Thanks Biden, the Terrorists are beheading our allies again.

A crime here in Germany. The public call for a violent solution of a problem is in Germany a crime. Reason: That's terrorism.
cool, i’m in the US and that’s where we were talking about

it’s not a crime here to say you want all terrorist to say….nor is that terrorism
Because they come here with that goal in mind. Muslims have made a mess in Europe. Our politicians want it here.

No, the US made a mess of Europe by attacking so many Arab nations and creating so many Arab refugees.
The Arabs were not trying to cross the Mediterranean on little rafts because they wanted to.
They were forced to leave because we turned their countries into our killing fields. That includes Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.
No, the US made a mess of Europe by attacking so many Arab nations and creating so many Arab refugees.
The Arabs were not trying to cross the Mediterranean on little rafts because they wanted to.
They were forced to leave because we turned their countries into our killing fields. That includes Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.

Nah.. The US didn't cause the problems in Syria, Lebanon, Libya, ,Egypt or Yemen.
cool, i’m in the US and that’s where we were talking about

it’s not a crime here to say you want all terrorist to say….nor is that terrorism

The US military is about the only real terrorists in the whole world.
We are about the only ones murdering innocent civilians in order to force the populations to accept our demands.

We murdered 3 million innocent Vietnamese, half a million innocent Iraqis, 100,000 Afghans, 100,000 Libyans, 50,000 Egyptians, etc.
cool, i’m in the US and that’s where we were talking about

it’s not a crime here to say you want all terrorist to say….nor is that terrorism

It is terrorism. You threaten all people in the world to call them terrorists and to let murder them because you say so. In the USA people contiously dehumanize other people by comparing them negativelly for example with animals or sicknesses. With other words: You have a high civilisation but not a high culture - while other people in the world, like the Tibetans for example, have a low civilisation but a high culture.

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Nah.. The US didn't cause the problems in Syria, Lebanon, Libya, ,Egypt or Yemen.

The US did not start the problems, such as with Syria, the Sunni/Shia conflict, the Ottoman occupation, the Sykes-Piccard division of spoils, etc., but US was obviously funding and arming the rebels, who were not good for Syria.
Why else would we have a US CIA annex in Benghazi, with pallets of weapons and money?
Ambassador Stevens had no reason to be in Benghazi except to arm and bribe Syrian rebels.

The Benghazi rebels were not the right people to topple Qaddafi if that were our goal.
But they were the right people to fight Assad.
It is terrorism. You threaten all people in the world to call them terrorists and to let murder them because you say so. In the USA people contiously dehumanize other people by comparing them negativelly for example with animals or sicknesses. With other words: You have a high civilisation but not a high culture - while other people in the world, like the Tibetans for example, have a low civilisation but a high culture.

no it’s not terrorism in the United States to say that you wish terrorist who behead, bomb, rape and murder people would be wiped off the earth

i can understand how those thoughts might offend you though
It is terrorism. You threaten all people in the world to call them terrorists and to let murder them because you say so. In the USA people contiously dehumanize other people by comoarinhg them negativelly for example with animals or sicknesses. With other words: You have a high civilisation but not a high culture - while other people in the world, like the Tibetans for example, have a low civilisation but a high culture.

Very good point.
Ancient Rome was the same way as the US, with high technology but low morality and ethics.
I think it is how capitalism always turns out eventually.
It is like reverse evolution.
The US military is about the only real terrorists in the whole world.
We are about the only ones murdering innocent civilians in order to force the populations to accept our demands.

We murdered 3 million innocent Vietnamese, half a million innocent Iraqis, 100,000 Afghans, 100,000 Libyans, 50,000 Egyptians, etc.
haha yeah the US military are terrorist hahaa
The Quran is clear that there can never be any compulsion over religion, and that both Christianity and Judaism are "Brother of the Book", and are valid ways to heaven.
All 3 monotheistic religions share the same Old Testament.

Moslems NEVER try to expand or convert anyone, ever.

A good one. Best joke of the year up to now - and it is September. An usual interpretation of the Quran is it that Christians who believe in the triune god - or with other words: all Christians - are defined not as monotheists but as polytheists in the book which made Caliph Osman. And atheists and polytheists have to be murdered. Osman - the author of the Quran - had imprisoned by the way also an important wife from Mohammed, because she said what he said Mohammed never had said.

And if you don't remember: A sword is the symbol of the [political] Islam, because you convert other nations with military power.

What they want is just to not have foreign value systems imposed upon them by force.
And the advantage of Islam over all other religions is that it is the only one that implements social welfare systems built in, like for orphans and widows.

