Team Trump circling the wagons of denial

Team Trump is going to the bunkers as they deny even knowing Manafort and Flynn

This is going to get hairy as both will get charged with failing to register as foreign agents and the FBI digs into their Russian connections. Will they clam up to protect Trump?

We shall see
It didn't take long

Comey Disclosures Leave Trump Alone On Island of Conspiracy Theories

Looks like Team Trump is already preparing to throw Paul Manafort under the bus as they anticipate more leaks about Manaforts dealings with a pro-Russian Ukrainian leader

Manafort is now just a "limited role player in the campaign for a short time"? He was the freak'n campaign manager for six months. Flynn was "just a volunteer"

The feedback loop kept spinning in Spicer's press briefing, where he distanced Trump from former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, whose ties to a pro-Putin leader in Ukraine have drawn scrutiny throughout the last year. Comey declined to comment on whether Manafort was under investigation on Monday and Manafort denied any involvement in the Russia hack. Spicer downplayed the issue, saying Manafort "played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time" on the campaign.

As reporters who covered Trump's run noted, this was ludicrous: Manafort served from March to August and effectively ran the campaign during a crucial stretch that included the decisive primary races and the Republican National Convention. Spicer also described Flynn as a mere "volunteer," an innocuous title for a key policy hand whose contributions led him to be named National Security Adviser.


Everyone knows Trump ran the campaign. All he had to do was tweet or show up to a press conference. He can the campaign like no one has before, that was because of him, not Manafort or Conway.

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