The American Voter Can Now Identify The Enemy.

You can say that again.

Lol, Yes, Trump is the solution to the polarization of our politics as he is breaking down the duopoly and the fake play fighting they do all the time.

Which is why BOTH party elites hate Trump. He is about to knock over their rigged card game table.
Ah, and here is UC. One of the all time champion straw man builders, right on schedule!

Are you denying that you said that all Americans have to do to see who your enemy is, is look in a mirror?

Hey, you're a democrat, hating America is just part of who your are. :thup:
Poor UC. Can't see the difference between hating an enemy of America and hating America.

Every time I argue with him, I eventually begin to feel like I'm punching a six year old. It makes me very uncomfortable. It just feels wrong.
What kind of man even THINKS about punching a six year old?
YOU got issues.
It's what it feels like. I feel like I am arguing with a severely intellectually stunted kid whenever I engage UC.

And now you are starting to feel like one, too.
What's the difference between ADMITTING it feels like and ADMITTING you have done it? NONE.
You can say that again.

Lol, Yes, Trump is the solution to the polarization of our politics as he is breaking down the duopoly and the fake play fighting they do all the time.

Which is why BOTH party elites hate Trump. He is about to knock over their rigged card game table.
That is another thing I love about Trump supporters, Jim. They actually "listen".. it's a novel idea for the Establishment but given enough time...... they will pay the price for it.
Thank you - you are right on the mark!
Naw, I think he's right, Cruz is establishment.

Even if we were to let slide the "coincidence" that his wife is working for the enemy, the banking cartel, there is no getting around that he uses assets of the political class.

His campaign has hired, at least that we have found out about, one known asset from the neo-cons and the CFR elites.

In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

Who knows how many more assets will be coming over now that Jeb! is no longer actively campaigning.

I respect your opinion on this and understand your concern, but I think that is just how the game is played since about 1950. You collect your money from the party donors, sell them on the idea that you can get elected and if you do then they will get their pet legislation passed.

The deep rooted problem I think we must stop now that has become a national crisis is the Globalist Open Borders kabal that is destroying the American culture and self identity. If we bring in 400 million immigrants, even the nicest immigrants in the world, this will cease to be America and will be a polyglot of ethnic groups all at war with each other. Our Republic will go the way of the Austrian empire who made that exact same mistake by expanding their borders too aggressively.

We absolutely must regain control of our borders and revise our tax policies to incentivize our businesses staying in the USA and hiring AMerican citizens.

This election might be our last chance to stop this internal subversion of America into a dozen little Balkanized nations.

Agreed. But you are making the assumption that Cruz is telling the truth about what he plans to do.

There seems to be a lot of evidence that Cruz is disingenuous and deceptive, that really, he seems about as trust worthy as "no new taxes," and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

I see a lot a similarities between Cruz and Hillary. When Rand was popular for his stand on the budget, Cruz hopped on the band wagon b/c he saw that was popular. When Trump is popular for his stand on immigration, Cruz again, hopped on it.

Hillary does this same thing.

For the establishment, they don't care how a politician wins elections, they just want them to win. Even if those methods are underhanded, crooked, and stooped to fixing elections. The nation saw what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa. Naturally the establishment distanced him from what was done, just like they distanced Hillary from claiming Obama wasn't a citizen in the primaries, but some of us aren't that obtuse. Either these establishment shills know what is going on in their campaign, or if they don't know what is going on in their organizations, then they wouldn't know what is going on in a federal leviathan, and they can't be trusted. I for one am sure it is the former. They are both corrupt sons of bitches.

Afterwards I know they will break every campaign promise they ever made, establishment shills always do.
Naw, I think he's right, Cruz is establishment.

Even if we were to let slide the "coincidence" that his wife is working for the enemy, the banking cartel, there is no getting around that he uses assets of the political class.

His campaign has hired, at least that we have found out about, one known asset from the neo-cons and the CFR elites.

In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

Who knows how many more assets will be coming over now that Jeb! is no longer actively campaigning.

