Telepath: City of Ghosts [Capitalism/Austria]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism 'crime-story' (my final one) inspired by the film The Equalizer.

I posted it in General Discussion instead of the Writing section of USMB, since it's overtly-patriotic in theme/tone, but what do you think?

Cheers (signing off),


It's good to be in Vienna (Austria). I like traveling around Europe in the 21st Century, since there are a lot of modern conveniences that make tourism actually feel safe and secure, minus the randomized threat of new age anti-globalization/anti-capitalism terrorism lingering around (or hovering around) 'symbolic target-areas' (perhaps Rome or Sydney). I just got into Vienna from Venice where the water is dirty but the gondolas are sensual. Vienna/Europe reminds me of global happiness, even though I'm an Algerian-American/tourist.


I'm secretly the American masked vigilante known as 'Batman.' What makes me fantastic in terms of heroism/courage is that I'm in fact a telepath. Why's that so hard to believe? Consider all the connected wireless computers/technologies that make networking immediate (or real-time). Isn't that like a 'energized electronic brain-network' (symbolically)? Well, I'm a telepath; my brain can sense network movements organically/psychically. As a telepath (Batman), I work to end the sort of modern urban malaise or narcissistic nihilism that gives rise to new forms of evil --- e.g., druglords, politics-scoundrels, terrorists, and urban rapists. Crime is more 'silent' now, and I'm a dark knight and messenger of hope --- for Earth. Yes.


I went to a chic aristocratic party in Vienna last night attended by beautiful women and handsome gents in authentic old-world European dress/costumes. It turned out that the party was hosted by a secret/underground 'vampire-cult' and the 'vampires' turned on the non-vampire guests, compelling four of the non-vampire female guests including myself to take up the weapons the vampire-hosts wielded (scythes, scimitars, axes, machetes), snatching it from them and using them to decapitate or simply kill the bloodthirsty 'hosts.' I realized new age civilization was decidedly 'consciously malicious.' Was this some new 'anti-capitalism aesthetic' designed to make cynicism and anarchy feel


When I returned to my beloved Gotham City in America, ai realized a new gang of masked 'warlocks' called Golgotha was robbing banks and brutally slaying cops and their entire families in the name of 'capitalism revolution.' Of course, I'd seen this sort of 'gothic bravado' in comics and cinema such as Spawn, Mad Max, and Halloween: Season of the Witch, but this was much more 'real.' As Batman, I tried to sense the movements of Golgotha minions and intercept them before they killed more pedestrians and citizens of this great capitalist nation(!).


I took off my bat-mask and decided to paint myself a white face-cover like a clown and call myself the Crow. I got myself a pet raven/crow-bird which I kept with me as I wandered around Gotham City on Devil's Night, the night of annual mischief that comes right before Halloween Eve. As the Crow, I still used telepathy to sense anti-capitalism evils and anti-human terrorism, but now, I was much more sensitive about the 'aesthetics' of criminality. Why for example, did the Gotham crime syndicate known as Black Mask recruit sexy prostitutes to kill corporate fat-cats for them? Was this some kind of gloomy apocalyptic anti-urban (or anti-capitalist) agenda? How was this 'linked' to 9/11?


As the Crow, I traveled to Chicago where a new crime-gang fashioned after Al Capone's Prohibition-era crime-organization came to prominence. This new gang was called the Suits and was led by a mafia-ghoul named Sal Capone. Apparently there was no relation between Sal and Al, but Sal was certainly as pirate-like and ruthless. Sal Capone lived out of a fancy Chicago hotel which is how I found him conveniently and used my telepathy to sense when he'd be there with minimal guardsmen. I broke into the lobby and shot him with a dart laced with a poison --- right in his neck. I told myself, "I wish I was in Vienna right now!"


I returned to Vienna, and this time, I wore a ski-mask and suit-and-tie and called myself the Ranger. As the 'Ranger,' I walked around the city streets at night (with a mini silencer pistol) and distributed sheet-music to Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks film soundtrack songs such as Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" (Top Gun) and Carly Simon's "In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning" (Sleepless in Seattle). My message (as the 'Ranger') was to encourage the good modern-day people of Vienna (Austria) that imaginative patriotism towards mainstream Western civilization 'pop-daydreams' (from cinema, etc.) would be humanity's 'best-defense' against the anti-capitalism terrorism we all were traumatized by on 9/11. This was my mission.


When my mission is completed, and I can retire as a 'scholar of human consciousness' and a 'priest of benevolent imagination,' I'll wonder about what stirs my mind the most --- images of kids in Austria and Switzerland in chic ski-masks getting prepared for a fun bright day of power-snow skiing or the urban hell that anti-capitalism imagination/mentality generated in cities across the USA and elsewhere in this time of 'globalization-infancy.' However, when the New World was first discovered, there were all sorts of foundation-tremors such as the Salem Witch Trials and the disappearance of Roanoke. So who knows? Perhaps this new age 'capitalism paranoia' is merely a 'silent reflection' of the potential for some future age of 'traffic-bliss.' Isn't that what TrumpUSA tells us?


When I go to sleep, I read my copy of Spider-Man stories featuring the super-villain Hobgoblin (Marvel Comics). No, Hobgoblin is not a witch but rather a mutant gargoyle who soars around a jet-glider and throws pumpkin-bombs and is generally considered a new age urban menace (and terrorist of an anti-capitalism orientation!). Hobgoblin was once a chic American urban fashion-designer named Roderick Kingsley who became a terrorist after a strange biochemical serum mutated his body (and mind). As a telepath with various 'incarnations' of crime-fighting and vigilantism (Batman/Crow/Ranger), I find these nightly readings of Hobgoblin (Marvel Comics) stories reminds me of the potential of creative/harmless dark-side imagination...even in times of 'silent real-world terrorism.' Perhaps I will return to Austria (Vienna) someday, this time dressed as a non-vigilante Hobgoblin for simply revel in worldly magic. Someday...when evil is dead.




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