The alternate reality of today's America.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If I were charged to describe an alternate reality, I would offer the 2020 presidential election in the United States. The incumbent, Donald Trump, was well situated for re-election. He was wildly popular with his supporters and was gaining significant ground with demographics that would normally go to the other party. He was intelligent, driven, lucid, coherent, and confident. His election in 2016 was unlike any other in history. He specifically attacked Washington and the Washington politics that had sold out the American middle class.

In nutshell, Trump was telling the people that the government had not been acting in good faith for US democracy and was basically conspiring with the People’s Republic of China that has been obsessed with replacing America since Richard Nixon. The government was not going to sit still and let Trump energize working people to question it and threaten the wealth and power Washington bureaucrats had gathered. So, it launched a propaganda campaign using security agencies to mastermind conspiracy charges of spying with fellow traveling media to divide the people.

It then went to the next level by concocting a scenario for a race war based on an unscientific scheme with a divisive foundation it labeled Critical Race Theory. The government infiltrated schools and colleges with this plan holding innocent youth hostage to the strategy as a captive audience.

The final nail in the coffin was the rigging of the election via alterations and manipulations of voting processes in key swing states. The government skillfully used propaganda to confuse the people egging them on to wreak destruction in cities and towns. The next step is the planned collapse of the US economy by hyperinflation which is fast approaching.

It had to be done; Trump could not win because it would have been curtains for a corrupt Washington. SARS-CoV-2? Well, without proof beyond all doubt like that required by an OJ Simpson jury, it is easy for government to just call questions about it a conspiracy theory. It was and is however useful to control the people.

The real alternate reality comes to fruition with the current president and vice president. Even considering Joe Biden’s crooked past, he is so cerebrally compromised that he cannot be trusted without a leash. What the people are seeing is anyone’s guess because his slobbering acts and statements are constantly edited and covered by the press. This is a very dangerous alternate reality with a vice president so inept and unqualified. The US is in great danger on the world stage.
If I were charged to describe an alternate reality, I would offer the 2020 presidential election in the United States. The incumbent, Donald Trump, was well situated for re-election. He was wildly popular with his supporters and was gaining significant ground with demographics that would normally go to the other party. He was intelligent, driven, lucid, coherent, and confident. His election in 2016 was unlike any other in history. He specifically attacked Washington and the Washington politics that had sold out the American middle class.

In nutshell, Trump was telling the people that the government had not been acting in good faith for US democracy and was basically conspiring with the People’s Republic of China that has been obsessed with replacing America since Richard Nixon. The government was not going to sit still and let Trump energize working people to question it and threaten the wealth and power Washington bureaucrats had gathered. So, it launched a propaganda campaign using security agencies to mastermind conspiracy charges of spying with fellow traveling media to divide the people.

It then went to the next level by concocting a scenario for a race war based on an unscientific scheme with a divisive foundation it labeled Critical Race Theory. The government infiltrated schools and colleges with this plan holding innocent youth hostage to the strategy as a captive audience.

The final nail in the coffin was the rigging of the election via alterations and manipulations of voting processes in key swing states. The government skillfully used propaganda to confuse the people egging them on to wreak destruction in cities and towns. The next step is the planned collapse of the US economy by hyperinflation which is fast approaching.

It had to be done; Trump could not win because it would have been curtains for a corrupt Washington. SARS-CoV-2? Well, without proof beyond all doubt like that required by an OJ Simpson jury, it is easy for government to just call questions about it a conspiracy theory. It was and is however useful to control the people.

The real alternate reality comes to fruition with the current president and vice president. Even considering Joe Biden’s crooked past, he is so cerebrally compromised that he cannot be trusted without a leash. What the people are seeing is anyone’s guess because his slobbering acts and statements are constantly edited and covered by the press. This is a very dangerous alternate reality with a vice president so inept and unqualified. The US is in great danger on the world stage.
I predicted the DC swamp would not take Trump winning laying down. They attacked Trump like a pack of plague rats before he was even sworn into office. Then spent 4 years constantly trying to impeach him, ignoring the will of the people. NONE of the swamp's dire warnings about Trump came true. Instead Trump was crushing it across the platform, win after win.

