TEST--- are you a CONSERVATIVE or a LIBERAL????

Proud? Not exactly. Working my ass off to get back to work. And at least I'm not afraid to admit that I've hit a bump in the road.

Yeah early in the morning having your ass sitting on the forum. Just don't get overworked. Meanwhile enjoy my liberal dollars saving your conservative butt.

And you can take your liberal dollars and shove them right up there besides your head. I may be conservative, but I am not opposed to Welfare or providing for the needy in this country by any stretch of the imagination. Never have been.

I do, however, believe that Welfare should be modified to actually help those in need by training the needy for jobs and providing day care services for single parents who are in the system and looking for work or have just recently found jobs. One of the tough things for a single mother who is on welfare is to take a job and then have to pay daycare expenses. It is actually one of the prohibitive reasons that keep mothers from going to work and getting off of welfare.


The Welfare to Work program still provides many training and retraining programs, and many others have been added. Any state welfare office should be privy to these, as well as assistance in child care needed to place a person into a job. There are also state run job training programs.

Home Page, Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor
If a conservative is on welfare, s/he doesn't knock the government.

They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

Maggie Mae you are on this board 24/7, did you ever think that the conservatives on this board could be retired??? They actually earned their money and can retire and stay at home with their OWN money that they EARNED??? Of course, you on the other hand I can almost bet, that you are on some kind of tax- payer funded dole and have been for years.
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Basically, at these rallies, you have retired military, pensioneers and semi retired people complaining about the cost of Government. But don't you dare look at the cost of providing Veterans benefits and pensions, don't touch Social Security or Medicare. It is the OTHER peoples benefits that they want cut out

I think it is fair to suggest that these programs will have to face some cuts in a mutual sharing of the burden. I also think it is a completely different set of circumstances when you throw people who worked and earned a benefit that they also paid into in many cases, up against entitlements with no work or sacrifice required. Do you think you could that least make that distinction RW?

Of course......But all these programs still put a burden on the taxpayer. Want to offer up your military pension or VA benefits? Want to offer up a cut in your Social Security check or Medicare benefits while you scream in protest about Government spending?

But we all know that is not what they are so voicefully protesting. They are protesting against benefits that others will receive, but they don't need

I don't have a military pension, nor will I receive a pension of any kind. I already said I would be in favor of delaying my SS check til age 75, if the government would put the payout I could have received toward the deficit.
Proud? Not exactly. Working my ass off to get back to work. And at least I'm not afraid to admit that I've hit a bump in the road.

Yeah early in the morning having your ass sitting on the forum. Just don't get overworked. Meanwhile enjoy my liberal dollars saving your conservative butt.

Your understanding of the unemployment system is very poor. First, Immie's previous employer paid into the system for just such an emergency. "Your" dollars have nothing to do with it. "Your" dollars are going to liberal, probably never worked, asses. Our poster in question had a job. Currently they are in a position they can't help those liberal asses. Selling weed on the corner really isn't considered work Kex.

What a bunch of crap. And you cons wonder why you get 'personally' attacked by someone like Kex? Take a look at your own absurd accusations.
Basically, at these rallies, you have retired military, pensioneers and semi retired people complaining about the cost of Government. But don't you dare look at the cost of providing Veterans benefits and pensions, don't touch Social Security or Medicare. It is the OTHER peoples benefits that they want cut out

I think it is fair to suggest that these programs will have to face some cuts in a mutual sharing of the burden. I also think it is a completely different set of circumstances when you throw people who worked and earned a benefit that they also paid into in many cases, up against entitlements with no work or sacrifice required. Do you think you could that least make that distinction RW?

Of course......But all these programs still put a burden on the taxpayer. Want to offer up your military pension or VA benefits? Want to offer up a cut in your Social Security check or Medicare benefits while you scream in protest about Government spending?

But we all know that is not what they are so voicefully protesting. They are protesting against benefits that others will receive, but they don't need

I disagree with you both. Government cut spending or any programs at all? I don't see that happening. We'll be lucky if they simply reduce the percentage of increases in the annual budget from year to year on any major programs at all.

