Hello everyone. I'm from New York City, right in Manhattan actually, and I was just wondering why all of America is so afraid? First of all, I live in NYC, and despite propoganda to keep me afraid, I'm not. I'm told all the time that I'm not safe, but I'm still not afraid. My question to all of you is why has America been so easily scared into submission? Do those of you from Middle America honestly think there is any chance you're getting touched by terrorists? The only people who even have a right to be afraid are people in DC, and NYC. I'm from New York City, and I know that the Bush administration will ride out this terrorism thing to gain support. It's all political. Despite all the red alerts, orange alerts, "confirmed" terrorist targets that never actually get attacked, I'm not afraid. My question to you is why are you all so afraid? It's all just Bush and co trying to get a few votes because he saw how much we supported him after 9-11 (you know, when the world actually liked us and sympathized with us, unlike now). Please discuss.