The value system of the political Islam is very simple: If Jews would destroy a 200 years old mosque anywhere then everywhere in the world of the Muslims would be riots and terror waves would swap over the whole world. But when the Wahabi in Saudi Arabia - the worst destroyers of buildings of the history of the Muslims in Mekka - do the same or more worse things in Mekka - the most holy place for all Muslims - then no one notices anything about.
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no it’s not terrorism in the United States to say that you wish terrorist who behead, bomb, rape and murder people would be wiped off the earth

i can understand how those thoughts might offend you though

Except you actually know nothing about those you defame, and it is the US that commits most of the crimes.
Beheading is to avoid pain because it is quick.
It is the US that bombs and terrorizes almost always.
The Taliban do not rape.

Of all the war crimes of the last century, the US is by far the greatest criminal.
For example, massacring millions of Moros in the Philippines after they helped us against the Spanish, and we reneged on our promise to get them independence, (1911 Philippine Rebellion).
They only had machetes and we had Maxim machine guns.
But they were in the right, and we were evil imperialists.
Do I need to list all the foreign atrocities we committed again?
Clearly not a one was self defense.
A good one. Best joke of the year up to now - and it bis September.

Who are Arab Moslems invading, colonizing, taking over, terrorizing?
The answer is no one.
They instead are just trying to be free of western domination, imperialism, colonialism, etc.
Except you actually know nothing about those you defame, and it is the US that commits most of the crimes.
Beheading is to avoid pain because it is quick.
It is the US that bombs and terrorizes almost always.
The Taliban do not rape.

Of all the war crimes of the last century, the US is by far the greatest criminal.
For example, massacring millions of Moros in the Philippines after they helped us against the Spanish, and we reneged on our promise to get them independence, (1911 Philippine Rebellion).
They only had machetes and we had Maxim machine guns.
But they were in the right, and we were evil imperialists.
Do I need to list all the foreign atrocities we committed again?
Clearly not a one was self defense.
The Taliban does not rape..........................LOLOLOL.....No they just fuck little boys and 10 yr old brides you butt fukin moron
A lot do end up in pieces

We have our weapons over there, killing millions of them, for a century.
They just hijacked 2 planes over here.
A couple more millions have to die in the US to even the scales.
But since we started it first, we should pay even more than that.
We should have blown the taliban up as they crossed the desert heading into city after city. We should not have been nation building---we should have been genociding the terrorists and their clerics. Kindness is seen as ALLAH making we infidels weak and thusly telling Allah's followers to kill the weak ones. The only way that the Middle East ever becomes peaceful and the terrorists leave us alone (think we have high high probably of terror attack here in the states this month) is if we kill the terrorists with extreme prejudice wiping out most all males and then outlaw islams multi-wife and female killing bullshit forcing them to change culturally.

This said---send in the drones and start assassinating all taliban and their clerics now.
So when we put someone on death roe to death other nations should drone us?

As fucked up as this is it is NONE OF OUR FUCKING BUSINESS
The Taliban does not rape..........................LOLOLOL.....No they just fuck little boys and 10 yr old brides you butt fukin moron

Afghanistan has lots of primitive tribes and people who may do all sorts of things, but the Taliban are a particular group with far more strict moral and ethical codes than anyone in the US has.
You obviously know nothing about the Taliban.
They are very popular because they are the most strict, and do not commit crimes.
WE commit crimes.
We should have blown the taliban up as they crossed the desert heading into city after city. We should not have been nation building---we should have been genociding the terrorists and their clerics. Kindness is seen as ALLAH making we infidels weak and thusly telling Allah's followers to kill the weak ones. The only way that the Middle East ever becomes peaceful and the terrorists leave us alone (think we have high high probably of terror attack here in the states this month) is if we kill the terrorists with extreme prejudice wiping out most all males and then outlaw islams multi-wife and female killing bullshit forcing them to change culturally.

This said---send in the drones and start assassinating all taliban and their clerics now.

First of all, we tried to blow up all the Taliban and obviously failed.
Second is that since the Taliban are the most strict and law abiding, you would end up with the opposite result of what you wanted.
The Taliban are the very best of all in Afghanistan, and are in our best interests to be in power.
We should never have forced them out of power.
Honestly, who cares. If you chose to live there after having 20 years to get out,
Suffer the consequences.
They've been cutting off heads forever.
They are animals and it's no presidents fault.

Cutting off heads is a millions times less painful than the electrocutions or suffocations the US uses routinely.

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