The Amazons


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2013
Ukraine is located on the western steppes, but something most people don't know about Ukraine is that it's the home of the fabled Amazons. I believe that the Amazons were real people, but not as the Greeks portrayed them. All we know of them is based on stories brought back to Greece by sailors, traders, and Greek mercenaries.

I especially disagree with the man-hating part of the Greek legends of the Amazons. To the Greeks, the site of fierce female warriors was something they couldn't wrap their heads around. So in the mind of the male dominant Greeks, if women took up arms, it must be because they hated men. But I think there's a much more reasonable explanation: At some point, a tribe or a nation lost most of their men in some ferocious war on the steppes but managed to escape capture. In ancient times the steppes was a brutal place. If people could not defend themselves, they faced a bleak future. The most one could hope for was a swift death for men and women to be enslaved after watching their male children tortured and killed. So instead of accepting that fate, the women took the place of their dead husbands and became the warriors of the tribe not because they hated men but because they loved the ones they had left and wanted to protect them. We know from archaeological excavations of steppe burial mounds that female warriors we're not unusual, so the case of a tribe being composed of almost all female warriors is not beyond reason.
Amazons never hated men. I saw a documentary on them & a really hot one was dating the new Captain Kirk for a while.
They're also allies with Aquaman & Atlantis
My guess is that any tribe that lived anywhere in central Asia had to have their women as well as their men defending their territory from attack, and probably hunted as well. I think it's likely that traders from Greece, and other areas around the eastern end of the Mediterranean probably contacted these people and got their asses kicked. Hence the legend of the Amazons, don't fuck with them. Doubt if they were all female though, or man-haters. Well, to a point anyway.
Do you have anything, anything at all, to support your suppositions, or is this just a fantasy?

It appears that many or most ancient legends of history were based on some kernel of fact, whereas the so-called modern oral history, for the most part, is crap. Stories that are portrayed as history, but are made up out of thin air. The ancient writers were wrong about many things, but I don't think they were intentional lies; they believed what they wrote.

New Evidence Of Legendary Women Warriors / Graves support ancient tale of Amazone tribes (

Across the vast steppes of southern Russia, where Kazak nomads still herd their flocks, American and Russian archaeologists have uncovered the bones and weapons of women warriors whose existence has been legend since Herodotus first described a mysterious race of "Amazons" nearly 2,500 years ago.

For centuries, the Greek historian's writings have conjured controversy, and none more so than his account of his journey in 450 B.C. to Scythian lands north of the Black Sea, where Herodotus heard tales of armed women riding on horseback out of the Eastern steppes. The women, Herodotus heard from Scythian tribes in the region, were fierce "killers of men," whose tribal laws barred them from marriage until they had slain an enemy in battle.
It appears that many or most ancient legends of history were based on some kernel of fact, whereas the so-called modern oral history, for the most part, is crap. Stories that are portrayed as history, but are made up out of thin air. The ancient writers were wrong about many things, but I don't think they were intentional lies; they believed what they wrote.

New Evidence Of Legendary Women Warriors / Graves support ancient tale of Amazone tribes (

Across the vast steppes of southern Russia, where Kazak nomads still herd their flocks, American and Russian archaeologists have uncovered the bones and weapons of women warriors whose existence has been legend since Herodotus first described a mysterious race of "Amazons" nearly 2,500 years ago.

For centuries, the Greek historian's writings have conjured controversy, and none more so than his account of his journey in 450 B.C. to Scythian lands north of the Black Sea, where Herodotus heard tales of armed women riding on horseback out of the Eastern steppes. The women, Herodotus heard from Scythian tribes in the region, were fierce "killers of men," whose tribal laws barred them from marriage until they had slain an enemy in battle.

Sounds like Mongols to me.

I realize you're talking about 1500 years earlier - still the women warriors of the steppes is well known, Everyone fought - it was a warrior culture.

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