Terrific Trump tweets tremendous tariffs talk


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
see what i did there in the title?

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

"Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the US...The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The US only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!

Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!

If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!" - President Trump
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.
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"We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!'"
I thought I had grasped the concept of tariffs, but after reading the President's statement...
I'm all confused again.
"We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!'"

They have a billion more people who need to work. Tramp and his family used China steel and wares bought from China and now they are going in Africa and India, anywhere they can get cheap labor. Yet we are the richest country.
Trump Tower officially lists the tenant as the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, but make no mistake who's paying the rent: the Chinese government, which owns a majority of the company. And while the landlord is technically the Trump Organization, make no mistake who's cashing those millions: the president of the United States, who has placed day-to-day management with his sons but retains 100% ownership. This lease expires in October 2019, according to a debt prospectus obtained by Forbes. So if you assume that the Trumps want to keep this lucrative tenant, then Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. could well be negotiating right now over how many millions the Chinese government will pay the sitting president. Unless he has already taken care of it: In September 2015 then-candidate Trump boasted to Forbes that he had "just renewed" the lease, around the time he was gearing up his campaign.

Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight
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"If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!

Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with murder!" - President Trump
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"Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!" - trump
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We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Yes, China does. When tariffs are raised, the seller has to drop their price and eat the profits in order to stay competitive. Otherwise it’s people who support Chinese made crap that pay it.

The whole point of the tariffs is to bring the manufacturing jobs back. Only globalist un-American assholes like you support keeping jobs in China, and support large corporations that use cheap Chinese labor. You also support their despicable humanitarian and environmental record.

President Trump is fighting for American workers, folks like Penelope are fighting for China to take our jobs.
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Yes, China does. When tariffs are raised, the seller has to drop their price and eat the profits in order to stay competitive. Otherwise it’s people who support Chinese made crap that pay it.

The whole point of the tariffs is to bring the manufacturing jobs back. Only globalist un-American assholes like you support keeping jobs in China, and support large corporations that use cheap Chinese labor. You also support their despicable humanitarian and environmental record.

President Trump is fighting for American workers, folks like Penelope are fighting for China to take our jobs.

You are not going to bring manufacturing back, those days are gone. Should of got into the TPP, but the tramp go us out, and now those 11 countries are in it together. We are all alone. We have 325 million out of 7.5 billion , grasp that. He is going to bankrupt the US.

The world does not need us, see how insignificant we are, we have to use our military. Some days and I do hope its soon, no one will care about our sanctions anymore. We don't have our bases around everywhere for others, we have them for ourselves.

McConnell was all for getting out of the TTP, why because he married Elaine L. Chao.

In April 2008, Chao's father gave Chao and McConnell between $5 million and $25 million,[67] which "boosted McConnell's personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million"[68] and "helped the McConnells after their stock portfolio dipped in the wake of the financial crisis that year."[69]

As Secretary of Transportation, Chao appeared in at least a dozen interviews with her father, a shipping magnate with extensive business interests in the United States and China.[70] Ethics experts said that the appearances raised ethical concerns, as public officials are prohibited from using their office to profit others or themselves.[70]
Elaine Chao - Wikipedia
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He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Yes, China does. When tariffs are raised, the seller has to drop their price and eat the profits in order to stay competitive. Otherwise it’s people who support Chinese made crap that pay it.

The whole point of the tariffs is to bring the manufacturing jobs back. Only globalist un-American assholes like you support keeping jobs in China, and support large corporations that use cheap Chinese labor. You also support their despicable humanitarian and environmental record.

President Trump is fighting for American workers, folks like Penelope are fighting for China to take our jobs.

You are not going to bring manufacturing back, those days are gone. Should of got into the TPP, but the tramp go us out, and now those 11 countries are in it together. We are all alone. We have 325 million out of 7.5 billion , grasp that. He is going to bankrupt the US.

The world does not need us, see how insignificant we are, we have to use our military. Some days and I do hope its soon, no one will care about our sanctions anymore. We don't have our bases around everywhere for others, we have them for ourselves.

McConnell was all for getting out of the TTP, why because he married Elaine L. Chao.

In April 2008, Chao's father gave Chao and McConnell between $5 million and $25 million,[67] which "boosted McConnell's personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million"[68] and "helped the McConnells after their stock portfolio dipped in the wake of the financial crisis that year."[69]

As Secretary of Transportation, Chao appeared in at least a dozen interviews with her father, a shipping magnate with extensive business interests in the United States and China.[70] Ethics experts said that the appearances raised ethical concerns, as public officials are prohibited from using their office to profit others or themselves.[70]
Elaine Chao - Wikipedia

Those days are only gone as long as we elect globalist pigs like the Clintons, Bushes, and the Hussein.
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Yes, China does. When tariffs are raised, the seller has to drop their price and eat the profits in order to stay competitive. Otherwise it’s people who support Chinese made crap that pay it.

The whole point of the tariffs is to bring the manufacturing jobs back. Only globalist un-American assholes like you support keeping jobs in China, and support large corporations that use cheap Chinese labor. You also support their despicable humanitarian and environmental record.