I don't need to take a test, I know who I am. I am an American. which means I hold conservatism close to my heart and do all I can to live the principles in my own life, never forcing anyone to make a choice that is against their will, if in fact their will has not already been stolen away by government and political correctness
gee willikers and here i done think life and politicks were a bit more complex dan dat! golly gee willikers agin - did sure do make it easy, did dat sarah gal come up with dat wunderful test???

"The wise man reads both books and life itself." Lin Yutang



midcan must have just returned from a Biden intro to an 0bama victory rally.

My guess is he just read the opening post. You know, the one with that moronic set of assumptions.
They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

There are not many conservatives that are on welfare, if they are it's a very temporary solution, we beleive in smaller government and more importantly we absolutely believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. and paying our own way through hard work, etc. Something that totally evades the liberal mindset.:cuckoo::cuckoo: The liberals have their hands out everytime they turn around. They look for others to provide for their every need.
Unemployment and social security are not welfare programs, though the later is an entitlement. Of course if they didn't exist people could save more money and not need them.

The problem is that many would not save. If I was going to privatize Social Security, I would continue the payroll tax deductions while providing private accounts with differing investment strategies much like today's 401(k)'s.

Have you heard the latest? The Democrats suddenly think that perhaps privatizing 'at least part of' social security may be a good idea. Too bad wasn't 8 years ago, people in their 50's would have started in 40's and so forth, downward.

If and when this begins to take form, I suspect that we will hear that the Republicans had eight years to fix it yet never offered one single idea to do so.

I don't need to take a test, I know who I am. I am an American. which means I hold conservatism close to my heart and do all I can to live the principles in my own life, never forcing anyone to make a choice that is against their will, if in fact their will has not already been stolen away by government and political correctness

The will of the majority of the American people has just been ignored by this President, the Democratic held congress and the democratic held senate. That's going to change in 8 months when conservatives win back the house and the senate in the 2010 elections. That's my prediction.
gee willikers and here i done think life and politicks were a bit more complex dan dat! golly gee willikers agin - did sure do make it easy, did dat sarah gal come up with dat wunderful test???

"The wise man reads both books and life itself." Lin Yutang

Actually it's not all that complicated, of course, liberals will attempt to make it more complicated because they THINK that they are soooooooooooooooooooooo much smarter than everyone else. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I for one don't claim to be 'smarter than' several of the conservatives who post here. I simply disagree over basic ideology. But I'm damned smarter than the majority of them who think that by paying attention 2% of the time, they have all the right answers to all the nation's problems.
Which side of the fence

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesnÂ’t buy one.

If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesnÂ’t eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

A liberal will delete it because he's "offended".

Well, I forwarded it.


Your test is faulty and biased.

"If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesnÂ’t buy one.

If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. "

"If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesnÂ’t eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone. "

Take these 2 examples.

guns and vegetarians

I know lots of liberals who own guns
I know even more liberals who are NOT opposed to gun ownership but think gun registration and mandatory gun safety courses are a good idea.

and most liberals are NOT vegetarians though they probably eat healthier diets than most coons

so far
you have presented 2 NON-truths and used them as "evidence" of the evils of ALL Liberals.

I note also that you left out POT

most liberals would probably support the legalization of pot and allow each citizen the freedom to choose for himself. While most cons want to BAN and CRIMINALIE pot with EXTREME punishments doled out to users.

"If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life."

he had better because you cons would discriminate against him
mock him
ridicule him
and try to deny him basic rights

"If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect. "

why not?
he needs to defend his basic rights against cons who would discriminate against him
mock him
ridicule him
and try to deny him basic rights

"If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him. "

there is no evidence of this.
You are now just making up lies.

of course....you're conservative....I EXPECT you to make up lies.

"If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels."

Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down. "

1. the talk show hosts in question use lies, fear tactics and hate to rile up stupid conservatives like you into a dangerous frenzy.

dangerous to liberals....

I am under the impression that the legislation to stop this type of unethical behavior is merely to force them them to stop using lies and hate to cause you to want to kill liberals.

