the Afghan bomb/etc


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..this is not a thread on Afghanistan, but the bomb/bombs/tactics/etc
..I see some sties that say vehicle bomb and some say terrorists wearing the bombs
...for 13 Marines/etc killed, it had to have been a big blast and/or the Marines were too close together ....they should've have been wearing body armor and helmets - which, I take it, they were
....was this like Beirut where a vehicle got up to the Marines/etc?
...a little explosives go a long way--it doesn't take much--but 13 + dozens of Afghans? seems like this would have to have been a ''large'' vehicle bomb close to the victims
occupied 30 lbs goes a long way .....doing a quick search, I see a 155mm arty shell has about 15lbs of explosive ......kill radius about 50 m ......troops in the open...yes, I can see that 30lbs doing a lot of killing the blast effect is the ''kill power''....?
Anomalism the body armor is designed to stop shrapnel.....did this bomb have a lot of shrapnel?
did this bomb have a lot of shrapnel?
Possibly. I honestly know almost nothing about this specific incident. I just know that often with a blast it isn't the blast itself that is injuring/killing most of the people, but instead the shrapnel and debris flying around at incredible speeds. This is especially true of grenades.
Anomalism I was in the USMC for 8 years...mortarman.......threw grenades, etc
...I don't think the bomb used in the 20 July plot against hitler had any shrapnel and the blast did a lot of damage..I think it was about only 2 lbs...3 dead, 20 injured had splinters/etc from the hitler bomb blast the blast effect is the ''kill power''....?

Not only that. It is many things.

Altitude of blast, shape of the explosive, type and placement of shrapnel. Surrounding structures, a great many things actually go into figuring out what that is.

But general rule of thumb, if talking about 30 pounds of explosives roughly the kill radius unless inside a bunker is around 15-30 meters from the detonation. And if this was like most suicide vests, it had explosives almost all the way around the torso, creating a largely fan shaped blast wave, around 160 degrees front and back. With shrapnel packed in front of the explosives to maximize casualties.
I don't think the bomb used in the 20 July plot against hitler had any shrapnel and the blast did a lot of damage..I think it was about only 2 lbs...3 dead, 20 injured had splinters/etc from the hitler bomb blast

Because it was inside the building. In fact, it was inside a reinforced concrete bunker. Almost none of the force left the room, it was concentrated so that just the concussion did significant damage. 4 dead, 13 wounded.

That is the same principal that makes "flash-bangs" so effective when used inside. When used outside, they do not do all that much. But when thrown into a building, the concussion can even knock people unconscious. Yet, those waiting outside the room are just fine.

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