I'll add to your OP the blatant RIGGING of the presidential election in terms of media coverage and debates. Completely one sided bias favoring Biden. Censoring. Blatant attempt to blame Covid on Trump vs China. Biased RIGGED so called debates. The DC swamp pulled out all the stops plus outright election fraud in key districts.
Wow, here's a big bag of crazy

If I were charged to describe an alternate reality, I would offer the 2020 presidential election in the United States. The incumbent, Donald Trump, was well situated for re-election. He was wildly popular with his supporters and was gaining significant ground with demographics that would normally go to the other party. He was intelligent, driven, lucid, coherent, and confident. His election in 2016 was unlike any other in history. He specifically attacked Washington and the Washington politics that had sold out the American middle class.

Except big problems with that premise. Trump's approval rating never got above 50%. Biden was leading him in all the polls long before Covid Broke out and even before Democrats realized he was the guy they wanted to go with.

Trump didn't change the actual demographics all that much. He won white people by the same levels other Republicans did, and he lost minorities by the same margin.

The only thing that changed in 2020 is millions of people didn't piss away their vote on third party candidates.

In nutshell, Trump was telling the people that the government had not been acting in good faith for US democracy and was basically conspiring with the People’s Republic of China that has been obsessed with replacing America since Richard Nixon. The government was not going to sit still and let Trump energize working people to question it and threaten the wealth and power Washington bureaucrats had gathered. So, it launched a propaganda campaign using security agencies to mastermind conspiracy charges of spying with fellow traveling media to divide the people.

Or the security agencies, the people who have kept us safe since WWII, saw Trump as an unstable lunatic. What amazes me is you guys now hate the CIA, FBI and the Military. You've become as radical as the Democrats were in the 1970's, when they marginalized themselves in much the same way.

It then went to the next level by concocting a scenario for a race war based on an unscientific scheme with a divisive foundation it labeled Critical Race Theory. The government infiltrated schools and colleges with this plan holding innocent youth hostage to the strategy as a captive audience.

Critical Race Theory has been around since the 1980's. It's nothing new, and it's not being taught in schools.

The final nail in the coffin was the rigging of the election via alterations and manipulations of voting processes in key swing states. The government skillfully used propaganda to confuse the people egging them on to wreak destruction in cities and towns. The next step is the planned collapse of the US economy by hyperinflation which is fast approaching.
Wow, the government did all that? Really? I'm wondering why Trump would want to be in charge of something that hates him so much. Especially given his narcisstic need to be loved.

It had to be done; Trump could not win because it would have been curtains for a corrupt Washington. SARS-CoV-2? Well, without proof beyond all doubt like that required by an OJ Simpson jury, it is easy for government to just call questions about it a conspiracy theory. It was and is however useful to control the people.

Again, how is it ALL THE DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS were in on this conspiracy theory.

So in you world, the government, military, intelligence community, FBI, DOJ, Doctors, scientists, were all against Trump... and it never occurs to you that they MIGHT have good reasons.

The real alternate reality comes to fruition with the current president and vice president. Even considering Joe Biden’s crooked past, he is so cerebrally compromised that he cannot be trusted without a leash. What the people are seeing is anyone’s guess because his slobbering acts and statements are constantly edited and covered by the press. This is a very dangerous alternate reality with a vice president so inept and unqualified. The US is in great danger on the world stage.

Not as much as we were four years ago, when Trump came on the stage.

Seriously, I mean, you could excuse Trump's clown show when things were going well, but they went pretty much south in 2020, and you guys just can't admit you made a mistake.

Trump is the Practical Joke America played on itself. But like most practical jokes, they stop being funny when people get hurt.
Another yet inclusive whine thread over the loss of an election, you evidently spent the day posting and not riding yer bike fifty miles every day like you bragged...
Trump blew it, his stupid mind, little hands and fat ass couldn't do what he needed to do and STFU, noooo, he had to talk trash and get himself banned and impeached because he didn't think the rules of the game applied to his privileged white Hudsucker Proxy ego and you patsies ate it up like it was the best shit you ever done did eat to dehumanize and humiliate yourself falling at the feet of this diaper wearing Hitler wanna be.
Trump's rallies had thousands of people in attendance. Biden's rallies were sparsely attended. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who was going to win the election. Obviously it was stolen.
If I were charged to describe an alternate reality, I would offer the 2020 presidential election in the United States. The incumbent, Donald Trump, was well situated for re-election. He was wildly popular with his supporters and was gaining significant ground with demographics that would normally go to the other party. He was intelligent, driven, lucid, coherent, and confident. His election in 2016 was unlike any other in history. He specifically attacked Washington and the Washington politics that had sold out the American middle class.

