Thanksgiving means to


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
be Thankful.Not Thankless or ingratitude.Like what todays left preaches
an infinitum.And yes by some of our leaders.More so each week.Where was this
learned and by whom.Well for starters Barack Obama.Who never missed an
opportunity when abroad to have a select bucket list of complaints at hand
to point out.As if we are a Flawed country above all else.Not The Most prosperous
and number one Superpower in the World.EVER.
Ingratitude is now a learned art.Care of simpleton logic as learned when practicing
Critical Race Theory.An offshoot of Critical Theory that is basically the grade school of
thought { postmodernism } as written about and taught at the Frankfort School where
Capitalism is not appreciated.Instead that human beings need be Liberated from
circumstances that enslave them.
You know like High Taxes,less freedom not more or better freedom.
As what Milton Friedman { Noted Economic Scholar and Professor } instructed
with his Treatise ... Free to Choose -.the book and also a TV Series.
Where a Balck kid from Harlem { Thomas Sowell } understood well
what was meant.Not some Frankfurt school commie wannabe like Herbert Marcuse.
Whose thinking revolved around Atheistic and Materialistic logic as put forth
by Karl Marx and Communist thinkers alike.
Which seems to be very similar to what is being applied today.
Too close for my comfort.
I wonder how many Turkeys get turned off as well.
Feeling they too deserve some liberating
If only On their Day.Of Thankfullness.
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The left: Eat, drink, and be Mary.
Wasn't there once upom a time a Turkey who Married a Mary.
I lbelieve a Turkey named Tom married Mary.
They had many widdle turkeys.Who had a quirk.
They specifically warned not to get for Christmas any flannel.
Just Polyester.Like Polyester Mao outfits.To fit in.
No need for the Mao caps.On account Turkeys don't like flip tab
beer caps either.
be Thankful.Not Thankless or ingratitude.Like what todays left preaches
an infinitum.And yes by some of our leaders.More so each week.Where was this
learned and by whom.Well for starters Barack Obama.Who never missed an
opportunity when abroad to have a select bucket list of complaints at hand
to point out.As if we are a Flawed country above all else.Not The Most prosperous
and number one Superpower in the World.EVER.
Ingratitude is now a learned art.Care of simpleton logic as learned when practicing
Critical Race Theory.An offshoot of Critical Theory that is basically the grade school of
thought { postmodernism } as written about and taught at the Frankfort School where
Capitalism is not appreciated.Instead that human beings need be Liberated from
circumstances that enslave them.
You know like High Taxes,less freedom not more or better freedom.
As what Milton Friedman { Noted Economic Scholar and Professor } instructed
with his Treatise ... Free to Choose -.the book and also a TV Series.
Where a Balck kid from Harlem { Thomas Sowell } understood well
what was meant.Not some Frankfurt school commie wannabe like Herbert Marcuse.
Whose thinking revolved around Atheistic and Materialistic logic as put forth
by Karl Marx and Communist thinkers alike.
Which seems to be very similar to what is being applied today.
Too close for my comfort.
I wonder how many Turkeys get turned off as well.
Feeling they too deserve some liberating
If only On their Day.Of Thankfullness.
Hey, don't let your hate consume you. Think about nice things on this and the next holiday. Be thankful that America has survived for so long under difficult conditions and hope that democracy lasts.
I'm thankful today, thankful to be an American

yet at the same time, not be thankful of those running it

I'm thankful today, thankful to be an American

yet at the same time, not be thankful of those running it

Charley Kirk { rising Talk Radio star } did an entire hour earlier this week
on Ingratitude.And it made more sense than just about anything I've heard
regarding today's Left.And the Black Community who they kowtow with.
They are Not Grateful lest of which Thankful for what this country has managed.
From nothingness to the World's Greatest Superpower.Who also bends over backward
in helping other Countries.In charity and natural disasters and war.
We as a country also Deliever great opportunities to all.Every sector of
Society.From the Irish to the Italians to the Poles,Germans and you name it.
And in particular to Blacks.
And what do we get in return.A constant drumbeat of Negativism and race
baiting.ALL sponsored by One Political Party and those beholden to them.
That is what my Thread was about.Using the Turkey as the Transmogrifier.
Dig Daddios ~ !

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