An argument I would make against Cancel Culture.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
Progressive supporters of Cancel Culture argue that by cancelling others they are exercising their own rights for Free Speech and Free Association.

As a Dissident Liberal I would like to make a counter-argument. On one hand I concede that you made a valid point. On the other hand, if you are a Progressive supporter of Cancel Culture, then anyone who values Freedom should take all reasonable legal steps against your Best Interests:

1. If you have a job, especially under a Conservative employer, then anyone who values Freedom should take every reasonable legal step to relieve you of your duties.

2. If you need any help, then anyone who values Freedom should offer you minimal help required by the Law of the Land.

3. If you are in a trial either as the Defendant or a Plaintiff, then anyone who values Freedom should use their Jury Nullification rights against your Best Interest.

Sadly, most Progressives strongly support Cancel Culture. Sadly, most Conservatives have only lukewarm support of Freedom -- unlike Liberal Liberals of 1960s and 1970s. Hopefully, there will be a movement of people who strongly oppose Cancel Culture, but only time will tell.
Don't worry..........just like the peace protests, sit ins, walk outs, and other types of pubescent will all pass. Especially when most of these morons finally get it in their tiny heads, that the rest of the universe is not listening to them, and everybody is laughing AT them.
Don't worry..........just like the peace protests, sit ins, walk outs, and other types of pubescent will all pass. Especially when most of these morons finally get it in their tiny heads, that the rest of the universe is not listening to them, and everybody is laughing AT them.
Sadly Progressives are strongly for Cancel Culture.

Conservatives value Freedom a little.

Classical Liberalism should be revived.
Progressive supporters of Cancel Culture argue that by cancelling others they are exercising their own rights for Free Speech and Free Association.

As a Dissident Liberal I would like to make a counter-argument. On one hand I concede that you made a valid point. On the other hand, if you are a Progressive supporter of Cancel Culture, then anyone who values Freedom should take all reasonable legal steps against your Best Interests:

1. If you have a job, especially under a Conservative employer, then anyone who values Freedom should take every reasonable legal step to relieve you of your duties.

2. If you need any help, then anyone who values Freedom should offer you minimal help required by the Law of the Land.

3. If you are in a trial either as the Defendant or a Plaintiff, then anyone who values Freedom should use their Jury Nullification rights against your Best Interest.

Sadly, most Progressives strongly support Cancel Culture. Sadly, most Conservatives have only lukewarm support of Freedom -- unlike Liberal Liberals of 1960s and 1970s. Hopefully, there will be a movement of people who strongly oppose Cancel Culture, but only time will tell.
I started out being a Democrat. Then I changed to a Republican. Then I changed to an Independent. Under Obama, Republicans were really teeing me off. Elections have consequences. Unfortunately, in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 Democrats all of sudden didn't believe that elections have consequences anymore after believing they did in 2008. Then, under Trump, the left were really teeing me off. Both sides extreme points and uber partisanship are nauseating. Over many years I voted a mix of Democrats and Republicans just about every election, along with some Independents and third parties. I always considered myself in the middle but the left have taken a very hard turn and this progressive Democratic Socialism Woke Cancel Culture bullcrap has really alienated me. As much as I don't really care for Trump or the far right, the far left has just fallen off the edge of the Earth. It's very hard for me to vote Democratic anymore. More than ever we need people like Collins, Murkowski, Manchin, and Sinema.
As much as I don't really care for Trump or the far right, the far left has just fallen off the edge of the Earth. It's very hard for me to vote Democratic anymore. More than ever we need people like Collins, Murkowski, Manchin, and Sinema.
I point out Conservatives faults on many threads.

In my opinion, Totalitarianism makes Progressives the Greater Evil.
Conservatives, having group crying sessions about how that how it hurts your feewings to have your disgusting behavior highlighted will _not_ cause the moral people to stop pointing out your disgusting behavior.

If you want us to stop pointing out you're acting like disgusting human beings, you have to ... stop acting like disgusting human beings. It's that simple, and it's not negotiable. The problem is _you_. The people pointing it out are not the problem.
Sadly this thread has attracted an uninvited guest.

Fortunately, Progressives are criminals who do not want to be held accountable for their crimes. A big majority of about 455,000 drug offenders in American prisons and jails are Liberal.

As I have pointed out elsewhere
In 2019 US Penal System housed

198,000 drug offenders in state prisons,
150,000 drug offenders in jails,
97,000 drug offenders in federal prisons.

A significant majority of these 445,000 drug offenders are Liberal.

Liberals use marijuana six times as much as Conservatives. Here.

I oppose Racial Bias in drug sentencing. All Progressives deserve Corrections.
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No need to beat around the bush with these Cancel Cowards. To hell with them and the horse they rode in on. No argument need be made, tell them simply "men greater than you died for MY right to tell you to go fly a kite and take your Snowflake, socialist friends with you".

Then walk away. No need for a polite "excuse me, but I must attend to another matter". No sincere "goodbye, and good luck". Just go about your business after telling them to "get the flock out of here".

I make it a habit to watch old military interviews from time to time, especially those from the Greatest Generation. These men are in their twilight, but many of them are still sharp as a tack and their memories haunt them. They've been kind enough and courageous enough to share their experiences. Listening to them reminds me of why it's best that I have little patience or interest in these Cancel Culture cowards.

They were fighting in essence, what these Cancel idiots promote. At it's core, Fascism. Whether they know it or not, the 1940s is where it all leads. Anyone who supports Cancel Culture doesn't deserve the time of day. Send them to Canada where they can be at home.

I would recommend to anyone who needs a reality check to listen to these men. Heed their warnings.
Conservatives, having group crying sessions about how that how it hurts your feewings to have your disgusting behavior highlighted will _not_ cause the moral people to stop pointing out your disgusting behavior.

If you want us to stop pointing out you're acting like disgusting human beings, you have to ... stop acting like disgusting human beings. It's that simple, and it's not negotiable. The problem is _you_. The people pointing it out are not the problem.

this coming from the group of pussies that created “safe spaces” and denying the existence of ANTIFA.

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