Texas blames unvaxed Blacks & illegals for COVID spike!

And? Are you going to produce a validated report replete with statistics and breakdowns of who is vaccinated vs. who is not ? Will it have subsets by ethnicity, political party, immigration status?
The commie virus trumps the U.S. Constitution. An anonymous distance from death like a drunk passing a coked-out futures dealer on a Manhattan sidewalk, or not being able to vet the passerby near you as to the degree they are fucked up on the lord, as the arrogant catholic-CIA puppet in the White House traffics untested genuflectors across the dipshit Mexican border.
And? Are you going to produce a validated report replete with statistics and breakdowns of who is vaccinated vs. who is not ? Will it have subsets by ethnicity, political party, immigration status?
Vaccination stats are like fucking to end love. You not only don’t know how the vacccine is going to react in these organisms, you haven’t even been told enough about the origins or evolutionary biology of the commie virus. Le crime parfait.
Thanks for that word salad
It's no secret that Media Matters analyzes every word spoken by republican politicians and spins it off to left wing media outlets but the truth remains that Blacks are killing other Blacks in democrat run Chicago at an alarming rate and the estimated 35% of unvaccinated Black people in democrat run NYC are banned from restaurants and many stores because they don't have the right papers. It beats talking about Biden anyway.
“Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said unvaccinated African Americans — not lax coronavirus precautions in states like his — are responsible for the surge in Covid-19 cases in his state.” ibid

This is who conservatives are: they lie and try to blame others for their failures.
“Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said unvaccinated African Americans — not lax coronavirus precautions in states like his — are responsible for the surge in Covid-19 cases in his state.” ibid

This is who conservatives are: they lie and try to blame others for their failures.

So, the unvaccinated are not the one spreading the virus?
Dipshit, superstitious Congolanta goes with the blm racist territory. The violent selfishness is coming through the guilt-ridden projections that worked last year, that got Whitey to genuflect and paint over the doorways to their houses. Texas is correct because it is more educated, more American.

More educated and more 'Murcan? :lol: Perhaps someone needs to tell Dipshit Dan that blacks are 12% of the state. For every 4 white Texans in emergency rooms there's one black person. So to blame it on blacks is ignorant and yes ... RACIST.
My wife and kids who are Mexican American - just got back from visiting relatives in Texas. My in-laws are staunch Democrat Supporters where Democrats always do right, Republicans are wrong, and CNN is almost a constant feed.

I say all this to say that even my in-laws told my wife and kids to mask up because many of the minorities and immigrants (legal and illegal) were not vaccinated nor were they planning to be vaccinated. In many cases, they too like the vocal right wingers opposed to the vaccine - are choosing NOT to get vaccinated.

For the billionth time, masking does not protect one from the unmasked.
Ehhh NO .. Why are these racist buttholes allowed to get away with this BS? :rolleyes:

Blacks are the least vaccinated demographic. Ignoring it behind your vail of wokeness doesn't change that reality and it sure as hell doesn't help black folks.
Pretty impressive breakout. What’s the source and process? Looks like a good collection of anecdotes.


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