In nutshell, Trump was telling the people that the government had not been acting in good faith for US democracy and was basically conspiring with the People’s Republic of China that has been obsessed with replacing America since Richard Nixon. The government was not going to sit still and let Trump energize working people to question it and threaten the wealth and power Washington bureaucrats had gathered. So, it launched a propaganda campaign using security agencies to mastermind conspiracy charges of spying with fellow traveling media to divide the people.

It then went to the next level by concocting a scenario for a race war based on an unscientific scheme with a divisive foundation it labeled Critical Race Theory. The government infiltrated schools and colleges with this plan holding innocent youth hostage to the strategy as a captive audience.

The final nail in the coffin was the rigging of the election via alterations and manipulations of voting processes in key swing states. The government skillfully used propaganda to confuse the people egging them on to wreak destruction in cities and towns. The next step is the planned collapse of the US economy by hyperinflation which is fast approaching.

It had to be done; Trump could not win because it would have been curtains for a corrupt Washington. SARS-CoV-2? Well, without proof beyond all doubt like that required by an OJ Simpson jury, it is easy for government to just call questions about it a conspiracy theory. It was and is however useful to control the people.

The real alternate reality comes to fruition with the current president and vice president. Even considering Joe Biden’s crooked past, he is so cerebrally compromised that he cannot be trusted without a leash. What the people are seeing is anyone’s guess because his slobbering acts and statements are constantly edited and covered by the press. This is a very dangerous alternate reality with a vice president so inept and unqualified. The US is in great danger on the world stage.
What a load of republican bullshit
Wow, here's a big bag of crazy

Except big problems with that premise. Trump's approval rating never got above 50%. Biden was leading him in all the polls long before Covid Broke out and even before Democrats realized he was the guy they wanted to go with.

Trump didn't change the actual demographics all that much. He won white people by the same levels other Republicans did, and he lost minorities by the same margin.

The only thing that changed in 2020 is millions of people didn't piss away their vote on third party candidates.

Or the security agencies, the people who have kept us safe since WWII, saw Trump as an unstable lunatic. What amazes me is you guys now hate the CIA, FBI and the Military. You've become as radical as the Democrats were in the 1970's, when they marginalized themselves in much the same way.

Critical Race Theory has been around since the 1980's. It's nothing new, and it's not being taught in schools.

Wow, the government did all that? Really? I'm wondering why Trump would want to be in charge of something that hates him so much. Especially given his narcisstic need to be loved.

Again, how is it ALL THE DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS were in on this conspiracy theory.

So in you world, the government, military, intelligence community, FBI, DOJ, Doctors, scientists, were all against Trump... and it never occurs to you that they MIGHT have good reasons.

Not as much as we were four years ago, when Trump came on the stage.

Seriously, I mean, you could excuse Trump's clown show when things were going well, but they went pretty much south in 2020, and you guys just can't admit you made a mistake.

Trump is the Practical Joke America played on itself. But like most practical jokes, they stop being funny when people get hurt.
I'll take a shot until Ray responds:
1. The lying MSM and the hi-tech oligarchs and the push polls probably shaved just enough votes (43,000) for Xiden to "win", that's if there was no voter fraud. Also, Hispanics went big for Trump in FL.
Look at the polls now after seeing Xiden in action for 6-months, voters now prefer TRUMP:

2. The military prefers Trump to CRT Xiden. The CIA and FBI need a good housecleaning. We saw how the FBI's operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor politicized the FBI. We also saw how they setup General Flynn. 2022 and 2024 are coming, and hell is coming with them.

3. CRT in the US military is new, so stop lying. Its being opposed at school board meetings all across the US. It will be stopped.

