Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists’ Call for Removal


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

What "faith" are you talking about? I oppose people who complain of "bigotry" while being bigots who attack other people and using "faith" to do so. If you want to attack other people, women, LGBTs, Muslims, anyone, do not use the Christian faith to do it..

What ever faith you are, you are the one calling religions you don't like, "trash cult".

I personally don't care.

Your rationalizations for your bigotry, are noted and dismissed.
Only trash cults attack other people. I don't like ISIS, either. It's disgusting when people use religion to abuse others.

1. What you characterize as "attacking other people" is almost certainly political differences that you are mis representing because you are an asshole.

2. "Trash cults" are not the only people that attack other people. It is insanely stupid and dishonest of you to claim that it is. And bigoted and asshole.
It is normal to include cultural and religious symbols in architecture.

That you would deny that of Christians is anti-Christian bigotry.

This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

Didn't you already smear all liberals in this thread? :eusa_think:

I oppose and have a negative opinion of liberals, as a group.

When I meet individuals, I treat them as individuals, and try to give them the normal respect and civility that is what I consider baseline in a civilized society.

Even liberals.

I do not support denying them of the Right to Free Speech, or Religious Freedom as Lysistrata does against her enemies.
This was not incorporated into the architecture of the building. It was put up much later than the building. How can Christians be guilty of "anti-Christian bigotry." Many of us are Christians who disapprove of this brand of arrogance and snobbery in the U.S. of A.

Just what are you arrogant, spoiled folks trying to prove? Your cult is way out of line with this. Let's hear from the people who are actually responsible. Why are some "Christians" misbehaving so suddenly?


You ask how a Christian can be guilty of anti-Christian bigotry, then spend the rest of the thread attacking Christians who practice their faith differently than you.

I've said it before, and I will say it again.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A DEAD potted plant.


Your trash cult attacks Christians and non-Christians alike. You don't just "practice your faith differently." You actively interfere with your fellow Americans, attack their civil rights, generally act obnoxiously, and actively ignore anything and everything that Jesus had to say.

Your little monkey graham first ran around saying that Islam was not a religion, and then attacked an LGBT Christian on the basis of religion for saying that pigpence had a very bad record on LGBT rights when he was governor of Indiana, but pigpence's record indeed was very poor. pigpence is a politician who seeks to abuse others, instead of representing them and protecting their rights as is his duty as a public servant, all to impose impose his brand of religion on the general public. pigpence's hostility toward women has been obvious. Why can't other Christians stand up to this sort of nonsense.

1. You are welcome to stand up to people that you disagree with on politics. You should do it though, based on the issues, instead of attacking THEM, for their faith.

2. When you smear whole groups, such as calling them, a "trash cult", you are being a bigot.

3. That you characterize, ever political difference as your opponent being some sort of bad person, is just you having a closed mind, unable to appreciate other points of view. Which, btw, fits in nicely with the idea that you are a bigot.

Didn't you already smear all liberals in this thread? :eusa_think:

I oppose and have a negative opinion of liberals, as a group.

When I meet individuals, I treat them as individuals, and try to give them the normal respect and civility that is what I consider baseline in a civilized society.

Even liberals.

I do not support denying them of the Right to Free Speech, or Religious Freedom as Lysistrata does against her enemies.

I just wondered if you were looking down on Lysistrata for being a bigot while doing the same yourself. I appreciate the response.

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