The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare -- thanks Obama!!!

Your hatred of white folks who are down on their luck makes you a truly awful person, thus proving what I said in the other thread that liberals are awful people who stopped growing morally after the age of 12-years-old.

They're not white and they're not down on their luck. They are overwhelmingly black or hispanic indian and welfare is their career CHOICE. These people are mentally inferior and know they cannot get jobs that pay better than welfare.

Your typical "non-racist" Trump supporter. Dumber than a sack of hammers and always quick to blame non-whites for his own laziness and stupidity.
That's a fake news site.

And there is no verifiable basis for these numbers.

Fake news, meant to inflame and anger you. It's working.

How is it a "fake" news site when it gives you links to their source, which in this case is the US Government Census bureau? Or do you not consider the Census Bureau a legitimate basis for these numbers?

Oh, but liberals created a new term--fake news. Don't read the article, just look at the source and start screaming this new term. Well.......... at least it will give us a break from liberals screaming RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBE for no reason at all.
Your hatred of white folks who are down on their luck makes you a truly awful person, thus proving what I said in the other thread that liberals are awful people who stopped growing morally after the age of 12-years-old.

They're not white and they're not down on their luck. They are overwhelmingly black or hispanic indian and welfare is their career CHOICE. These people are mentally inferior and know they cannot get jobs that pay better than welfare.
These aren't just pictures of right wing conservatives. These are their scientists. See how superior they are?





These guys preferable to the black lives matters thugs anytime. Why do you hate white folks?
That's a fake news site.

And there is no verifiable basis for these numbers.

Fake news, meant to inflame and anger you. It's working.

How is it a "fake" news site when it gives you links to their source, which in this case is the US Government Census bureau? Or do you not consider the Census Bureau a legitimate basis for these numbers?

Oh, but liberals created a new term--fake news. Don't read the article, just look at the source and start screaming this new term. Well.......... at least it will give us a break from liberals screaming RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBE for no reason at all.
YOU didn't follow the links to the census bureau....your article that was relied on by you, is a LIE and a LIE is FAKE NEWS.....

I linked to the census bureau 2012 report and it was NOT 35% in 2012 it was 21%.

FAKE NEWS....articles filled with lies and meant to deceive.
"Means tested programs" are not welfare. They include Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and "earned income credits". These are the means by which large corporations underpay their workers, and put the burden for their wages onto the back of taxpayers, instead of raising the minimum wage.

That's not welfare you dolts. That's large multi-national corporations screwing the American taxpayers, and you're all for it.
The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare

Welfare to work was working, getting Americans off welfare, but Obama reversed that policy, and now there's more people on welfare than ever.
Most of them are your kind. Without welfare for uneducated whites, they would be starving. So of course, you should thank Obama. If it were up to the GOP, you would starve and they would laugh.

The dumb red neck will be nothing more than serfs without welfare or the ability to get a education....The shit they just voted for could get really ugly...

Sorry I have too much of a heart to not to attempt to fight against the idiocy they elected.

So how are you going to fight? Protests? Riots? The typical liberal methods?
They must be worth something. Protests are protected by the constitution.

Oh wait. You didn't know? Is that stupidity, a determined ignorance or a lack of education? Which is it?
The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare

Welfare to work was working, getting Americans off welfare, but Obama reversed that policy, and now there's more people on welfare than ever.
Most of them are your kind. Without welfare for uneducated whites, they would be starving. So of course, you should thank Obama. If it were up to the GOP, you would starve and they would laugh.

The dumb red neck will be nothing more than serfs without welfare or the ability to get a education....The shit they just voted for could get really ugly...

Sorry I have too much of a heart to not to attempt to fight against the idiocy they elected.

So how are you going to fight? Protests? Riots? The typical liberal methods?
They must be worth something. Protests are protected by the constitution.

Oh wait. You didn't know? Is that stupidity, a determined ignorance or a lack of education? Which is it?

Oh, I knew that. Protests are protected by free speech. But destroying police cars and private property is not protected by the Constitution. Stopping traffic so nobody can get by is not protected by our Constitution. Assaulting people is not protected by our Constitution. Oh wait, you didn't know that. Is that stupidity, a determined ignorance (whatever thats's supposed to mean) or lack of education?
"Means tested programs" are not welfare. They include Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and "earned income credits". These are the means by which large corporations underpay their workers, and put the burden for their wages onto the back of taxpayers, instead of raising the minimum wage.

That's not welfare you dolts. That's large multi-national corporations screwing the American taxpayers, and you're all for it.

Corporations don't give welfare. Democrats give welfare. You can't blame corporations for what Democrat politicians do.
Answer the question in my signature to the nearest million please.


You're asking a question you know nobody can answer because they're aren't any resources or honest studies about it. But here is a taste of how many do make a choice about going on social programs:

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

Try harder. That one has been put to rest.

Please try to answer my sig question. It is what you base your entire ideology on. You really must try harder.
Corporations don't give welfare. Democrats give welfare. You can't blame corporations for what Democrat politicians do.

