Terror attack against Israelis in Bulgaria. Dozens hurt

My sources of history says that the Palestinians were at home minding their own business when foreigners came in to take over their country. The Palestinians have been defending themselves ever since.
If palistanians had been at home minding their own business, they wouldn't have been raping their camel gearboxes to get to the "zionist plantation", and, yes, they're still fighting ro have a piece of what hasn't been theirs all along, of course.

What type of government did a Palestinian state have?
What was the highest position in that government?
Who were it's trading partners?
What did they manufacture?
Your "sources of history" are lying, terrorist-supporting propagandists.
Like you
Indeedy so.
Jaffa's last mayor was Dr. Yosef Haykal.
Cool, no head of alleged state, of course.
Palestine exported to other Arab countries and Europe.
Of course! In memorable words of the Anglo-American committee "One witnesses in Palestine not merely the impact of European culture upon the East, but also the impact of Western science and Western technology upon a semi-feudal civilization." And then arabs wanted it all for themselves, naturally.
Britain violated its mandate and never had elections for a national government.
In memorable words of the Peel commission "The only solution of tile problem put forward by the Arab Higher Committee was the immediate establishment of all independent Arab Government, which would deal with the 400,000 Jews now in Palestine as it thought fit." Yeah, some "elections".
All this 2,000 year old history is a pile of crap.
America would belong to the Indians and Britain would be returned to the Romans.
It just doesn't matter unless you're trying to make some daft point you can't back up in any other way. What matters is living memory.
Cool. So, we may say that jews are a success in it, memory, land, and all that, as distinct from palistanians lacking national memory, national history and national conscience. That is why the latter make it all up, stealing pieces from jews along the way.
That's one reason I don't support the destruction of Israel but want to see the '67 borders re-established ASAP.
Funny, even honorable P F Tinmore knows there have never been any "1967 borders".
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
I can't say if the UM lies or not but they sure fabricate a lot of information. The UM building houses more anti-Semitic, Jew hating dogs than any other place on earth.
Hey that's much better than Muslims did to Jews and non Muslims. Find out what treatment they gave to almost 1.5 million Jews that lived in Arab countries. About 60% of Israeli population today are those Jews and their descendants.

And the rest of what you said are just more IslamiNazi lies. Jews never kicked anybody off their land, hence the reason why 20 % of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims with FULL RIGHTS. The Arabs started the aggression, theft, and terrorism because Islam dictates that Jews must be subjugated and oppressed under their rule. In other words their violence and hate is religious based.
The pictures in themselves don't prove anything. I'm not being callous but I would have to know the backgrounds and circumstances of the photos before I could comment. Try again with undisputed facts.
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
You lie. No legitimate body has found the Israelis guilty of "war crimes". There have been inquiries, but they have never amounted to anything. The latest was the failed Goldstone inquiry.
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
I can't say if the UM lies or not but they sure fabricate a lot of information. The UM building houses more anti-Semitic, Jew hating dogs than any other place on earth.
Yes, let's be reminded of the famous UN sponsored Durban "racism" convention which devolved into an "anti Semites R Us Club", causing the US and many European countries to walk out and never attend again.
And the rest of what you said are just more IslamiNazi lies. Jews never kicked anybody off their land, hence the reason why 20 % of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims with FULL RIGHTS. The Arabs started the aggression, theft, and terrorism because Islam dictates that Jews must be subjugated and oppressed under their rule. In other words their violence and hate is religious based.

Do you hate all Germans because some killed Jews?
I don't hate all Jews because the Israeli government are bastards.

Hate is such a negative emotion.
It's the world's eraser of love, tolerance and peace.
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
You lie. No legitimate body has found the Israelis guilty of "war crimes". There have been inquiries, but they have never amounted to anything. The latest was the failed Goldstone inquiry.

You're saying the UN isn't a legitimate body?
Perhaps you could state your reasons for that assertion.
Nor did thousands of other people killed in Israel's war.
The Palestinians don't want war? Hard to believe when they yell death to the Jews, shoot missiles at Israeli cities and blow up Israeli children.

Consider this.
If I kicked you out of your house, fenced you into your back garden and only allowed minimal supplies in to feed you, your family and your dog; then I wandered in and punched you on the nose once a week.
Would you shake my hand or want to hit me back?

"If I kicked you out of your house, fenced you into your back garden and only allowed minimal supplies in to feed you, your family and your dog; then I wandered in and punched you on the nose once a week", and if I did that because you shot my baby in his crib, blown up my husband in a restaurant, burned my field to the ashes, and told the whole world that your main goal was to kill me and all others like me, then yeah, you had what you had coming. and you cannot whine.
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
I can't say if the UM lies or not but they sure fabricate a lot of information. The UM building houses more anti-Semitic, Jew hating dogs than any other place on earth.


