Debate Now The 2016 Campaign, Election and Aftermath

Who are you currently leaning toward to be President?

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Ted Cruz

  • John Kasich

  • Marco Rubio

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Donald Trump

  • Other and I'll specify in my post

  • I don't have a preference yet

Results are only viewable after voting.
Okay the situation as it currently exists is that Hillary is an intolerably unpleasant person with meager skills and ability to solve problems and would most likely continue to be a status quo, person as President with little vision or ability or will to correct any of the more pressing issues and problems we have that the government should address.

So what is our only viable alternative? An imperfect, motor mouthed, controversial, and frustrating Donald Trump that doesn't give a flip whether what he says angers anybody. I have tried my best to take him as he means it instead of how his opponents spin it, but I still cringe at how he expresses himself sometimes. I have already advised his campaign that some of the solicitation literature he has sent out was a serious turn off for me and most people I know, even those who want to vote for him.

Evenso, I have to consider the following:

Trump Facts

Obama is against Trump ... Check
The media are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check
The Pope is against Trump ... Check
The UN is against Trump ... Check
The media is against Trump ... Check
China is against Trump ... Check
Mexico is against Trump ... Check
Soros is against Trump ... Check
“Black Lives Matter” is against Trump ... Check
“Move On” is against Trump ... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump...Check
Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump ... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check
Islam is against Trump ... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump ... Check

If you have so many political insiders and left-wing nut cases, all so SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him, Then it seems to me, that Trump MUST BE the Best-Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


He's not a Lifetime Politician ... Check
He's not a Lawyer ... Check
He's not doing it for the money ... Check
He's an American citizen, born in the USA by American parents ... Check


Whoopi said she will leave the country ... Check
Rosie said she will leave the country ... Check
Sharpton said he will leave the country ... Check
Cher said she will leave the country ... Check
Cyrus said she will leave the country ... Check
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail ... Check
The Supreme Court will be saved. . .Check
The government will have a chance tro balance the budget ... Check
Americans will have first choice at jobs ... Check
You will not be able to marry your pet ... Check
You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify and are (Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)
Only living, registered U.S. citizens will vote ... Check
You can have and keep your own doctor ... Check
Vets won't have to travel hundreds of miles to get to a VA facility for helathcare. . .Check
You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, mysogynist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, etc.. . .Check
We won't have to pretend everything is pretty darn good as it is. . .Check
And there will be an honest effort to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Okay the situation as it currently exists is that Hillary is an intolerably unpleasant person with meager skills and ability to solve problems and would most likely continue to be a status quo, person as President with little vision or ability or will to correct any of the more pressing issues and problems we have that the government should address.

So what is our only viable alternative? An imperfect, motor mouthed, controversial, and frustrating Donald Trump that doesn't give a flip whether what he says angers anybody. I have tried my best to take him as he means it instead of how his opponents spin it, but I still cringe at how he expresses himself sometimes. I have already advised his campaign that some of the solicitation literature he has sent out was a serious turn off for me and most people I know, even those who want to vote for him.

Evenso, I have to consider the following:

Trump Facts

Obama is against Trump ... Check
The media are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check
The Pope is against Trump ... Check
The UN is against Trump ... Check
The media is against Trump ... Check
China is against Trump ... Check
Mexico is against Trump ... Check
Soros is against Trump ... Check
“Black Lives Matter” is against Trump ... Check
“Move On” is against Trump ... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump...Check
Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump ... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump … Check
Islam is against Trump ... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump ... Check

If you have so many political insiders and left-wing nut cases, all so SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him, Then it seems to me, that Trump MUST BE the Best-Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


He's not a Lifetime Politician ... Check
He's not a Lawyer ... Check
He's not doing it for the money ... Check
He's an American citizen, born in the USA by American parents ... Check


Whoopi said she will leave the country ... Check
Rosie said she will leave the country ... Check
Sharpton said he will leave the country ... Check
Cher said she will leave the country ... Check
Cyrus said she will leave the country ... Check
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail ... Check
The Supreme Court will be saved. . .Check
The government will have a chance tro balance the budget ... Check
Americans will have first choice at jobs ... Check
You will not be able to marry your pet ... Check
You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify and are (Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)
Only living, registered U.S. citizens will vote ... Check
You can have and keep your own doctor ... Check
Vets won't have to travel hundreds of miles to get to a VA facility for helathcare. . .Check
You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, mysogynist, homophobe, Islamophobe, xenophobe, etc.. . .Check
We won't have to pretend everything is pretty darn good as it is. . .Check
And there will be an honest effort to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I wonder if you'll be able to handle someone pointing out some areas where you failed to be accurate or reasonable in that post?

