Term Limits? How Would That Affect the so-called "Deep State"?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
The differences is in the power high ranked politicians wield. This is why your president has term limits while watered down so-called democracies such as Canada do not. BTW, these limits should also apply to province/state leaders and city mayors. Yes, the head of the CIA should have term limits IMO, but the average agent should not as long as he is effective and competent. Hopefully I make sense, I woke up at 4 am again :(
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There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
It`s not only the nutty "deep state" making their lives miserable, they like to blame the evil "librul media" for their never ending misery.

Term Limits? How Would That Affect the so-called "Deep State"?​

Fool, term limits only affect the political hand-puppets in Washington who put a false face on the deep state---- the actual deep state are not elected nor subject to any term limits; to affect them, you have to attack the institutions and agencies they work through.
Fool, term limits only affect the political hand-puppets in Washington who put a false face on the deep state---- the actual deep state are not elected nor subject to any term limits; to affect them, you have to attack the institutions and agencies they work through.
Attack? How do you mean. Fire the leader?
Attack? How do you mean. Fire the leader?

Dismantle, defund, and or restructure/redefine the offending miscreantic alphabet agencies while doing a thorough cleanup of its personnel of malcontents and seditionists.

YOU KNOW, the very things you have supported people like Obumma, Biden et al., doing to our military for the past 15 years!
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
What would you say if 2023 politics and living was like the Deep south 1950's? Well, it is only with others not the same as then in control of what goes on and in a convoluted way. People are destroyed for minor things now. What difference is there if an African American faced hate going to a school from another era and white male faces the same today? Of course, the propagandists keep pushing the privilege crap to emasculate and shame the white race to keep this insane game going.
Dismantle, defund, and or restructure/redefine the offending miscreantic alphabet agencies while doing a thorough cleanup of its personnel of malcontents and seditionists.

YOU KNOW, the very things you have supported people like Obumma, Biden et al., doing to our military for the past 15 years!

Your blob dismantled, defunded, restructured agencies?

I support our agencies--the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc... Your blob funded them every year. It seems he supported them too.
It wouldn't.

To destroy "Deep State" would require weeding out all Zionist Fascists from DOJ, FBI, CIA, and DHS...
and we already have term limits it is called elections people can change reps or senators any election that is held.
These men and women for the most part are pointed to us as voters. From the people who run the major parties. We hear of them over the years and consider voting for them. How many real surprises do we get? Romney as governor of Massachusetts. Romney as Presidential candidate. Romney as Senator from a Western state. It stinks. This is not to pick on Romney. For there are many of them. And we are a declining Rome.
Term limits is about attracting the right kinds of people to office. We don't need any more power and money obsessed creeps who look at a political office as a coveted lucrative, cushy job, hanging on by their fingernails into their 80s and 90s. Term limits would be an attempt to get back to original idea of political office being a sacrifice and a service.
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
Term Limits is just a BS wedge issue...

Term Limits means having less experience people running your country... This would mean Party machine & Civil Servants would increase their power as they would possess knowledge... Vast majority of areas in US are not competitive so the party machines will be passing out jobs for the loyalists to the machine..

What US needs is multi-seat districts and preference voting... Suddenly the map really does move... US would have at least 5 parties within 12 years with seats in Congress.. Independents would expand massively...
and we already have term limits it is called elections people can change reps or senators any election that is held.
And every President gets to pick the heads of the departments and cabinet secretaries. I think our problem is that saying you'll clean house gets you elected but once elected you find the house is not really in need of cleaning once the political appointees are gone.
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
The deep state are the bureaucrats who actually write the bills and our politicians basically spend all their time looking for ways to get reelected. Politicians do get to sell influence and get in on some sweet insider trades, both of which make them a lot of money, but they don't have a lot of time to write legislation. The deep state, on the other hand, gets to sell their influence to lobbyists (bribers) and they no doubt get kickbacks from the politicians they represent as well. In addition, they control the media, the education system and our multinational corporations, which they also shake down. In other words, the deep state is beholden to $$$$$, not doing what's best for the people. The deep state has totally sold out to the rich, establishment types. Trump is so popular with the people because he threatens to break up the monopoly the establishment deep state has on our government. Establishment elitists hate Trump because they hate when someone tries to reform their thieving ways and prevent them from looting our government. Neocons and Democrats represent most of the establishment elitists that are all in with our current, rigged system.

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