's the Electoral College that matters and President-Elect Donald J. Trump won that, he won, he's the winner, he IS A winner.

The Left are having another Sore-Loserman happening.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

"Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders."

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.
caused last night's results to occur. America is grateful for The Awakening you provided us. Now we see you clearly as the dividers that you are...including the union based Blue Wall. This is a sea change that will resonate for years.

Clinton and Obama should have not forgotten Yamamoto's words after Pearl:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

Clinton met the resolve of a disgruntled nation and was rejected, repudiated and sent into the dust bin of failed history. Mr. Obama, many of your edicts and policies shall soon follow her there.

Question: Did the left cause Hillary to win the popular vote?

Who cares. She lost the election. Suck on that for a while. Then try and figure out what the outcome would be had the Dem Party run a good candidate.

Well, the outcome would have been a democrat win had they nominated Sanders.

They didn't, you didn't get Bernie Sanders because Hillary and the Democratic Party shafted him in the Primaries, it was stacked against him from day one.

The Sanders voters hate Hillary, well most of them do, they'd been commenting for a few months when interviewed that they still hated Hillary and would either stay at home or hold their nose and vote for Trump.

The latter especially happened in Michigan, the majority of those White Blue Collar voters from Counties that had voted Democratic for near 60 years, they were the Sanders voters and they overwhelmingly voted for Trump.

Remember who won the Michigan Primary, Bernie Sanders hammered Hillary.

All of that is true, except Bernie voters voting Trump. There is zero evidence of that, the man is 100% antithetical to what Bernie voters believe in.
It isn't so much the policies of the dimocrap party and their supporters that piss me off. I can talk to anybody about their political beliefs..... socialists, National Socialists, communists, State Directed Capitalism (China), even totalitarians and Monarchists. They ALL have at least some good in them

Except for dimocraps.

I can't talk to them. Know why?

They lie. They lie about -- EVERYTHING.

dimocraps wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying. It's what they do all day, every day, 24/7/365

dimocraps are the lyingest scum to ever infest the surface of the Planet. Not even close.

They lie, deceive, corrupt, betray and renege -- On everything. All the time.

Remember when the total scumbag Harry Reid got on the Senate Floor and LIED about Mittens not paying taxes for ten years? And remember how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media ran with it like it was stratight from God's mouth to their ear?

When Harry Reid was exposed as the lying dimocrap scumbag we all know him to be.... Know what he said when asked if he regretted saying it?

He said, "No, Mitt Romeny didn't get elected, did he"

the dimocrap party is a criminal organization of diseased scum that needs to be obliterated from the Planet's surface


There is no place for them among civilized people

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