Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

    Votes: 6 20.0%

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And where does she say that Obama was born in Kenya? Give us the time stamp.

Its only 32 seconds long, so it should be remarkably easy for you to do.

You're repeating yourself....
Got any more obviously photoshopped images that fooled you? You know, like the one of Obama and Ayers together in college that you were dumb enough to think was real.

The only thing we know was that Ayers and Obama were buddies at Columbia U., where the liberal arsonists Weathermen went to 'study' communism.

The voices in your head telling you that, doesn't really qualify as 'knowing'.


Now THAT is a lovely concession to Porker... .

And since they're not here, I duly note that you have failed to sustain your stated position and in their absence, I duly accept such... .

(You did the very best you could and I think the reader recognizes that... Maybe you should go on back to the "FIRE HOT!" thread... you were doin' GREAT over there.)

I notice a pattern where every time you "duly note" anything you are pathetically failing to cover for the fact that you are completely full of shit.
And where does she say that Obama was born in Kenya? Give us the time stamp.

Its only 32 seconds long, so it should be remarkably easy for you to do.

You're repeating yourself....
Got any more obviously photoshopped images that fooled you? You know, like the one of Obama and Ayers together in college that you were dumb enough to think was real.

The only thing we know was that Ayers and Obama were buddies at Columbia U., where the liberal arsonists Weathermen went to 'study' communism.

The voices in your head telling you that, doesn't really qualify as 'knowing'.


Now THAT is a lovely concession to Porker... .

And since they're not here, I duly note that you have failed to sustain your stated position and in their absence, I duly accept such... .

(You did the very best you could and I think the reader recognizes that... Maybe you should go on back to the "FIRE HOT!" thread... you were doin' GREAT over there.)

Once again a Keyes wall of nonsense.
They believe that the world revolves around them and their beliefs alone.

Pretty much. I remember Keys lost his shit and refused to speak to me for about a week when I didn't accept that his religious faith was objective truth.


D E L U S I O N ON P A R A D E !!

Of course she also 'remembers that she has a right to murder pre-born children and a right to declare sexual abnormality NORMAL! SOoooo... Consider that source.

Suffice it to say that what she 'remembers', never occurred.

Are you sure, Keyes? You lamented in detail about faith was from God. And God was the ultimate in objectivity. It wasn't a passing comment. It was quite the conversation. One of your 'liberals are relativist' rants, as I remember.

Am I sure of what? Reality? Yeah... I'm sure. You demanded that subjective human beings practicing religion subjectively, required that religion was subjective. And I laughed and laughed watching you post 500 word screeds, one after another for hours groping to prove that people are subjective... when that was precisely what you were actually suppose to be contesting. It was and remains HYSTERICAL!

Even your brief description makes no sense. I've argued that people are very subjective. And the only method of accessing religion is through subjective interpretation. There is no other way. Thus, your belief that your religious values are 'objective' is nonsense. As you have no method save your own subjectivity to access your faith.

The subjectivity of people wasn't what I was contesting. It was the heart of my argument. Thus, you *imagine* your beliefs are objective. But they're not. Take.....gays and adulterers.

The Puritans executed both gays and adulterers, citing God.

The Founders executed gays, but not adulterers, citing God.

Modern Christians execute neither, citing God.

Its the same books, the same faith, the same commandments. But *radically* different interpretations. Now either God changed from the era of the Puritans to the era of Modern Christians. Or the Christians did. With their religion adapting to their personal context, their society, history, and culture.

Utterly obliterating the idea that any such belief system is objective or universal. Its utterly malliable as the changes within Christianity demonstrate.

Remember: your faith is inherently subjective. It is not an objective standard of anything. And any argument you offered based on the idea that your faith is *objective* is already dead. Because faith cannot be experienced objectively. But only subjectively. Your faith exists within you exclusively.

The coolest part... is that your 'interpretation' of that discussion is precisely what one would expect from a relativist... which was the point of the exercise... that you, as such are incapable of objectivity. And HERE YA ARE... DEMONSTRATING JUST THAT!