Boycotting Israeli chocolate milk is much more important than dealing with the Syrian carnage! What are you talking about???
You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D
You lie. No legitimate body has found the Israelis guilty of "war crimes". There have been inquiries, but they have never amounted to anything. The latest was the failed Goldstone inquiry.

You're saying the UN isn't a legitimate body?

In the last 20 years the UN bacame the most stupid, useless, biased organization on earth. They don't solve anything or help anyone.
You lie. No legitimate body has found the Israelis guilty of "war crimes". There have been inquiries, but they have never amounted to anything. The latest was the failed Goldstone inquiry.

You're saying the UN isn't a legitimate body?

In the last 20 years the UN bacame the most stupid, useless, biased organization on earth. They don't solve anything or help anyone.

I understand. The 1949 UN armistice agreements stated that the Palestine question would be addressed at a later date. Well it has been over 60 years and they are still sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing.

So yeah, they are useless.
You're saying the UN isn't a legitimate body?

In the last 20 years the UN bacame the most stupid, useless, biased organization on earth. They don't solve anything or help anyone.

I understand. The 1949 UN armistice agreements stated that the Palestine question would be addressed at a later date. Well it has been over 60 years and they are still sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing.

So yeah, they are useless.

That's the only thing that points them useless? Tell me which problem did the USA succeded in solving in the last decade. don't be narrow minded only on the Palestinian issue.
In the last 20 years the UN bacame the most stupid, useless, biased organization on earth. They don't solve anything or help anyone.

I understand. The 1949 UN armistice agreements stated that the Palestine question would be addressed at a later date. Well it has been over 60 years and they are still sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing.

So yeah, they are useless.

That's the only thing that points them useless? Tell me which problem did the USA succeded in solving in the last decade. don't be narrow minded only on the Palestinian issue.

I can't think of one.
In the last 20 years the UN bacame the most stupid, useless, biased organization on earth. They don't solve anything or help anyone.

Syria: US condemns UN veto as 'highly regrettable'

Syria: US condemns UN veto as 'highly regrettable'
US: China and Russia on wrong side of Syrian people

The US condemns the veto of a vote against Syria but totally ignored the fact of it's own veto history as it spouts shit.

U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel

That includes refusing to allow rights of civilians under the 4th Geneva Convention.
Quite does that help 'the people' the US government is so concerned about?
I understand. The 1949 UN armistice agreements stated that the Palestine question would be addressed at a later date. Well it has been over 60 years and they are still sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing.

So yeah, they are useless.

That's the only thing that points them useless? Tell me which problem did the USA succeded in solving in the last decade. don't be narrow minded only on the Palestinian issue.

I can't think of one.

My point exactly.
The pictures in themselves don't prove anything. I'm not being callous but I would have to know the backgrounds and circumstances of the photos before I could comment. Try again with undisputed facts.
Of course they don't. The animals use mosques, hospitals, schools, ambulances, residential buildings as missile launching sites, then cry foul when the site gets whacked. US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afganistan can attest to this. It's a cultural thing...ANYTHING GOES.

You've seen the UN report I posted a little earlier.
Would you care to revise your post or are you of the opinion the UN lied?

I told you before. I research the whole topic before I start to post.
You're so predictable, I write replies to your posts before they appear on my screen.

It's really easy because you post no evidence at all, you use insults instead of facts and references and simply don't use your brain before posting.

Debate, not masturbate. :D

Yet another red brick from Roudy for this post with the comment, "Stop spewing shit".

It seems I was right in my assertion he insults but can offer no valid argument to support his position.
That would strongly suggest his position is wrong.
  • Thanks
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And the rest of what you said are just more IslamiNazi lies. Jews never kicked anybody off their land, hence the reason why 20 % of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims with FULL RIGHTS. The Arabs started the aggression, theft, and terrorism because Islam dictates that Jews must be subjugated and oppressed under their rule. In other words their violence and hate is religious based.

Do you hate all Germans because some killed Jews?
I don't hate all Jews because the Israeli government are bastards.

Hate is such a negative emotion.
It's the world's eraser of love, tolerance and peace.
You know, these lies don't work. You sound like one of these ignorant Muslims off the streets of Karachi or something. "I just hate the govt blah blah blah..." Typical Islamist drivel.

FYI it's the Muslims (the Palestinians among the worst of them) that have cornered the market on hatred, violence, and intolerance, all over the world. They are in essence Nazism reborn with a headscarf. Perhaps you should focus your phony baloney "concern" about hatred on those who are most guilty. You can't, because you are one of them.

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