President Trump is fighting for American workers, folks like Penelope are fighting for China to take our jobs.

You are not going to bring manufacturing back, those days are gone. Should of got into the TPP, but the tramp go us out, and now those 11 countries are in it together. We are all alone. We have 325 million out of 7.5 billion , grasp that. He is going to bankrupt the US.

The world does not need us, see how insignificant we are, we have to use our military. Some days and I do hope its soon, no one will care about our sanctions anymore. We don't have our bases around everywhere for others, we have them for ourselves.

McConnell was all for getting out of the TTP, why because he married Elaine L. Chao.

In April 2008, Chao's father gave Chao and McConnell between $5 million and $25 million,[67] which "boosted McConnell's personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million"[68] and "helped the McConnells after their stock portfolio dipped in the wake of the financial crisis that year."[69]

As Secretary of Transportation, Chao appeared in at least a dozen interviews with her father, a shipping magnate with extensive business interests in the United States and China.[70] Ethics experts said that the appearances raised ethical concerns, as public officials are prohibited from using their office to profit others or themselves.[70]
Elaine Chao - Wikipedia

Those days are only gone as long as we elect globalist pigs like the Clintons, Bushes, and the Hussein.

You must mean globalists like the tramps. He is the one who borrows from foreign banks and gets wares where the price is cheap, China etc. Now Ivanka is checking out Africa. Checking out sweatshops.
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Yes, China does. When tariffs are raised, the seller has to drop their price and eat the profits in order to stay competitive. Otherwise it’s people who support Chinese made crap that pay it.

The whole point of the tariffs is to bring the manufacturing jobs back. Only globalist un-American assholes like you support keeping jobs in China, and support large corporations that use cheap Chinese labor. You also support their despicable humanitarian and environmental record.

President Trump is fighting for American workers, folks like Penelope are fighting for China to take our jobs.

You are not going to bring manufacturing back, those days are gone. Should of got into the TPP, but the tramp go us out, and now those 11 countries are in it together. We are all alone. We have 325 million out of 7.5 billion , grasp that. He is going to bankrupt the US.

The world does not need us, see how insignificant we are, we have to use our military. Some days and I do hope its soon, no one will care about our sanctions anymore. We don't have our bases around everywhere for others, we have them for ourselves.

McConnell was all for getting out of the TTP, why because he married Elaine L. Chao.

In April 2008, Chao's father gave Chao and McConnell between $5 million and $25 million,[67] which "boosted McConnell's personal worth from a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million"[68] and "helped the McConnells after their stock portfolio dipped in the wake of the financial crisis that year."[69]

As Secretary of Transportation, Chao appeared in at least a dozen interviews with her father, a shipping magnate with extensive business interests in the United States and China.[70] Ethics experts said that the appearances raised ethical concerns, as public officials are prohibited from using their office to profit others or themselves.[70]
Elaine Chao - Wikipedia

Those days are only gone as long as we elect globalist pigs like the Clintons, Bushes, and the Hussein.

You must mean globalists like the tramps. He is the one who borrows from foreign banks and gets wares where the price is cheap, China etc. Now Ivanka is checking out Africa. Checking out sweatshops.

That’s because they are just like any other business, and have to compete against other businesses that use the cheap labor and products from overseas. If they don’t, they go out of business.

So, change the rules and protect companies that would rather keep their jobs in the US. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Although I suspect you actually do understand but just need to attack President Trump and you hate America so you support the Chinese.
"Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!" - Trump
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Tariffs make Chinese products more expensive.

If you don't buy those products, you don't pay those tariffs.

Instead of Chinese, you buy American product, that is due to tariffs now cheaper, and most likely better.
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Tariffs make Chinese products more expensive.

If you don't buy those products, you don't pay those tariffs.

Instead of Chinese, you buy American product, that is due to tariffs now cheaper, and most likely better.
The way tariffs actually work is that American products jack their prices to match the tariffed ones. I watched it happen when Trump imposed the tariffs on steel. It does not work the way you say. Maybe it is supposed to, but if you check out the prices on the global market, you will see it is not the case.
He is still under the illusion that China pays the tariffs and not the US consumers. What a dumb idiot.

Look for tomatoes to go up, he just put another tariff on those from Mexico.

Tariffs make Chinese products more expensive.

If you don't buy those products, you don't pay those tariffs.

Instead of Chinese, you buy American product, that is due to tariffs now cheaper, and most likely better.
The way tariffs actually work is that American products jack their prices to match the tariffed ones. I watched it happen when Trump imposed the tariffs on steel. It does not work the way you say. Maybe it is supposed to, but if you check out the prices on the global market, you will see it is not the case.

Now you're expert on steel too?

That is not the way that tariffs "actually" work. Sure, business can increase price of their product and get additional windfall, but marker usually work it out where competition get the prices to level where it belong.
"When it comes to China, we must be willing to accept short term pain for long term gain. Stick to your guns Mr. President. We’re behind you!" - Senator Graham

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