The difference between is us that I recognize the subjectivity of interpretation. You imagine that anything you believe is objective, infallible, universal truth. But you use the same process of subjective interpretation as anyone else. Thus, the basis of your reasoning is self delusion. As you have nothing but subjective interpretation to access any moral system you use. Yet you've imagined that your subjective interpretation is objective truth.

See how that works?
The hysterical part is that HE FAILED TO HIDE THE NEEDED TO HIDE TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE! Which is that his old man was a foreign national. Which erases any chance that obama could be a Natural Born Citizen...

LOL....you got one thing right- Obama never hid the fact that his father was a foreign national- and why did no one care?

Because no one- not the voters, not the Electoral College, not Congress, not Chief Justice Roberts- no one other than a few birthers like Stevie the Racist thought that having an African father was relevant- because he was born in the U.S.
You're repeating yourself....
Got any more obviously photoshopped images that fooled you? You know, like the one of Obama and Ayers together in college that you were dumb enough to think was real.

The only thing we know was that Ayers and Obama were buddies at Columbia U., where the liberal arsonists Weathermen went to 'study' communism.

The voices in your head telling you that, doesn't really qualify as 'knowing'.


Now THAT is a lovely concession to Porker... .

And since they're not here, I duly note that you have failed to sustain your stated position and in their absence, I duly accept such... .

(You did the very best you could and I think the reader recognizes that... Maybe you should go on back to the "FIRE HOT!" thread... you were doin' GREAT over there.)

I notice a pattern where every time you "duly note" anything you are pathetically failing to cover for the fact that you are completely full of shit.

Laughing...you got it. Its Key's white flag. Whenever he does the 'duly noted' schtick....its Keyes desperately looking for an excuse to flee the conversation. As he's painted himself into a corner and can't get himself out.

Its like clockwork. He can't help himself.
70 pages on Canada Ted? Good God...

The Birthers are really, really emotionally invested into this one for some reason. Viggy even went full retard, his every reply reduced to spamming the same video. A video that doesn't even say what he claims. Piggy has been spamming virtually every birther conspiracy imaginable....and hasn't the slightest clue what he's actually posting.

They're running on pure emotion at this point.
One can ONLY "BE" a Natural born citizen, where TWO CITIZENS conceive and bear a child, the natural result of which: IS A NEW CITIZEN. If one parent is a foreign national... there is NO MEANS for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen. PERIOD!

Says who?

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Note what it does not say: Born in the United States.

Now IF the Framers intended that the standard for President was to require that one be BORN in the USA... they would have said: "...BORN IN THE US".

But that is NOT what they said, is it?

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

Here: Allow be to again help you demonstrate my point:

What other way could a person NATURALLY be considered a citizen of the United States, except where the individual is born to TWO PARENTS, who are citizens of the relevant nation?

(The Reader should know that she will now either ignore the above challenge, which she does 61% of the time, OR she will repeat the long since discredited drivel that being BORN IN THE US naturally provides that one is a citizen OF the US. Sadly, for her position, such is not the case: EXCEPT where both parents are citizens...

In point of fact, if a child is born in the USA, by LAW the child CAN become a citizen of the US. But such is not always the case. If a child is born to foreign nationals, who happen to be here in the US at the time of the birth, the parents MAY or may not claim US citizenship for the child, which again is a function of US law... but the child would also, quite NATURALLY: BE A CITIZEN OF THE NATION COMMON TO IT'S BIRTH PARENTS! ... thus a DUAL CITIZEN. Who would NATURALLY have split loyalties... and that makes sense, doesn't it? )

FTR: 15 minutes and she's yet to respond... proving once again, that I SAY IT HERE AND IT COMES OUT THERE! BE AMAaaaaaZED!
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I notice a pattern where every time you "duly note" anything you are pathetically failing to cover for the fact that you are completely full of shit.

Well, given your demonstrated intellectual means, that's not surprising.

A great American made the point: "Life is Hard and it's harder if you're stupid".