4. All the doctors and scientists weren't in on it, just Fauci, who paid the Chinese Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general, to do germ warfare research, to do gain-of-function research on bat viruses to make them more deadly. Many doctors opposed it as too dangerous, Trump stopped it.

5. Voters now prefer Trump to Xiden, so there goes your shit show, bye. Who else you have for 2024?
Kamala? Good luck with that.
Trump's rallies had thousands of people in attendance. Biden's rallies were sparsely attended. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who was going to win the election. Obviously it was stolen.

We don't pick presidents based on "Who can get more people to show up at dangerous rallies".

I'll take a shot until Ray responds:
1. The lying MSM and the hi-tech oligarchs and the push polls probably shaved just enough votes (43,000) for Xiden to "win", that's if there was no voter fraud. Also, Hispanics went big for Trump in FL.
Look at the polls now after seeing Xiden in action for 6-months, voters now prefer TRUMP:
Uh, sorry, man, no, polls do not show people like Trump now.

In fact, even a majority of Republicans don't want to see Trump run again.

But when it comes to a potential rematch, a majority of GOP primary voters said a fresh face would fare better against Biden. Fifty-one percent of those polled said a new Republican nominee would be a stronger candidate against Biden.

2. The military prefers Trump to CRT Xiden. The CIA and FBI need a good housecleaning. We saw how the FBI's operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Razor politicized the FBI. We also saw how they setup General Flynn. 2022 and 2024 are coming, and hell is coming with them.

Guy, get real. You'll have the same problem in 2024 you had the four three elections... the majority doesn't like you.

3. CRT in the US military is new, so stop lying. Its being opposed at school board meetings all across the US. It will be stopped.

No, it won't. You guys can't whitewash history. As for the military, um, yeah, when you have a military based on tricking poor people of color into joining so the can get college degrees, you kind of need to promote a climate of racial harmony.

4. All the doctors and scientists weren't in on it, just Fauci, who paid the Chinese Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general, to do germ warfare research, to do gain-of-function research on bat viruses to make them more deadly. Many doctors opposed it as too dangerous, Trump stopped it.

I feel we are about one step away from Giant Jewish Space Lasers here.

5. Voters now prefer Trump to Xiden, so there goes your shit show, bye. Who else you have for 2024?
Kamala? Good luck with that.

When did this happen? Most people are glad Trump is gone.
You guys really don’t understand how many people don’t like Trump. You need to get out of your bubble more often.
They will not. It's too comfy in there. There, Trump is adored and respected everywhere. Except for the evil Hitler commies.

So they just maintain their own reality, and support each other there.

All we can do is observe and try to learn from this.
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You guys really don’t understand how many people don’t like Trump. You need to get out of your bubble more often.
Would people be paying Hunter Biden $500K for a painting if Trump had won re-election?
Nobody was happier for Biden's victory than China and Russia, our two deadliest foes. Resident leftists will support ANYTHING as long as they've got that "D" by their name. Average Americans? Screw them. For American leftists, everything is about the party.
Totally agree that Xiden is not in-charge of his administration, he is a senile senior who reads teleprompters and tries to be lucid, but fails miserably. Who has the nuclear football?


July 5 2019
"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief," Trump said during his address Thursday.
"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory."

Then the retard blamed the rain.
"We had a lot of rain. I stood in the rain. The teleprompter went out," he said in response to a question from NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. "It kept going on, and then at the end, it just went out. It went kaput!"

"Actually right in the middle of that sentence, it went out. And that's not a good feeling. You're standing in front of millions of millions of people on television".

"I do the speech very well, so I was able to do it without a teleprompter, but the teleprompter did go out," he said. "But despite the rain, that was just a fantastic evening."

Yeah, by making shit up, what a retard.
Would people be paying Hunter Biden $500K for a painting if Trump had won re-election?
Probably, you guys made him a celebrity.

Nobody was happier for Biden's victory than China and Russia, our two deadliest foes. Resident leftists will support ANYTHING as long as they've got that "D" by their name. Average Americans? Screw them. For American leftists, everything is about the party.

The people who are really happy about Biden's victory are our allies.


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