I respect your opinion on this and understand your concern, but I think that is just how the game is played since about 1950. You collect your money from the party donors, sell them on the idea that you can get elected and if you do then they will get their pet legislation passed.

The deep rooted problem I think we must stop now that has become a national crisis is the Globalist Open Borders kabal that is destroying the American culture and self identity. If we bring in 400 million immigrants, even the nicest immigrants in the world, this will cease to be America and will be a polyglot of ethnic groups all at war with each other. Our Republic will go the way of the Austrian empire who made that exact same mistake by expanding their borders too aggressively.

We absolutely must regain control of our borders and revise our tax policies to incentivize our businesses staying in the USA and hiring AMerican citizens.

This election might be our last chance to stop this internal subversion of America into a dozen little Balkanized nations.

Agreed. But you are making the assumption that Cruz is telling the truth about what he plans to do.

There seems to be a lot of evidence that Cruz is disingenuous and deceptive, that really, he seems about as trust worthy as "no new taxes," and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

I see a lot a similarities between Cruz and Hillary. When Rand was popular for his stand on the budget, Cruz hopped on the band wagon b/c he saw that was popular. When Trump is popular for his stand on immigration, Cruz again, hopped on it.

Hillary does this same thing.

For the establishment, they don't care how a politician wins elections, they just want them to win. Even if those methods are underhanded, crooked, and stooped to fixing elections. The nation saw what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa. Naturally the establishment distanced him from what was done, just like they distanced Hillary from claiming Obama wasn't a citizen in the primaries, but some of us aren't that obtuse. Either these establishment shills know what is going on in their campaign, or if they don't know what is going on in their organizations, then they wouldn't know what is going on in a federal leviathan, and they can't be trusted. I for one am sure it is the former. They are both corrupt sons of bitches.

Afterwards I know they will break every campaign promise they ever made, establishment shills always do.

All you say is true if Cruz actually is an Establishment shill. Some have presented scenarios where Trump is a GOP Establishment shill blocking Cruz or even a Democrat party shill preventing an effective opponent from opposing Hillary.

Until a candidate proves that they are complete liars, like Rubio has by saying he wants to build the border wall first then legalize the illegals, then goes on Spanish TV and says the exact opposite the same damned day.
Last edited:
Naw, I think he's right, Cruz is establishment.

Even if we were to let slide the "coincidence" that his wife is working for the enemy, the banking cartel, there is no getting around that he uses assets of the political class.

His campaign has hired, at least that we have found out about, one known asset from the neo-cons and the CFR elites.

In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

Who knows how many more assets will be coming over now that Jeb! is no longer actively campaigning.

I respect your opinion on this and understand your concern, but I think that is just how the game is played since about 1950. You collect your money from the party donors, sell them on the idea that you can get elected and if you do then they will get their pet legislation passed.

The deep rooted problem I think we must stop now that has become a national crisis is the Globalist Open Borders kabal that is destroying the American culture and self identity. If we bring in 400 million immigrants, even the nicest immigrants in the world, this will cease to be America and will be a polyglot of ethnic groups all at war with each other. Our Republic will go the way of the Austrian empire who made that exact same mistake by expanding their borders too aggressively.

We absolutely must regain control of our borders and revise our tax policies to incentivize our businesses staying in the USA and hiring AMerican citizens.

This election might be our last chance to stop this internal subversion of America into a dozen little Balkanized nations.

Agreed. But you are making the assumption that Cruz is telling the truth about what he plans to do.

There seems to be a lot of evidence that Cruz is disingenuous and deceptive, that really, he seems about as trust worthy as "no new taxes," and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

I see a lot a similarities between Cruz and Hillary. When Rand was popular for his stand on the budget, Cruz hopped on the band wagon b/c he saw that was popular. When Trump is popular for his stand on immigration, Cruz again, hopped on it.

Hillary does this same thing.