I hope it gets better for you, but I fear it will not.
The Birther conspiracy is stupid.
There is no 'Birther Conspiracy'.

Oh, sure there is. You've insisted that Obama's original vital records are forged. When asked by whom, you start babbling about corrupt politicians spanning both the democrat and republican parties.

But you can't back any of that up factually. You've literally imagined it all. And based on your imagination alone, you ignore every piece of the mountains of contrary evidence that affirms Obama's place of birth was Hawaii.

You can't teach that kind of batshit. This is why birthers are a national laughing stock.
The hysterical part is that HE FAILED TO HIDE THE NEEDED TO HIDE TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE! Which is that his old man was a foreign national. Which erases any chance that obama could be a Natural Born Citizen... which requires that BOTH PARENTS be citizens, as a child born to two people of the same citizenship naturally results in a new citizen.
Says you. Citing yourself. And you're nobody. Your personal opinion doesn't create any constitutional crisis. As you define no legal term. And since Obama's eligibility is a legal question, the standards of law apply. Not whatever you imagine.

And your only source...is yourself.
Amazing, the commie left refuses to answer a simple question.... Let me remind you what the Moooocher said....

Speaking of simple questions....where in the video does Michelle say that her husband was born in Kenya? Give us the time stamp.

Your video is only 32 seconds long, so it should be remarkably simple for you to do.
The Birther conspiracy is stupid.

All the Birthers are doing is pointing out that obama is coonspiring with others to hide his past.

The hysterical part is that HE FAILED TO HIDE THE NEEDED TO HIDE TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE! Which is that his old man was a foreign national. Which erases any chance that obama could be a Natural Born Citizen... which requires that BOTH PARENTS be citizens, as a child born to two people of the same citizenship naturally results in a new citizen.

The reason that the Framers required such, is of course, demonstrated perfectly through the consequence of obamas catastrophic peasantry. The US may well not survive the damage he has done to the US Domestically and he has ERASED all of the gains the US made in the US GWOT, having set Islamic terrorism up as government or quasi-government throughout the middle east and providing Iran with nuclear capability before he leaves office.

You see kids, the Framers understood that a person born to foreign national would likely be, at the MINIMUM, sympathetic to foreign ideas, which are hostile to the United States and obama has demonstrated that the odds of getting someone who IS, if you elect such, is extremely likely.

The thing to remember here, is... as a moderator on this very site recently pointed out:

There is no 'Birther Conspiracy'.

Oh, sure there is.

LOL!... No it isn't and I should congratulate you for that powerful rebuttal.
I notice a pattern where every time you "duly note" anything you are pathetically failing to cover for the fact that you are completely full of shit.

Well, given your demonstrated intellectual means, that's not surprising.

A great American made the point: "Life is Hard and it's harder if you're stupid".

I hope it gets better for you, but I fear it will not.

If the "duly noted" bit isn't working for ya, trying to put on a 'smart guy' bit is even less likely. Why not just stop being full of shit for a change?
Amazing, the commie left refuses to answer a simple question.... Let me remind you what the Moooocher said....

Speaking of simple questions....where in the video does Michelle say that her husband was born in Kenya? Give us the time stamp.

Your video is only 32 seconds long, so it should be remarkably simple for you to do.

You still FAIL at answering the question.... BUT being you're not happy with a 32 sec. clip, how's a 3 min. clip?.... I'll show it to you IF you answer my question! Now go ahead, and ask me what question, and show everyone how SMART you are!
One can ONLY "BE" a Natural born citizen, where TWO CITIZENS conceive and bear a child, the natural result of which: IS A NEW CITIZEN. If one parent is a foreign national... there is NO MEANS for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen. PERIOD!

Says who?

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Says you. You're the one offering us your definition based on whatever you imagine. And your imagination isn't a legal standard.

Its the same problem you run into on virtually every topic you attempt to discuss. You keep assuming that whatever you believe must be irrefutable fact. But there's no such mandate. Most often because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The USSC does;

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

Wong Kim Ark v. US

As clear as a bell, place of birth establishes natural born status. Even if both parents are foreigners.