I must say...your tone is decidedly agitated. I get it.
Whether I am or am not agitated is not the subject of this thread and is therefore off limits in this thread. Please feel free to show where the post is inaccurate except for the obvious tongue in cheek part where celebrities are leaving the country. I could care less whether they stay or go frankly.
You said Hillary has meager skills and ability to solve problems.

Laughably incorrect.

You said the media is against Trump. (Twice)


Speaking out against Trump isn't an indication of fear.

Absolute lack of awareness.

You said Trump is not doing it for the money.

Of course he is.

You said the government under Trump would have a chance to balance the budget.

Have you seen the non-partisan accounts of what his tax plan would do?

You said that people won't be able to marry their pets.

That's crazy talk.

You said you'll be able to keep your guns.

Just like you will under Clinton.

You said only living, registered citizens will be able to vote.

That is how it is now. More crazy talk.

You said you can have and keep your own doctor.

As you can now. Obamacare horror stories were 95% false.

You want to say whatever you want and not be called a name.

You poor baby.

You think we have to pretend that America is pretty damned good as it is?

Silly nutbag crazy talk. Strongest economy in the world. Strongest military in the world. Most stable democracy in the world. America is great. And both Obama and Hillary are honest about wanting to keep it that way. outed yourself as a Birther. That's where you fucked up your own thread. You trolled yourself. Better get to reporting your own off topic bullshit.

You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

Well that's a little extreme I think. But I do believe we must have ability to control who is allowed into the country so that we can bar as many suicide bombers and others who mean us no good as possible. There is a common sense element to that that trumps (no pun intended) political correctness.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

Well that's a little extreme I think. But I do believe we must have ability to control who is allowed into the country so that we can bar as many suicide bombers and others who mean us no good as possible. There is a common sense element to that that trumps (no pun intended) political correctness.

Aaaaaaaaaannnddddd.....we've been doing that all along. No need to ban a religion or travel from a place which is religious.

You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.
You forgot the craziness of the wall. You forgot the expense of “making the military so strong”…and the idiocy to believe that “Nobody will mess with us” as if suicide bombers care about what happens after they die.

And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.
And right there is that all the wives, children and great-grand children of suicide bombers have to be offed. And bon't overlook their parents, grand-parents, siblings, in-laws and all their git as well.

Unless you're not at all concerned about the safety of those you love or even yo'self....

And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.
And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.

Clearly, Clinton has the superior skill set and track record for getting things done. This isn't even up for discussion.
And when you kill so indiscriminately, the relatives that are left behind have nothing to live for;

Thus a new crop of suicide bombers are born.


When people correctly state that Drumpf is several meters out of his depth by his policy pronouncements…this is what they are talking about.

The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.

Such is suggested by his track record? Obviously you've never studied his track record much. If nothing else, look at his actions in the USFL. We both know you won't do it.
Fox is anyone checking in on you. Where are you hanging out?

Has been a really busy summer Shrimp Nobody really needs to check in on me but thanks. On line you'll find me most often in the Coffee Shop (USMB Lounge) and occasionally posting on other threads here. It is just so difficult to find a good discussion that doesn't derail into personal sniping. It is frustrating that so few people do this who really want to discuss a topic.
The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.

Clearly, Clinton has the superior skill set and track record for getting things done. This isn't even up for discussion.

Sorry but I haven't seen that. The track record I see for Clinton is a) no significant accomplishment b) making things worse c) making things much worse. I have read all the left wing spin of how wonderful she has been over the years, but no amount of research turns up anything she actually accomplished that would be impressive on a resume.
The only ones killing indiscriminately are ISIS. I don't think Henry was suggesting that we in America do that and I know Trump isn't suggesting that. For sure, Trump's determination to show people that he will not be dictated to as to what words he can use or how he must express himself does seem to be backfiring now if the polls are to be believed. He needs to stop focusing on that and start focusing on policy again. We'll see how it goes.

CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE TOO THEN. If you know what Donald Trump means, you’re the only one (including himself). Trump tanks when he talks about policy and picks fights with widows. The only time he is loved is when he talks about sticking it to someone.

I am a context person. I don't take a single statement made by a person as the whole sum of what that person actually means on that subject. I give that kind of leeway to Obama, to Hillary, to anybody.

The guy who says "He should be shot!" almost always doesn't mean that literally. Trump has generated a lot of free coverage by making half statements that the left and the media is eager to jump on as something they said. But in a closer, more objective analysis, he didn't say that. He is bad about making half statements and not completing the thought in his extemporaneous speeches--it is like a lot of us do in extemporaneous conversations--and that gives his opponents a lot of what they think is red meat to attack him. I do not think for a minute he does this in actual negotiations in which actual decisions have to be made.

Hillary botched her lines yesterday when she exuberantly shouted that she will raise taxes on the middle class. That will be blown all out of proportion by unscrupulous Hillary opponents--I can see the edited You Tube clips being posted now--but I know, based on what she has previously said, that she is going with Obama's intended policy to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000/year. I have good arguments against that too, but I will argue what she actually intends instead of what her opposition will make of that volatile statement.

I do wish Trump would temper his speech more now. If he doesn't, Hillary will be the next President.

Glad to hear you don’t “think” he does.

Last week, he said he has a letter from the NFL to move the debates to nights when the NFL isn’t playing. The NFL said that while they preferred not to have programming on opposite the debates, they sent no such letter.

During a Trump administration, you’re stating that when we need allies to help us, he’s not going to tell England that “Germany is with us” or that “France has pledged 1,200 troops”?

Obviously, the man is going to do just that. He is a congenital liar.

No, I don't think he would do that at all in actual negotiations. Such is suggested by his track record. And yes Hillary said she had to duck from gunfire exiting a helicopter too when the media and others who were with her said nothing of the sort ever happened. And she said she was named after the Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest. The only problem is that she was named before he climbed it and her family did not know him. So is all this congenital lying? Or misunderstanding or misinterpreting what somebody said? We can spend a lifetime nitpicking stuff people say and never get to who has the better skill set and track record for getting things done.

Such is suggested by his track record? Obviously you've never studied his track record much. If nothing else, look at his actions in the USFL. We both know you won't do it.

Wow. You had to go all the way back more than 30 years to find something that didn't work out according to plan? He's looking better all the time.
I posted this on Bodecea's thread this morning, but this is the first time I've really sat down and analyzed why I am going to vote for Donald Trump even though I think he behaves like a jerk sometimes:

How about just dismissing the dishonest media's portrayal of the two candidates and consider:

1. Which candidate has the better chance and motive to break the cruel hold that political correctness has on the national conversation?

2. Which candidate has the better chance to break the iron grip of the status quo that the permanent political class (both Democrat and Republican) maintains to increase their personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth with no concern for how it negatively affects the country overall?

3. Which candidate has the better chance and stated motive to promote fair trade along with free trade and stop the outflow of American jobs to other countries?

4. Which candidate is least likely to concede more American autonomy to other nations?

5. Which candidate has the better attitude and instincts about how to stimulate a mostly stalled economy?

6. Which candidate has stated that constitutionalists instead of social activists will be appointed to the Supreme Court?

7. Which candidate advocates for a strong military that nobody in the world will dare challenge?

8. Which country respects and honors American exceptionalism, understands the benefit of national respect, recognizes the need for strong borders and policy that can control who is allowed into the country, understands the threat of terrorist groups like ISIS and is willing to call them what they are??

9. Which President is not bound to die hard ideology, is not a political party operative, and is most likely to work with all of Congress to get things done?

10. Which candidate has actually taken on and accomplished big projects and solved problems leaving situations better off than they were before?

If you remove the campaign from fanatical ideology, partisanship, and the designed chaos that we read in the newspapers and see on television or read on message boards and really focus on what is important, there is only one logical vote for those who love their country and want a positive benefit for the American people.