For the establishment, they don't care how a politician wins elections, they just want them to win. Even if those methods are underhanded, crooked, and stooped to fixing elections. The nation saw what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa. Naturally the establishment distanced him from what was done, just like they distanced Hillary from claiming Obama wasn't a citizen in the primaries, but some of us aren't that obtuse. Either these establishment shills know what is going on in their campaign, or if they don't know what is going on in their organizations, then they wouldn't know what is going on in a federal leviathan, and they can't be trusted. I for one am sure it is the former. They are both corrupt sons of bitches.

Afterwards I know they will break every campaign promise they ever made, establishment shills always do.
Cruz is Hillary with a dick.
Have you ever noticed the evil countenance of these Democrat establishment quislings? They all have that same wicked scowl. What a bunch!
I notice that you place a lot of weight on cherry-picked photos, but refuse to look in the mirror. :ack-1:
"Cherry picked" pics?
Two are off their OFFICIAL sites. Care to guess which ones troll?

I think he means you only picked democrats.
Oh I did bring up Jeb Bush and I could add Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio.

I disagree on Cruz being establishment, but concur on Rubio and Jeb!
Cruz is one crafty character. Don't put your trust in Cruz.
If you rubes want to find the enemy, all you have to do is look in the nearest mirror.
Go back to commie head quarters and complain.
now now DorkyfuzzlenutzIQ214
Let's be nice...
Obviously you are unfamiliar with Guanos posting history, lol.
On the contrary, I am quite familiar with Guno's posts. We do not agree on politics & religion but we do agree on Israel and anti-Semitism. It's enough for me.

note - Guno has superb taste in classical music.
Naw, I think he's right, Cruz is establishment.

Even if we were to let slide the "coincidence" that his wife is working for the enemy, the banking cartel, there is no getting around that he uses assets of the political class.

His campaign has hired, at least that we have found out about, one known asset from the neo-cons and the CFR elites.

In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

Who knows how many more assets will be coming over now that Jeb! is no longer actively campaigning.

I respect your opinion on this and understand your concern, but I think that is just how the game is played since about 1950. You collect your money from the party donors, sell them on the idea that you can get elected and if you do then they will get their pet legislation passed.

The deep rooted problem I think we must stop now that has become a national crisis is the Globalist Open Borders kabal that is destroying the American culture and self identity. If we bring in 400 million immigrants, even the nicest immigrants in the world, this will cease to be America and will be a polyglot of ethnic groups all at war with each other. Our Republic will go the way of the Austrian empire who made that exact same mistake by expanding their borders too aggressively.

We absolutely must regain control of our borders and revise our tax policies to incentivize our businesses staying in the USA and hiring AMerican citizens.

This election might be our last chance to stop this internal subversion of America into a dozen little Balkanized nations.

Agreed. But you are making the assumption that Cruz is telling the truth about what he plans to do.

There seems to be a lot of evidence that Cruz is disingenuous and deceptive, that really, he seems about as trust worthy as "no new taxes," and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

I see a lot a similarities between Cruz and Hillary. When Rand was popular for his stand on the budget, Cruz hopped on the band wagon b/c he saw that was popular. When Trump is popular for his stand on immigration, Cruz again, hopped on it.

Hillary does this same thing.

For the establishment, they don't care how a politician wins elections, they just want them to win. Even if those methods are underhanded, crooked, and stooped to fixing elections. The nation saw what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa. Naturally the establishment distanced him from what was done, just like they distanced Hillary from claiming Obama wasn't a citizen in the primaries, but some of us aren't that obtuse. Either these establishment shills know what is going on in their campaign, or if they don't know what is going on in their organizations, then they wouldn't know what is going on in a federal leviathan, and they can't be trusted. I for one am sure it is the former. They are both corrupt sons of bitches.

Afterwards I know they will break every campaign promise they ever made, establishment shills always do.

All you say is true if Cruz actually is an Establishment shill. Some have presented scenarios where Trump is a GOP Establishment shill blocking Cruz or even a Democrat party shill preventing an effective opponent from opposing Hillary.

