Terrorism is not a threat to our survival.

Here's the thing Xen, when you don't support what they're fighting for, the reasoning behind it, you 're saying that in your mind they're dying for no good reason. That's offensive, whether you intend it to be or not. Here people are laying down their lives to make future generations of america safer, and you think it's for no good reason. You're a punkass motherfucker.
xen said:
Well thankyou!...
by you saying im full of shit, this just means that my view is radically different from yours! IM EXTREMELY greatful to be the opposite of everything you stand for.

You've used that cop-out way too many times in one day.

But good job showing your true colors. You have proven you know absolutely nothign on the subject, but you're still just glad to be against me. Stupid leftist asscrack.
Well thanks! I AM a punk ass.

Your logic is flawed though!
Believe it or not, there are MANY troops that believe something is wrong with what they are doing. They are glad someone supports them back home.
Like when they take a city away from insurgents, their buddies getting killed, only to have to retake the same areas again and again.
Or when you are patroling the streets looking for terrorists, and you are suspecting every person single man, woman, and child of being a suicide bomber.

Furthermore I believe that Bush supporters are not supporting the troops, by not finding the truth, AND putting the idea into the troop's heads that there are large groups of americans who dont support them back home.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
xen said:
Well thanks! I AM a punk ass, and I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!

Your logic is flawed though!
Believe it or not, there are MANY troops that believe something is wrong with what they are doing. They are glad someone supports them back home.
Like when they take a city away from insurgents, their buddies getting killed, only to have to retake the same areas again and again.
Or when you are patroling the streets looking for terrorists, and you are suspecting every person single man, woman, and child of being a suicide bomber.

Furthermore I believe that Bush supporters are not supporting the troops, by not finding the truth, AND putting the idea into the troop's heads that there are large groups of americans who dont support them back home.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

And with that first sentence, I think it is time you were :banned:
Abbey, you are :lame2:

Please leave if you have nothing to contribute.

Good idea Nuc, I can also see that they having nothing on me. But Ya I need something fresh, I want to try and stay on topic next time.

I got some stuff to do so having fun ripping me apart when im gone!!

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
xen said:
Well thanks! I AM a punk ass, and I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!

Your logic is flawed though!
Believe it or not, there are MANY troops that believe something is wrong with what they are doing. They are glad someone supports them back home.
Like when they take a city away from insurgents, their buddies getting killed, only to have to retake the same areas again and again.
Or when you are patroling the streets looking for terrorists, and you are suspecting every person single man, woman, and child of being a suicide bomber.

Name ONE soldier who thinks we should pull out of Iraq right now. If one existed, I'm sure he'd be on the liberal front page right next to Sheehan.
xen Your logic is flawed though!
Believe it or not, there are MANY troops that believe something is wrong with what they are doing. They are glad someone supports them back home.
Like when they take a city away from insurgents, their buddies getting killed, only to have to retake the same areas again and again.
Or when you are patroling the streets looking for terrorists, and you are suspecting every person single man, woman, and child of being a suicide bomber.

The problem is there is nothing immoral or wrong with what you just described, that is war and just because things go bad at times it doesn't make the mission or objective wrong. Many should be suspected of being a suicide bomber as experience has shown over and over again that our soldiers really can't trust anyone.
You're right, there is nothing immoral about what our troops are doing, they gotta do every they can to protect themselves...if that includes retaking cities, an infinite amount of times , or shooting up cars full of innocent people, because they are too stupid to stop at a checkpoint. Thats not our troop's fault.
Its the nature of this type of war.
Where we part, is that I believe certain people want this war to be never-ending. Because it serves many many useful perposes, besides gettin rid of the terrorists.

Ugly baby face lookin dude, there are thousands and thousands of troops that disagree with the war.
If you don't believe so, you need a reality check.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
xen said:
You're right, there is nothing immoral about what our troops are doing, they gotta do every they can to protect themselves...if that includes retaking cities, an infinite amount of times , or shooting up cars full of innocent people, because they are too stupid to stop at a checkpoint. Thats not our troop's fault.
Its the nature of this type of war.
Where we part, is that I believe certain people want this war to be never-ending. Because it serves many many useful perposes, besides gettin rid of the terrorists.

Ugly baby face lookin dude, there are thousands and thousands of troops that disagree with the war.
If you don't believe so, you need a reality check.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

And you have links to the multitude of military that think Iraq was the wrong war? :link:
Kathianne said:
And you have links to the multitude of military that think Iraq was the wrong war? :link:

If you want more i can supply it.


For Marines, a Frustrating Fight
Some in Iraq Question How and Why War Is Being Waged

By Steve Fainaru
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 10, 2004; Page A01

ISKANDARIYAH, Iraq -- Scrawled on the helmet of Lance Cpl. Carlos Perez are the letters FDNY. After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York, the Pentagon and western Pennsylvania, Perez quit school, left his job as a firefighter in Long Island, N.Y., and joined the U.S. Marine Corps.

"To be honest, I just wanted to take revenge," said Perez, 20.

Pfc. Kyle Maio, 19, spots Lance Cpl. Carlos Perez, 20. Maio said he thinks U.S. officials are not being candid about Iraq because of upcoming U.S. elections. (Steve Fainaru -- The Washington Post)
service members who have died in Iraq since the beginning of the war.