2. the talk show hosts in question (and cons in general) are guilty of the same thing.

limbaugh, for example, has quite often urged his listeners to
a. BOYCOTT said liberal or democrat in order to crush him
b. call/write letters to sponsors or networks who poromote liberal shows in attempts to get them removed.

which amounts to the same thing; cons wanting to shut down their opponents.

"If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!) "

you keep lying...

are you unable to tell the truth?

most liberals are religious
however most liberals believe in seperation of church and state and do NOT believe that YOUR christian religion should be the 1 government approved religion and should NOT be mandated as law of the land.

we believe that you have the right to your primitive superstitions but you shold NOT be forcing them on OUR children/

" If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it."

A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his. "

conservatives tend to eat unhealthy foods
and MOST of them refuse to diet and exercise

the result?

as they age they get fatter and fatter
and develope back and leg and heart and lung problems
for which they trudge off to the doctors WEEKLY!
and it doesn't cost them any money because....they rely on MEDICARE and MEDICAID and INSURANCE!

in other words....they expect EVERYOE ELSE to pay for their IRRESPONSINLE LIFESTYLES.

"If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh."

of course.

it's full of misinformation and biased attacks

"A liberal will delete it because he's "offended". "

of course...
it's full of misinformation and biased attacks.

That's a lot of effort to pick holes in a joke.
If a conservative is on welfare, s/he doesn't knock the government.

They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

There are not many conservatives that are on welfare, if they are it's a very temporary solution, we beleive in smaller government and more importantly we absolutely believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. and paying our own way through hard work, etc. Something that totally evades the liberal mindset.:cuckoo::cuckoo: The liberals have their hands out everytime they turn around. They look for others to provide for their every need.

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. " Thomas Jefferson

Another 2%-er who offers up a blanket appraisal of around 150,000,000 people who don't participate in right wing groupthink.
Yeah early in the morning having your ass sitting on the forum. Just don't get overworked. Meanwhile enjoy my liberal dollars saving your conservative butt.

And you can take your liberal dollars and shove them right up there besides your head. I may be conservative, but I am not opposed to Welfare or providing for the needy in this country by any stretch of the imagination. Never have been.

I do, however, believe that Welfare should be modified to actually help those in need by training the needy for jobs and providing day care services for single parents who are in the system and looking for work or have just recently found jobs. One of the tough things for a single mother who is on welfare is to take a job and then have to pay daycare expenses. It is actually one of the prohibitive reasons that keep mothers from going to work and getting off of welfare.


The Welfare to Work program still provides many training and retraining programs, and many others have been added. Any state welfare office should be privy to these, as well as assistance in child care needed to place a person into a job. There are also state run job training programs.

Home Page, Employment & Training Administration (ETA) - U.S. Department of Labor

And that is what I would want to see more of. I'm not sure if the programs you mention provide daycare services after a single parent leaves the system, but in my opinion that is an important part of the issue. If a single mother is offered a job that provides better income than welfare, but the daycare costs to her ends up eating most or all of the difference, then she has no incentive for going back to work and in fact would be foolish to do so.

I do not believe that most people want to be on Welfare. I do believe that many who are there, find themselves stuck there with no real way out.

They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

There are not many conservatives that are on welfare, if they are it's a very temporary solution, we beleive in smaller government and more importantly we absolutely believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. and paying our own way through hard work, etc. Something that totally evades the liberal mindset.:cuckoo::cuckoo: The liberals have their hands out everytime they turn around. They look for others to provide for their every need.
Unemployment and social security are not welfare programs, though the later is an entitlement. Of course if they didn't exist people could save more money and not need them.

Have you heard the latest? The Democrats suddenly think that perhaps privatizing 'at least part of' social security may be a good idea. Too bad wasn't 8 years ago, people in their 50's would have started in 40's and so forth, downward.

If SS had been privatized eight years ago the way the BA proposed, with portions invested in the stock market, people would have lost those assets (or should I say lost their asses) when the market totally tanked in September of 2008.
If a conservative is on welfare, s/he doesn't knock the government.