Until a candidate proves that they are complete liars, like Rubio has by saying he wants to build the border wall first hen legalize the illegals, then goes on Spanish TV and says the exact opposite the same damned day.

Well, most folks that really know my point of view, know that I don't see Republican or Democrat partisanship interests.

I agree with you though, it is very hard to say what is going on, and that really is up to each voter to make their own decision. Take the candidates for what they say at face value, guess at who they are, or speculate as to what they are going to do. . .

I think, in the end, folks should judge them based on their actions though. When Cruz didn't show up for that FED vote? That should have been a good sign right there about his priorities.

As far as Trump being a stealth candidate? Yeah, I'm suspicious of that, very suspicious. I knew before Obama ran who he was by his association with Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski was Obama's sponser at Columbia, and Obama's family was all CIA. Columbia is where all CIA is trained.

Most folks know that Brzezinski worked with CIA agents and in national security. Trumps close association with his daughter is suspicious. That is his main media outlet.

But I have not yet seen any comment from Ziggy on Trump. . . . so if it is a manchurian type situation, it is obviously being kept quiet. Ziggy didn't say anything and was pretty quiet when Obama ran as well. So, who knows? :dunno:

I completely agree though, it is a crap shoot.

Personally, I think the media is overplaying what an "effective" opponent against Hillary would be.

This is my idea of an effective opponent against Hillary.

If you rubes want to find the enemy, all you have to do is look in the nearest mirror.

the hack troll hates this country.

Well we are all lazy scumbags living off the government....

Not me. I work.

Of course, which is my point with my sarcastic response.

I am unemployed and at 58 with a history of going on disability the past two years, I doubt I will get another before I can retire.
If you rubes want to find the enemy, all you have to do is look in the nearest mirror.
Go back to commie head quarters and complain.
now now DorkyfuzzlenutzIQ214
Let's be nice...
Obviously you are unfamiliar with Guanos posting history, lol.
On the contrary, I am quite familiar with Guno's posts. We do not agree on politics & religion but we do agree on Israel and anti-Semitism. It's enough for me.

note - Guno has superb taste in classical music.
Then you should know that 'nice' and Guano do not go in the same sentence.

His taste for classical music is interesting in a contrary sort of way.
You know, for as much as I see others posts that keep bringing up your IQ, it's become glaringly obvious they feel threatened by it and instead of allowing you that claim, they choose to make themselves look even more immature, insecure and stupid than they probably are (yes I'm trying really hard to be nice & give them the benefit of the doubt) by continually throwing it in with childish name calling in nearly every response when they can't come up with a more intelligent argument. OY

Politics is very corrupt from the candidates, the parties and groups behind them, all of it. The more Trump is viewed as a serious threat to the 'establishment', the more the 'establishment' is going to boost themselves up, run interference and tear him down and if none of that works with the voters, then there is always 'fudging the numbers' to fall back on.

If anyone wants to argue anything I've said here I suggest you actually READ the words. I've not mentioned any names so get over yourself, NOR have I stated what SIDE I'm on. Just stating the truth AS I SEE IT
You know, for as much as I see others posts that keep bringing up your IQ, it's become glaringly obvious they feel threatened by it and instead of allowing you that claim, they choose to make themselves look even more immature, insecure and stupid than they probably are (yes I'm trying really hard to be nice & give them the benefit of the doubt) by continually throwing it in with childish name calling in nearly every response when they can't come up with a more intelligent argument. OY

Politics is very corrupt from the candidates, the parties and groups behind them, all of it. The more Trump is viewed as a serious threat to the 'establishment', the more the 'establishment' is going to boost themselves up, run interference and tear him down and if none of that works with the voters, then there is always 'fudging the numbers' to fall back on.

If anyone wants to argue anything I've said here I suggest you actually READ the words. I've not mentioned any names so get over yourself, NOR have I stated what SIDE I'm on. Just stating the truth AS I SEE IT

Good luck with that.

If the Trump vrs Cruz feud doesnt illustrate the partisan polarization that can spring up over night, nothing does.

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