Democrats aren't the ones who are using "earned income credits" to subsidize the incomes of poor workers. That's a Republican program. Every time Democrats ask for a minimum wage hike, Republicans respond that an increase in the earned income credit would do the same thing without forcing corporations to raise prices. The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised in over 10 years.

The problem with using the earned income credits instead of increases to the minimum wage is that it shifts the burden of providing for the working poor from their employers, to the middle class. Furthermore, it's an expensive way of doing it. The feds have to collect the taxes, decide who qualifies for EIC's, and then issue refund checks. If employers paid higher wages, it would eliminate all of this bureaucracy, which is supposedly what right wingers want. The poor would get more, and the middle class would be left alone. Yes, prices might go up slightly, but considering that until this year, each tax payer in the US was financing Walmart employees to the tune of $2500 per year, even if they never set foot in a Walmart store or purchased anything there.

This is just one of the ways that Republicans fleeced the middle class while blaming the poor.
Answer the question in my signature to the nearest million please.


You're asking a question you know nobody can answer because they're aren't any resources or honest studies about it. But here is a taste of how many do make a choice about going on social programs:

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

The Heritage Fund???? Are you kidding me. Those asshats haven't put out an honest study in their entire existence. This is a Koch Bros. libertarian, no social programs for you website.

Come up with something, anything better than these lying neo-cons.
Answer the question in my signature to the nearest million please.


You're asking a question you know nobody can answer because they're aren't any resources or honest studies about it. But here is a taste of how many do make a choice about going on social programs:

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

The Heritage Fund???? Are you kidding me. Those asshats haven't put out an honest study in their entire existence. This is a Koch Bros. libertarian, no social programs for you website.

Come up with something, anything better than these lying neo-cons.

Just as I wrote it early this morning, you did the exact same thing again. You didn't bother reading a word, just looked at the source.

Very well, what outlet would you like me to post about this story? There are many of them around. Better still, how many outlets would you like me to post?
Corporations don't give welfare. Democrats give welfare. You can't blame corporations for what Democrat politicians do.

Democrats aren't the ones who are using "earned income credits" to subsidize the incomes of poor workers. That's a Republican program. Every time Democrats ask for a minimum wage hike, Republicans respond that an increase in the earned income credit would do the same thing without forcing corporations to raise prices. The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised in over 10 years.

The problem with using the earned income credits instead of increases to the minimum wage is that it shifts the burden of providing for the working poor from their employers, to the middle class. Furthermore, it's an expensive way of doing it. The feds have to collect the taxes, decide who qualifies for EIC's, and then issue refund checks. If employers paid higher wages, it would eliminate all of this bureaucracy, which is supposedly what right wingers want. The poor would get more, and the middle class would be left alone. Yes, prices might go up slightly, but considering that until this year, each tax payer in the US was financing Walmart employees to the tune of $2500 per year, even if they never set foot in a Walmart store or purchased anything there.

This is just one of the ways that Republicans fleeced the middle class while blaming the poor.

So you want to get rid of the earned income tax credit? I'm all for it.

Of course as we all know, when you say welfare, that's not what either of us were talking about now was it? After all, I've never heard of any Republican responding with the EIC when talking about a minimum wage increase.
Answer the question in my signature to the nearest million please.


You're asking a question you know nobody can answer because they're aren't any resources or honest studies about it. But here is a taste of how many do make a choice about going on social programs:

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

Try harder. That one has been put to rest.

Please try to answer my sig question. It is what you base your entire ideology on. You really must try harder.

Sure, point to me where I could find this information and I'll post it. But you know (as well as I) that no study has ever been done because nobody would answer the question correctly. What Maine did (like Welfare Reform) proves that many people can live just fine without those social programs. But since social programs are free money, a lot of those people don't turn it down.
The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare

Welfare to work was working, getting Americans off welfare, but Obama reversed that policy, and now there's more people on welfare than ever.
Most of them are your kind. Without welfare for uneducated whites, they would be starving. So of course, you should thank Obama. If it were up to the GOP, you would starve and they would laugh.

The dumb red neck will be nothing more than serfs without welfare or the ability to get a education....The shit they just voted for could get really ugly...

Sorry I have too much of a heart to not to attempt to fight against the idiocy they elected.

Fight away matthew...we'll stand back and laugh. :meow:
"Means tested programs" are not welfare. They include Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and "earned income credits". These are the means by which large corporations underpay their workers, and put the burden for their wages onto the back of taxpayers, instead of raising the minimum wage.

That's not welfare you dolts. That's large multi-national corporations screwing the American taxpayers, and you're all for it.

Corporations don't give welfare. Democrats give welfare. You can't blame corporations for what Democrat politicians do.
Funny, I just posted an article on Appalachia. Or as some call it, "The White Ghetto".

There is a story there about how these poor whites take $500 in food stamps and turn it into $250 in cash.

If this isn't blatant racism, then I don't know what is.

Drug abuse fuels steep rise in hepatitis B in Appalachia, study shows

Republicans think when hepatitis is acute, that it must be "pretty".

There is a vaccine for it. But Republicans think vaccines cause "autism". What ever that is.

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