Ted Nugent Incites Violence at Trump Rally: Go 'Berserk on the Skulls of Democrats' (Video)

You don't want a war? Then get your shit out of our schools and stop the bullshit.
Pretty simple, huh? Do you think they'll ever understand it without seeing some graphic examples of what could happen if they ignore warnings? I mean, most of them have the intellectual capability of a six year old and that's why the only thing that will change their behavior is a good whipping.
I am less concerned about some retired rocker that 99 percent of Americans haven't heard of....and more concerned with people like Chucky S, threatening the Court, or Mad Max Waters.....these are political leaders of their party, Senators, Congresswomen.....it's very scary stuff.
Pretty simple, huh? Do you think they'll ever understand it without seeing some graphic examples of what could happen if they ignore warnings? I mean, most of them have the intellectual capability of a six year old and that's why the only thing that will change their behavior is a good whipping.
They need their noses busted and ankles cracked.

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