Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

This can't be serious. Texas has no standing to sue another state on that state's conduct under state law. Texas has no interest in another state's decision to send out ballot applications, nor any interest in whether those who received ballots in response to submitting the application returned those ballots, or how these ballots were handled once received. The pols who run the Texas government become more and more bizarre each day.

in other words TX has no interest in fair national elections


why does the term Useful idiot come to mind?

103 pages later and there still is no stolen election and Biden is still the POTUS

Sucks to be you all
yeh... ever read that story told by Jesus

Remember Him?

(a parable)

about the rich man and the poor man?

you ought to check it out

poor man doesn't get what he wants/needs in this life... dies, goes to heaven

rich man.. just the opposite... has everything he wants... dies, goes toHell

check it out...

Luke 1619

OK. But the Oil Companies are holding on to unused leases. Not to mention the fucking outright price gouging they are doing. Stock Buy Backs to increase CEO Pay. Greed....Greeed.....Greed.
There's a crippling shortage in supply world wide. Don't be a dunce.
There's a crippling shortage in supply world wide. Don't be a dunce.
Do not be insulting.

Oil Companies have leases, but are not using them. Facts are in fact facts. I have NOT insulted you, please return the favor.
Absolutely - when scum like you try to deny one of the worst attacks on US democracy in our history, it will never be forgotten, as much as you fools would like to bury it.


That's great news! I've been making fun of lunatic Birthers & and Truthers for many, many years now. Now I get to add you raving lunatics to the list!

The collusion was a fairy tale, the fraud happened.

actually both are fairy tales.

each side believing one while laughing at the other

Then there are those like me that are laughing our asses off at both of sides
Works both ways Einstein.
Awesome. You actually got my point. Both sides cling to embarrassing denial when they can't get their way. Look at how the Democrats reacted when Trump was elected. They simply couldn't accept the sad fact that the voters rejected their candidate in favor of a jackass like Trump. So they clung to the delusion that he'd somehow cheated, that there would be some smoking gun that would reverse the results of the election. That went on for four years, wasting countless taxpayer dollars - all because they were too chickenshit to face the reality of their own failure.

Now you can't accept that voters rejected Trump in favor of Captain Droolcup. ...

Wash, rinse, repeat.

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