They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

Maggie Mae you are on this board 24/7, did you ever think that the conservatives on this board could be retired??? They actually earned their money and can retire and stay at home with their OWN money that they EARNED??? Of course, you on the other hand I can almost bet, that you are on some kind of tax- payer funded dole and have been for years.

I'm on this board 24/7? Pull up my posts and see for yourself. I have a set number of hours and days that I'm even able to post anywhere, and you will see that consistency. And no, retired people have more sense than some of the morons who post here. It's very easy to tell a person's age-range by the way they present their comments. It becomes pretty obvious when someone doesn't know even recent history and just parrots what s/he heard on the Beck Channel or the blathering of the crowd at their favorite tavern.
Yeah early in the morning having your ass sitting on the forum. Just don't get overworked. Meanwhile enjoy my liberal dollars saving your conservative butt.

Your understanding of the unemployment system is very poor. First, Immie's previous employer paid into the system for just such an emergency. "Your" dollars have nothing to do with it. "Your" dollars are going to liberal, probably never worked, asses. Our poster in question had a job. Currently they are in a position they can't help those liberal asses. Selling weed on the corner really isn't considered work Kex.

What a bunch of crap. And you cons wonder why you get 'personally' attacked by someone like Kex? Take a look at your own absurd accusations.

I am not sure if you are including me in "you cons", but I did not attack Kex, nor do I generally attack any liberal on this site nor did I ask for sympathy from anyone. I made a statement about being on unemployment for the time being and quite truthfully, I am embarrassed to even mention the fact that I lost my job. But, I did not attack him although I responded a bit harshly after he came after me.

Kex had some words for me as if I had something against people on Welfare. I don't unless they are abusing the system and could actually be out working, but I am not opposed to Welfare.

I am not sure what point Kex was trying to get across. Unfortunately, it seems that he had to leave for a while. I'd like to continue the conversation when he gets back.

But, I did not attack him or mock people on Welfare.

Maple said:
Of course, you on the other hand I can almost bet, that you are on some kind of tax- payer funded dole and have been for years.

And don't pretend to know something about me when you obviously know nothing. You only look more foolish than you already do.
They do if they live here on this board where they can masquerade as anti-welfare conservatives. Ever wonder who feeds, houses, pays the bills of those cons who can be found here 24/7??

There are not many conservatives that are on welfare, if they are it's a very temporary solution, we beleive in smaller government and more importantly we absolutely believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. and paying our own way through hard work, etc. Something that totally evades the liberal mindset.:cuckoo::cuckoo: The liberals have their hands out everytime they turn around. They look for others to provide for their every need.

" A government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. " Thomas Jefferson

Another 2%-er who offers up a blanket appraisal of around 150,000,000 people who don't participate in right wing groupthink.

Actually, it's only about 20 to 30% of the population who identifies themselves as liberals and 40% who identify themselves as conservatives in their ideology. The other 30% is somewhere in the middle. What's apparent is that we have a congress, a senate, a President who is only representing 30 % of the population and they will pay a very heavy price for that come November and again in 2012.

This is a middle, right country, it is now and it has always been so.
There are not many conservatives that are on welfare, if they are it's a very temporary solution, we beleive in smaller government and more importantly we absolutely believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. and paying our own way through hard work, etc. Something that totally evades the liberal mindset.:cuckoo::cuckoo: The liberals have their hands out everytime they turn around. They look for others to provide for their every need.
Unemployment and social security are not welfare programs, though the later is an entitlement. Of course if they didn't exist people could save more money and not need them.

Have you heard the latest? The Democrats suddenly think that perhaps privatizing 'at least part of' social security may be a good idea. Too bad wasn't 8 years ago, people in their 50's would have started in 40's and so forth, downward.

If SS had been privatized eight years ago the way the BA proposed, with portions invested in the stock market, people would have lost those assets (or should I say lost their asses) when the market totally tanked in September of 2008.

And all of that would have been regained by now. Even those who had retired in Sept 2008 would not have pulled all of their money out of the system at that time and if they were near retirement age, they would have had there money in conservative funds and probably not lost a significant amount of value in their funds when it did crash.

And they sure as hell would have been better off if Social Security had been privatized from the get go.