You ignore it. No objective person ever would.

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

So you assume. And who are you quoting on your claim that a natural born citizen is only a person whose 'both parents are citizens'? The constitution doesn't say this. The courts never have. The founders certinaly didn't say that. And there's no mention of parents in the term 'natural born'.

So who are you quoting? Just yourself.

Do you have any argument to offer us that isn't just you citing yourself?
If no, then you're done. As you're nobody.[
Amazing, the commie left refuses to answer a simple question.... Let me remind you what the Moooocher said....

Speaking of simple questions....where in the video does Michelle say that her husband was born in Kenya? Give us the time stamp.

Your video is only 32 seconds long, so it should be remarkably simple for you to do.

You still FAIL at answering the question.... BUT being you're not happy with a 32 sec. clip, how's a 3 min. clip?.... I'll show it to you IF you answer my question! Now go ahead, and ask me what question, and show everyone how SMART you are!

Okay. Where in the 3 minute clip does Ms. Obama say that Obama was born in Kenya? Just give us the time stamp.
My home country is England.

You look like a total moron.
So you were born in England, and just happen to be in America... I understand!

No I'm an American who was born in Canada and has English ancestry.

So you are naturalized American?

If his parents (or parent) were American, he'd be a citizen at birth. And natural born.....regardless of where he was born.

One can ONLY "BE" a Natural born citizen, where TWO CITIZENS conceive and bear a child, the natural result of which: IS A NEW CITIZEN. If one parent is a foreign national... there is NO MEANS for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen. PERIOD!

Which, of course, is how we can rest assured that obama's Peasantry... is illegitimate. That he is a Muslim insurgent who has infiltrated the US Government, that's just icing on the traitor's cake.

Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum has a hard time differentiating between the law and his otherworld fantasyland.
The Birther conspiracy is stupid.

All the Birthers are doing is pointing out that obama is coonspiring with others to hide his past.

The hysterical part is that HE FAILED TO HIDE THE NEEDED TO HIDE TO QUALIFY FOR OFFICE! Which is that his old man was a foreign national. Which erases any chance that obama could be a Natural Born Citizen... which requires that BOTH PARENTS be citizens, as a child born to two people of the same citizenship naturally results in a new citizen.

The reason that the Framers required such, is of course, demonstrated perfectly through the consequence of obamas catastrophic peasantry. The US may well not survive the damage he has done to the US Domestically and he has ERASED all of the gains the US made in the US GWOT, having set Islamic terrorism up as government or quasi-government throughout the middle east and providing Iran with nuclear capability before he leaves office.

You see kids, the Framers understood that a person born to foreign national would likely be, at the MINIMUM, sympathetic to foreign ideas, which are hostile to the United States and obama has demonstrated that the odds of getting someone who IS, if you elect such, is extremely likely.

The thing to remember here, is... as a moderator on this very site recently pointed out:

There is no 'Birther Conspiracy'.

Oh, sure there is.

LOL!... No it isn't and I should congratulate you for that powerful rebuttal.

Oh, I get that you don't see your fantastically elaborate, wildly complicated international conspiracy spanning 50 years, at least 2 administrations, 2 different newspapers in Hawaii from the 1960s, both the Democrats and the Republicans, the Governor of Hawaii, the Registrar of Records of Hawaii, the Director of the Department of Health of Hawaii, and the President of the United States himself as a conspiracy.

But any objective person viewing your batshit claims would. Especially when you can't back any of it factually.

You're still stuck on the 2008 COLB that stands as prima facie evidence in any court of law. And proves Obama was born in Hawaii. Can you see why birthers are a national laughing stock?
One can ONLY "BE" a Natural born citizen, where TWO CITIZENS conceive and bear a child, the natural result of which: IS A NEW CITIZEN. If one parent is a foreign national... there is NO MEANS for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen. PERIOD!

Says who?

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Says you. You're the one offering us your definition based on whatever you imagine. And your imagination isn't a legal standard.