Now, two months into a seven-month combat tour in Iraq, Perez said he sees little connection between the events of Sept. 11 and the war he is fighting. Instead, he said, he is increasingly disillusioned by a conflict whose origins remain unclear and frustrated by the timidity of U.S. forces against a mostly faceless enemy.

"Sometimes I see no reason why we're here," Perez said. "First of all, you cannot engage as many times as we want to. Second of all, we're looking for an enemy that's not there. The only way to do it is go house to house until we get out of here."

Perez is hardly alone. In a dozen interviews, Marines from a platoon known as the "81s" expressed in blunt terms their frustrations with the way the war is being conducted and, in some cases, doubts about why it is being waged. The platoon, named for the size in millimeters of its mortar rounds, is part of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment based in Iskandariyah, 30 miles southwest of Baghdad.

The Marines offered their opinions openly to a reporter traveling with the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marines during operations last week in Babil province, then expanded upon them during interviews over three days in their barracks at Camp Iskandariyah, their forward operating base.

The Marines' opinions have been shaped by their participation in hundreds of hours of operations over the past two months. Their assessments differ sharply from those of the interim Iraqi government and the Bush administration, which have said that Iraq is on a certain -- if bumpy -- course toward peaceful democracy.

"I feel we're going to be here for years and years and years," said Lance Cpl. Edward Elston, 22, of Hackettstown, N.J. "I don't think anything is going to get better; I think it's going to get a lot worse. It's going to be like a Palestinian-type deal. We're going to stop being a policing presence and then start being an occupying presence. . . . We're always going to be here. We're never going to leave."

The views of the mortar platoon of some 50 young Marines, several of whom fought during the first phase of the war last year, are not necessarily reflective of all or even most U.S troops fighting in Iraq. Rather, they offer a snapshot of the frustrations engendered by a grinding conflict that has killed 1,064 Americans, wounded 7,730 and spread to many areas of the country.

Although not as highly publicized as attacks in such hot spots as Fallujah, Samarra and Baghdad's Sadr City, the violence in Babil province, south of the capital, is also intense. Since July 28, when the Marines took over operational responsibility for the region, 102 of the unit's 1,100 troops have been wounded, 85 in combat, according to battalion records. Four have been killed, two in combat.

Senior officers attribute the vast difference between the number of killed and wounded to the effectiveness of armor -- bullet-proof vests, helmets and reinforced armored vehicles, primarily Humvees -- in the face of persistent attacks. As of last week, the Marines had come upon 61 roadside bombs, nearly one a day. Forty-nine had detonated. Camp Iskandariyah was hit by mortar shells or rockets on 12 occasions; 21 other times, insurgents tried to hit the base and missed.

Realities on the Ground

Several members of the platoon said they were struck by the difference between the way the war was being portrayed in the United States and the reality of their daily lives.

"Every day you read the articles in the States where it's like, 'Oh, it's getting better and better,' " said Lance Cpl. Jonathan Snyder, 22, of Gettysburg, Pa. "But when you're here, you know it's worse every day."

Pfc. Kyle Maio, 19, of Bucks County, Pa., said he thought government officials were reticent to speak candidly because of the upcoming U.S. elections. "Stuff's going on here but they won't flat-out say it," he said. "They can't get into it."
I'm waiting for the 10 reasons in insufficient.
1. 'liberal media'.
2. they are young.
3. its still not the majority
4. you are an idiot, i hate you.

hmmm what else?
xen said:
Well thanks! I AM a punk ass, and I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!

Your logic is flawed though!
Believe it or not, there are MANY troops that believe something is wrong with what they are doing. They are glad someone supports them back home.
Like when they take a city away from insurgents, their buddies getting killed, only to have to retake the same areas again and again.
Or when you are patroling the streets looking for terrorists, and you are suspecting every person single man, woman, and child of being a suicide bomber.

Furthermore I believe that Bush supporters are not supporting the troops, by not finding the truth, AND putting the idea into the troop's heads that there are large groups of americans who dont support them back home.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

Yeah. Im sure lots of soldiers support Cindy Sheehan. That was sarcasm, I bet there are few. And yes, we're unpatriotic for planting the thought in soldiers heads that Cindy Sheehan doesn't support them. That was sarcasm too. Youre every thought is laughable. I'd say moving on to other topics is premature, considering the abject ass beating you received on this one.
You 're saying that in your mind they're dying for no good reason. That's offensive, whether you intend it to be or not. Here people are laying down their lives to make future generations of america safer, and you think it's for no good reason. You're a punk*** m*********.
You would be correct if we were actually making america safer for future generations.
This action is actually destroying the future with its debt we are passing on, and the trauma brought to american troops and their families by the EVILs of war.

Yes, guess i AM saying they are dying for no good reason and thats YOUR fault not mine.

whos shehan anyway?
xen said:

I'm sure you do, but then again YOU picked THIS one to post.

Interesting that it's nearly a year old. Here's what I can find posted much more recently. You might note that these people have been there and seen what's going on. In the case of Smash, his son just went over last week, as a Marine:

KATHIANNE, please give avenger a bad rating like you did for me.

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