Ten Year Old LIes - are they still lies?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Folks in Galesburg seem to have taken ten years to figure out Obama was lying!

OK, not the sharpest knives in the draw but they used to be sharp enough to make appliances. But then they listened to a silver-tongue devil, helped him get elected and paid a terrible price!

Obama s evolution on trade will put him at war with his party - Nation World - The Herald News Fall River MA - Fall River MA

Not enough that the folks of Galesburg are finally noticing they were screwed, blued and tattooed.....the whole sordid affair is also burning Obama's most fervent wannabe successor!

"Rust Belt Democrats have accused Obama of betraying his past opposition to big trade deals as a senator. And Sen. Elizabeth Warren's fierce criticism of provisions favoring corporations has made it difficult for Hillary Rodham Clinton to embrace the pact in her White House bid — even though she touted it as secretary of state."

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