Its the same problem you run into on virtually every topic you attempt to discuss. You keep assuming that whatever you believe must be irrefutable fact. But there's no such mandate. Most often because you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The USSC does;

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance, also called "ligealty," "obedience," "faith," or "power" of the King. The principle embraced all persons born within the King's allegiance and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual -- as expressed in the maxim protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem -- and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance, but were predicable of aliens in amity so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the King's dominions, were not natural-born subjects because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the King.

Wong Kim Ark v. US

As clear as a bell, place of birth establishes natural born status. Even if both parents are foreigners.

You ignore it. No objective person ever would.

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

So you assume. And who are you quoting on your claim that a natural born citizen is only a person whose 'both parents are citizens'? The constitution doesn't say this. The courts never have. The founders certinaly didn't say that. And there's no mention of parents in the term 'natural born'.

So who are you quoting? Just yourself.

Do you have any argument to offer us that isn't just you citing yourself?
If no, then you're done. As you're nobody.[

Then, a mulatto, born of a white American mother, but NOT YET 5 years after her 14th birthday, to a communist black man from Kenya, In Kenya, wouldn't be allowed to be president by the Constitution restraints... And since said mulatto's wife has stated the mulatto's HOME COUNTRY IS KENYA, we have reasonable cause to believe all other material presented to affirm his American birth to be suspect! Money, and POWER can BUY the said mulatto almost perfect copies of birth certificates, but those little mistakes, such as the college pamphlet, the REFUSAL to show college records to discover if he was given special treatment as an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from a foreign country, and thus a PAID FOR scholarship, and the multiple SS #'s are STILL an open question.....sort of like the Benghazi papers requested from the State Dept. over 2 years ago, that still haven't shown up....oh, it's a tangled web these communist/socialist/progressive mother fuckers weave!

Now all we need is a GOOD, CONSERVATIVE president, to UNDO all the secrecy, and get down to the truth, with, perhaps, a decent amount of JAIL TIME thrown in as a stimulus to talk....as we aren't allowed to WATERBOARD anymore! Ah....nirvana!!!
One can ONLY "BE" a Natural born citizen, where TWO CITIZENS conceive and bear a child, the natural result of which: IS A NEW CITIZEN. If one parent is a foreign national... there is NO MEANS for the child to be a Natural Born Citizen. PERIOD!

Says who?

Says the phrase: Natural Born Citizen.

Note what it does not say: Born in the United States.

Now IF the Framers intended that the standard for President was to require that one be BORN in the USA... they would have said: "...BORN IN THE US".

But that is NOT what they said, is it?

They said "...Natural Born Citizen..." because they required that for a person to qualify for the Presidency, that their citizenship must be the natural result of their BIRTH! And there is ONLY ONE WAY THAT HAPPENS... and that way is that BOTH PARENTS ARE CITIZENS.

Here: Allow be to again help you demonstrate my point:

What other way could a person NATURALLY be considered a citizen of the United States, except where the individual is born to TWO PARENTS, who are citizens of the relevant nation?

(The Reader should know that she will now either ignore the above challenge, which she does 61% of the time, OR she will repeat the long since discredited drivel that being BORN IN THE US naturally provides that one is a citizen OF the US. Sadly, for her position, such is not the case: EXCEPT where both parents are citizens...

In point of fact, if a child is born in the USA, by LAW the child CAN become a citizen of the US. But such is not always the case. If a child is born to foreign nationals, who happen to be here in the US at the time of the birth, the parents MAY or may not claim US citizenship for the child, which again is a function of US law... but the child would also, quite NATURALLY: BE A CITIZEN OF THE NATION COMMON TO IT'S BIRTH PARENTS! ... thus a DUAL CITIZEN. Who would NATURALLY have split loyalties... and that makes sense, doesn't it? )

FTR: 15 minutes and she's yet to respond... proving once again, that I SAY IT HERE AND IT COMES OUT THERE! BE AMAaaaaaZED!
Where can one find that definition?
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