Tea Party Was Astroturf????


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Pelosi: Tea parties are part of an ‘astroturf’ campaign by ‘some of the wealthiest people in America.’"
Pelosi: Tea parties are part of an ‘astroturf’ campaign by

Now, here's 'astroturf'!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jOxERtkwN4&feature=player_embedded]Occupy Wall Street Was Organized From Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front - The Working Family Party - YouTube[/ame]

3. Working Families hiring protestors???


Date: 2011-09-26, 5:09PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

The Working Families Party (WFP) (Working Families) is New York's most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in 1998 by a grassroots coalition of community organizations, neighborhood activists, and labor unions, we came together to build a society that works for all of us, not just Wall Street CEOs and the well-connected. WFP is independent from corporate and government funding and in-addition we are community based; community funded and equally uninfluenced by both major parties. Our agenda focuses on economic and social justice, corporate accountability, job creation, environmental protection, and investment in education and healthcare.

For the past twelve years the WFP has been at the fore front of progressive politics,

Leading the fight and helping to frame the debate. The WFP has a proud record of fighting for issues that matter and has been instrumental in implementing key pieces of legislation such as Raising New York's Minimum Wage, Enacting Living Wage Laws, Creating Thousands of Jobs In the Green Economy, Passing Healthcare Reforms on the Local Level, Fighting for Affordable Housing, Keeping Tuition Costs Low, A Progressive Tax Code, Reliable/Cost Effective Public Transit System, Public Financing Of Elections and Corporate Accountability . In addition, we have an unapologetic stance on supporting and pushing good candidates to enact progressive legislation

The WFP is seeking immediate hires.

You must be an energetic communicator, with a passion for social and economic justice.
Only outgoing, articulate dedicated, determined candidates will be considered for the positions.

For those candidates that qualify WFP offers substantial paid-training provided by senior leadership, on varied issues such as: advocacy, public speaking, mobilizing, fundraising, networking and organizing. We invest in passionate people with excellent communication skills and a full benefits package is offered to those candidates that qualify. In addition, there is opportunity for advancement and travel to our satellite chapters and out of state affiliates.

This is not a policy job! Through direct action you will be shaping NY state politics for the next 20 years.

If you care about New York and want to help educate and mobilize around legislative campaigns-then we look forward to hearing from you!

Apply at Working Families » Jobs.
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News
No matter what movement occurs in the US there is some organization with money ready to back it. But it takes more than money and hired organizers to keep it it going. Once the initial flame is kindled whether by the people or by an organization it is the people who pick up that torch and carry it. And it is the people who will keep that flame burning and turn it into an blazing inferno or let it simmer and die.

Sure the media has a lot of influence in covering these and providing tinder but in today's world the internet has marginalized the media's ability to control information so a movement has the ability to grow today by itself.

OWS, if it continues to coalesce will form a more coherent set of ideals and objectives. The flakiness will start to drop in the public pronouncements and it may become a balance to the Tea party. Or it may explode into something bigger. Only time will tell.

It will be interesting to see where the college students come down on this. They are all on campus now and it is here, a fertile ground, that movements can grow quite rapidly.
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp-Jw-5Kx8k]CNBC's Rick Santelli's Chicago Tea Party - YouTube[/ame]

This was basically started when Rick Santelli had a meltdown on a proposed bailout of the mortgages. It wasn't about TARP which was authored by Republicans and it wasn't about the GM bailout, which was authored by Republicans.

Those actually happened. The mortgage bailout NEVER happened. So the whole fucking thing started on the basis on something that NEVER EVER happened.
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!

The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!

The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say

And it was FOX that gave them the moniker, "Tea Baggers". :lol:
So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!

The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say

And it was FOX that gave them the moniker, "Tea Baggers". :lol:

They considered other options....

Fudge Packing Party
Carpet Munchers
Tossed Salad Party

Tea Bagging seemed more appropriate
Tea Baggers are worse than AstroTurf

They are shills for Fox News

So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!

The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say

Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.
So....Tea Party folks support smaller government, less federal debt, and free market principles over crony capitalism????

And so does Fox News???

Wow....never realized that!
Hooray for Fox News!!!

