The affordable health care act and the new Immigration bill economy crushers


Jul 3, 2013
In 2010 the United States Congress and the United States Senate passed a bill called the affordable health care act. The then speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi said we need to pass it to figure out what it is. I thought you only passed bills that you 100% new what it represented and all its consequences. I can’t go into all the misleading parts of this bill I have to work tomorrow and go back to work on Monday I might be able to do it in five days with no sleep.
The part I want to discuss is the employer mandate part of this bill witch has multiple regulations and fines if companies don’t give their employees qualifying health care. This past week the White House announced that this part of the affordable healthcare act will be pushed back until 2015. This is in doubt a political stunt by the Obama administration to hold this mandate off due to the midterm elections in 2014. It is simple this mandate could cost Americans jobs and they don’t want it to be a campaign point.
We live in the United States of America we are United State Citizens we come first. In Amendment this past week added to the Immigration bill stated that newly made American citizens would be exempt from the Affordable health care act. This also makes the American employers who hire the newly made American citizens exempt from the Affordable health care act regulations and fines when it pertains to these people. In my opinion this will be really bad for the American worker is has been a legal citizen their whole life.
The reason being the employers to save money will lay off the American worker and higher these new American citizens. This will send the unemployment rate through the roof. If American companies don’t lay off these workers the newly made American citizens will be given welfare and entitlements that we longtime American citizens have received are whole lives
You guys are so full of shit. First, you state that the economy is never going to come back with Obama as President. Now here we are on his second term, and the stock market is at all time highs, the job picture is slowly improving, and the home prices and construction are coming back. And the whole time, your Teabagger congressmen have been trying to destroy the economy.
So the employer mandate being moved back a year doesn't mean anything. This Immigration bill is garbage its typical left wing BS
In 2010 the United States Congress and the United States Senate passed a bill called the affordable health care act. The then speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi said we need to pass it to figure out what it is. I thought you only passed bills that you 100% new what it represented and all its consequences. I can’t go into all the misleading parts of this bill I have to work tomorrow and go back to work on Monday I might be able to do it in five days with no sleep.
The part I want to discuss is the employer mandate part of this bill witch has multiple regulations and fines if companies don’t give their employees qualifying health care. This past week the White House announced that this part of the affordable healthcare act will be pushed back until 2015. This is in doubt a political stunt by the Obama administration to hold this mandate off due to the midterm elections in 2014. It is simple this mandate could cost Americans jobs and they don’t want it to be a campaign point.
We live in the United States of America we are United State Citizens we come first. In Amendment this past week added to the Immigration bill stated that newly made American citizens would be exempt from the Affordable health care act. This also makes the American employers who hire the newly made American citizens exempt from the Affordable health care act regulations and fines when it pertains to these people. In my opinion this will be really bad for the American worker is has been a legal citizen their whole life.
The reason being the employers to save money will lay off the American worker and higher these new American citizens. This will send the unemployment rate through the roof. If American companies don’t lay off these workers the newly made American citizens will be given welfare and entitlements that we longtime American citizens have received are whole lives

Welcome to the board, Dave....

I fully understand your shock...or surprise.

You would be more fully able to understand the current farrago is you incorporate the following into you calculations:

"We live in the United States of America..."

The nation to which you refer existed up until the FDR administration. At that time an imperial presidency was substituted for the US Constitution.

“Theodore Lowi, a political science eminence at Cornell University, years ago drew a bead on what was wrong with the American polity. In his "The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States," he claimed that the Founder's constitution of 1787 had been surreptitiously replaced with a new one by the FDR administration, and no one had actually noticed it for seventy-plus years.

In current argot, we have been operating under US Constitution, 2.0 since the Roosevelt era. The contours of the constitution of this "Second Republic" as he deemed it, bears some scrutiny, as the Obama Administration and the 112th Congress go to work bringing even more change--possibly US Constitution 3.0. The preamble and first article of the actual constitution we have been living under, which Lowi acutely discerned, suffice to show where an Obama constitution will be taking off from."
Archived-Articles: America's Third Republic?
You guys are so full of shit. First, you state that the economy is never going to come back with Obama as President. Now here we are on his second term, and the stock market is at all time highs, the job picture is slowly improving, and the home prices and construction are coming back. And the whole time, your Teabagger congressmen have been trying to destroy the economy.

Interesting paradoxes you've made there sugartits, but in the grand economy of things your stand on transgender issues and gay marriage will destroy the country.
You guys are so full of shit. First, you state that the economy is never going to come back with Obama as President. Now here we are on his second term, and the stock market is at all time highs, the job picture is slowly improving, and the home prices and construction are coming back. And the whole time, your Teabagger congressmen have been trying to destroy the economy.

The feds are buying $85 billion worth of US Treasuries
and mortgage-backed bonds a month and its not even new $ just a figure they make up out of thin air and charge interest on it.
The only reason jobs grew at all is because their is more available work in the summer time. 47% of working Americans cant get full time work
I would like some to research Medicaid and Medicare inflation rates and give unbiased economic analyses about immigrants helping the economy.
Jake Starkey I'm new here so I cant post links yet. If you go to you tube and listen to Senator Ted Cruz on the Immigration bill you see what I'm saying.

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