Ted Koppel.. "Hannity et.al. are bad for America"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
On Sunday’s episode of “CBS Sunday Morning,” CBS News aired a featured story by Ted Koppel that included a clip of a heated interview between Fox News host Sean Hannity and Koppel.

“I am cynical,” said Koppel.
Hannity: “Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?”


Hannity:“You do? Really?”

Koppel.“In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows—”

Hannity:“That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel.“No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential—”

Hannity:“You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel.“No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity:“I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel.“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

This statement ..."You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

Is a perfect example of why people like me NO longer take anything the so-called "journalists" like Koppel
say as "FACTUAL" news generation.

Case in point...
How many of Ted Koppel's phony "journalists" have said this about President Trump:

I just did a Google on "Trump anti-immigrant"...

93,700 totally BIASED stories stipulating as The Atlantic article :
"Trump's Anti-Immigrant policies"

First... how many people especially biased MSM realize President Trump married an immigrant!
So how can he be "anti-immigrant"?
Second... does the biased MSM realize that there are over 40 million Americans who were immigrants and NOW legal citizens?
Just as my daughter-in-law who like the above millions that became Americans "legally" by renouncing their homeland and swearing allegiance to the USA. How if the MSM is NOT biased and should be believable do that NOT add the very very important adjective.. "illegal immigrants"!
But Koppel on Trump???

Ted Koppel: ‘Donald Trump Is, in Effect, the Recruiter in Chief for ISIS’
by Josh Feldman | 1:22 pm, December 13th, 2015
Ted Koppel: ‘Donald Trump Is, in Effect, the Recruiter in Chief for ISIS’

Really... unbiased MSM "journalist" tells people Trump is a recruiter for ISIS?

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 6.49.01 AM.png
So the FAKE NEWS is implying Hannity hacked the election! :p Koppel is FAKE NEWS!
Koppel is right.

Keppel doesn't know the difference evidently between "commentators" which Sean ,et.al.. proudly acknowledge their bias.
Keppel doesn't seem to know the FACTS about the MSM bias as this page shows.


The list: Journalists who wrote political checks
The following 143 journalists made campaign contributions from 2004 through the first quarter of 2007, according to Federal Election Commission records studied by msnbc.com.
D) contributed to Democrats or liberal causes. (R) to Republicans and conservative causes.
Note: Detailed responses from the journalists follow the list.
Democrat/liberal donation 125 (89%) versus
GOP/Conservative 15 (11%)
Koppel is right.
Keppel doesn't know the difference evidently between "commentators" which Sean ,et.al.. proudly acknowledge their bias.
Keppel doesn't seem to know the FACTS about the MSM bias as this page shows.
The media's bias - on which I agree, by the way - and what conservative talk radio have done are two entirely different, separate things.

They can both exist in the same space.
Best Part was Koppel saying Fake News isn't Fake if we believe it and that the MSM knows best on telling people what they should think.

He also said, people will believe just about anything. He then corrected himself and said, No THEY WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING WE TELL THEM.

What a bunch of arrogant pieces of shit these people are.
Things the MSM has said about Trump.

Anti Immigrant though he married an immigrant and is pro legal immigration.
Anti Semite though his daughter married a Jew and his son in law is a Jew.
Anti Black & Anti Woman though one of his chief advisors is Omorosa who is both a woman and black, and Kelly Ann Conway is his chief spokesperson and the first woman ever to run a winning presidential campaign.
Anit Hispanic though he received more Hispanic votes than Romney or McCain, and has a great deal of support in The Hispanic Community with Legal Immigrants and The Cuban-American community.
Things the MSM has said about Trump.

Anti Immigrant though he married an immigrant and is pro legal immigration.
Anti Semite though his daughter married a Jew and his son in law is a Jew.
Anti Black & Anti Woman though one of his chief advisors is Omorosa who is both a woman and black, and Kelly Ann Conway is his chief spokesperson and the first woman ever to run a winning presidential campaign.
Anit Hispanic though he received more Hispanic votes than Romney or McCain, and has a great deal of support in The Hispanic Community with Legal Immigrants and The Cuban-American community.

And so we are to believe the MSM is unbiased??? RIGHT!!!!!
For a "spoon-fed" conservative person... geez I find it so simple to get the facts!
Facts like:
1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008,
according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

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