Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

Liberals will say and do anything to keep their mask from falling. Truthmatters has just proven that. Your handle is a joke.
Gotta love the TOLERANCE of this fine liberal teacher right? Will absolutely not allow an opposing point of view. Nope. Not when it concerns The Great Leader.

Liberals are so tolerant of others.......as long as others means other liberals.
Then they would have no problem competing for a job in free market education.

"Public educators, like Soviet farmers, lack any incentive to produce results, innovate, to be efficient, to make the kinds of of difficult changes that private firms operating in a competitive market must make to survive." Carolyn Lochhead

I also think H.L. Mencken got it right:

"The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all: it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality."

I think H.L. Mencken and Carolyn Lochhead got it completely wrong but why don't you tell us what these two suggest as an alternative?

Free market education. Choice. Competition. Diversity. Consequences when you fail, rewards when you succeed.

You want to give poor people money for education, fine, make the case. But the idea that government should run the entire education system, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch is insane. As with any government monopoly, the results are piss poor and costs far outpace the rate of inflation.

As government grows larger...private sector shrinks...as does the control of the people in proportion.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjpWaESn_9g]Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube[/ame]

My God, what a debacle. The kid should actually be teaching the class. Where do the Public Schools find these astonishly stupid Teachers?
Thanks to teachers unions, she will be in class for the next 30 years and immune from discipline.
Wow. Who woulda thought we would come to the point where a black teacher in a Southern classroom is making the argument that a black man and a white man are NOT EQUAL. She literally responds to the kid saying "They are both men, they are equal" with "No they are not equal".

MLK would be so proud.
Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube

My God, what a debacle. The kid should actually be teaching the class. Where do the Public Schools find these astonishly stupid Teachers?

The kid shows more class than the teacher.

This dunce cannot be College-Educated. If so, what does that say about our College System? Has she even heard of the Constitution? Scary stuff for sure. Way to educate the kids Dems/Teacher Unions. You're doing a fine job. :cuckoo:
Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube

My God, what a debacle. The kid should actually be teaching the class. Where do the Public Schools find these astonishly stupid Teachers?

The kid shows more class than the teacher.

This dunce cannot be College-Educated. If so, what does that say about our College System? Has she even heard of the Constitution? Scary stuff for sure. Way to educate the kids Dems/Teacher Unions. You're doing a fine job. :cuckoo:

At least the kid shows a propensity to front and defend both sides of an issue...I hope this incident doesn't deter him even after the threat by the teacher to tell his parents of his attadk on the Messiah...:eusa_whistle:
she did nothing wrong you fools.

just keep preteding she said something other than she did say
So what? There are stupid people everywhere you look.

Yep. Thanks to the unions who take dues to give to the Democrat party to keep the faithful entrenched in our education system to keep churning out educated dummies who are not allowed to question.

Nah it's people jumping to conclusions over video clips on the internet and blaming unions or one party or the another for a single instance of recorded stupidity.
So what? There are stupid people everywhere you look.

Yep. Thanks to the unions who take dues to give to the Democrat party to keep the faithful entrenched in our education system to keep churning out educated dummies who are not allowed to question.

Nah it's people jumping to conclusions over video clips on the internet and blaming unions or one party or the another for a single instance of recorded stupidity.

Still defending the indefensible ay? The kid should be the Teacher. He schooled your fellow Obamabot dunce for sure.
So what? There are stupid people everywhere you look.

Yep. Thanks to the unions who take dues to give to the Democrat party to keep the faithful entrenched in our education system to keep churning out educated dummies who are not allowed to question.

Nah it's people jumping to conclusions over video clips on the internet and blaming unions or one party or the another for a single instance of recorded stupidity.

Do you think she should be fired?
and again ... that can be done in a respectful manner.

That class was in total chaos.

not all people learn from being treated like little atomatrons like you seem to learn

It has nothing to do with expecting students to act like little "atomatrons" (whatever that is).

If you can't see the difference between a respectful atmosphere with respectful debate and discussion and what we heard on that tape, then I don't know what else to say.

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