The American Voter Can Now Identify The Enemy.

You know, for as much as I see others posts that keep bringing up your IQ, it's become glaringly obvious they feel threatened by it and instead of allowing you that claim, they choose to make themselves look even more immature, insecure and stupid than they probably are (yes I'm trying really hard to be nice & give them the benefit of the doubt) by continually throwing it in with childish name calling in nearly every response when they can't come up with a more intelligent argument. OY

Politics is very corrupt from the candidates, the parties and groups behind them, all of it. The more Trump is viewed as a serious threat to the 'establishment', the more the 'establishment' is going to boost themselves up, run interference and tear him down and if none of that works with the voters, then there is always 'fudging the numbers' to fall back on.

If anyone wants to argue anything I've said here I suggest you actually READ the words. I've not mentioned any names so get over yourself, NOR have I stated what SIDE I'm on. Just stating the truth AS I SEE IT

Good luck with that.

If the Trump vrs Cruz feud doesnt illustrate the partisan polarization that can spring up over night, nothing does.

Yeah I know but I gotta try.

As for all the candidates.....

I think Sanders honestly wants to help the country regardless of how he plans to go about it or his misguided ideals.

Cruz just wants it because everybody else wants it & I don't see him as being that serious about being the Leader of the Free World other than just having that title on his resume. I don't think he really wants to help anyone, not the people, not special interests...only himself.

Rubio wants the power the office holds and seems more 'driven' in his quest.

Hillary has always wanted to be President probably since she was a little girl when Mommy & Daddy told her she could do or be anything she set her mind too. She's ambitious for the job first & foremost, greed for power may or may not be included in the mix. Although now that she's under scrutiny for those emails, she is desperate to get in the White House, just to cover her own ass. Because she's betting that with all her big name supporters, it will keep enough distance from further investigation and once elected, she'll be free from prosecution. I'm not saying it does stop, but the likelihood of her going to jail diminishes the closer she gets to President. Unfortunately she just might make it, if she's not had any charges brought forth in the VERY near future, I don't see it happening and establishment will put her there no matter what the people want.

Trump is full of ego & hot air and in a lot of ways a pain in my backside. I don't agree with 80+% of the shit he's shoveling and he's self centered to boot. But I do give him credit for being 'outside' the mainstream, standing up and speaking out, and is not being bought.

Any of the rest of the candidates aren't worth mentioning because their not with the competition.

I still don't know who I'm voting for, or if I will vote at all.

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