The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say

Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you

The Tea Party was a small group of dissatisfied taxpayers until we elected a Democratic President. Suddenly, borrowing money became the worst crime government could commit. $5 trillion in GOP debt was ignored until Obama became president. Then it became a national crisis

What changed?

24/7 propaganda from the Fox News Network. Fox viewers showed up where they were told and when they were told to protest this "crisis"
The Tea Party was a ragtag bunch of small government protestors until Obama was elected. Once Obama won the election, they received 24/7 support from Fox News as viewers were told where to go and what to say

Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you

The Tea Party was a small group of dissatisfied taxpayers until we elected a Democratic President. Suddenly, borrowing money became the worst crime government could commit. $5 trillion in GOP debt was ignored until Obama became president. Then it became a national crisis

What changed?

24/7 propaganda from the Fox News Network. Fox viewers showed up where they were told and when they were told to protest this "crisis"

What changed?

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you.

The debt accumulation increased by a degree of magnitude.

That's what changed.

Perhaps we come up with a motto to summarize the situation when the country "elected a Democratic President"...

...how about "Tax and SPEND."

(Oops...didn't mean to raise my voice.)
Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you

The Tea Party was a small group of dissatisfied taxpayers until we elected a Democratic President. Suddenly, borrowing money became the worst crime government could commit. $5 trillion in GOP debt was ignored until Obama became president. Then it became a national crisis

What changed?

24/7 propaganda from the Fox News Network. Fox viewers showed up where they were told and when they were told to protest this "crisis"

What changed?

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you.

The debt accumulation increased by a degree of magnitude.

That's what changed.

Perhaps we come up with a motto to summarize the situation when the country "elected a Democratic President"...

...how about "Tax and SPEND."

(Oops...didn't mean to raise my voice.)

Tax and SPEND?

Still a major improvement of the Republican policy of cutting taxes and SPENDING
Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you

The Tea Party was a small group of dissatisfied taxpayers until we elected a Democratic President. Suddenly, borrowing money became the worst crime government could commit. $5 trillion in GOP debt was ignored until Obama became president. Then it became a national crisis

What changed?

24/7 propaganda from the Fox News Network. Fox viewers showed up where they were told and when they were told to protest this "crisis"

What changed?

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you.

The debt accumulation increased by a degree of magnitude.

That's what changed.

Perhaps we come up with a motto to summarize the situation when the country "elected a Democratic President"...

...how about "Tax and SPEND."

(Oops...didn't mean to raise my voice.)

President Barack Obama has repeatedly claimed that his budget would cut the deficit by half by the end of his term. But as Heritage analyst Brian Riedl has pointed out, given that Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package, pledging to halve it by 2013 is hardly ambitious. The Washington Post has a great graphic which helps put President Obama’s budget deficits in context of President Bush’s.
Bush Deficit vs. Obama Deficit in Pictures
Why would they have to be "told where to go and what to say" if you are correct in that they were already a "bunch of small government protestors" prior to 2008???

Either they already existed, and must have known 'what to say and where to go' or
Fox tole 'em 'what to say and where to go.'

Either they existed before Fox created 'em, or...with all due respect...you have no idea what you are talking about.

I knew this would happen once they stopped teaching logic.

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you

The Tea Party was a small group of dissatisfied taxpayers until we elected a Democratic President. Suddenly, borrowing money became the worst crime government could commit. $5 trillion in GOP debt was ignored until Obama became president. Then it became a national crisis

What changed?

24/7 propaganda from the Fox News Network. Fox viewers showed up where they were told and when they were told to protest this "crisis"

What changed?

You are not really this naive......but I will play along with you.

The debt accumulation increased by a degree of magnitude.

That's what changed.

Perhaps we come up with a motto to summarize the situation when the country "elected a Democratic President"...

...how about "Tax and SPEND."

(Oops...didn't mean to raise my voice.)

Aside from the Stimulus..of which..40% were tax breaks..the SPENDING occurred during the LAST ADMINISTRATION.

It's just that NOW the check has come.

The TP gained national attention when the media captured a few protesters at a few meet and greet sessions with their member of Congress, shouting their representative down and acting like dolts because they opposed health care reform.

They opposed health care reform because Fox News promoted the interests of special interests such as United Health Care by claiming reform was "Obamacare" and "Socialism". A usual and dishonest campaign of hate and fear.

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