Tea Party Lunacy Infects US Military

Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged?

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I mistook they guy for the one that shot up Afghanistan. That's why I voted yes. You really need to get a life.
earlycuyler, LockeJaw, Pale Rider, peach174, theHawk, Warrior102

^I wonder if these six 'Yes' voters realize that they're essentially agreeing that Stein's political views make him mentally disabled.


No its just agreeing that evey military member get benefits when they get "discharged."

You can talk bullshit all day if it helps you sleep at night. :thup:

But the question asked was specifically whether Stein should receive disability benefits after he is discharged. You voted YES. Therefore, you are agreeing that he is disabled dumbass. If you were an honest person with a pair of balls, you'd simply say 'ok, he got me' and move on, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. :lol:

them be not too bright, but they are the best and brightest of the Tea Party Wing of Nutjob Conservative Politics in America today
nope. I never signed anyone up for benefits. I worked with vets on other issues and NOT for the VA

I do not ever judge a vet as less than anyone else, myself included. But no vet gets an immediate pass from me just because they served.

Lots of criminals are vets too.

O.C. homeless slaying suspect aspired to kill 16, court records say - latimes.com

respect is earned. and volunteers get paid.
Well, it's not always clear from a handful of sentences what another person thinks.

Some politocoes throw out flamebait threads in order to collect and count coups for their political boasting sticks, while patronizing an opponent.

Truly cooler heads come to a bargaining table with the understanding of the other party's needs, and resources that may help that person. Even so, a long time ago, a document was written about people who make it impossible to engage in a bartering session. It was called The Ten Commandments. There are factions about who'd like to see chaos as it were erased as a basis of law. Talk about a bunch of tools! :rolleyes:

too funny

Oh, yeah, baby!

Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged? 63.64% of USMB Members who answered this poll question (most if not all, military vets - on disablity?) affirmed the proposition that the Marine in question is eligible for disability benefits because of Tea Party Lunacy as a mental condition.

Dante says it is NOT a service related condition. The mental illness that is Tea Party Lunacy is an ideological dis-ease, not attributable to duties in the military.
Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged? 63.64% of USMB Members who answered this poll question (most if not all, military vets - on disablity?) affirmed the proposition that the Marine in question is eligible for disability benefits because of Tea Party Lunacy as a mental condition.

Dante says it is NOT a service related condition. The mental illness that is Tea Party Lunacy is an ideological dis-ease, not attributable to duties in the military.

I'm not convinced. They do a pretty good job of brainwashing the recruits you know.
Should US Marine Sgt. Gary Stein get disability benefits when he gets discharged? 63.64% of USMB Members who answered this poll question (most if not all, military vets - on disablity?) affirmed the proposition that the Marine in question is eligible for disability benefits because of Tea Party Lunacy as a mental condition.

Dante says it is NOT a service related condition. The mental illness that is Tea Party Lunacy is an ideological dis-ease, not attributable to duties in the military.

I'm not convinced. They do a pretty good job of brainwashing the recruits you know.
Which is why they had trouble with me. :clap2:
So troops can't even express their views but ex cons and illegals can vote? Fuck you.

They can express their views, however are just barred from making certain types of public comments as "a representative of the Marines", while serving active duty.

When a Marine goes on a public forum and says that he's a Marine and is not going to follow the orders of the elected President of the United States - during wartime - how do you think that makes the Marines Corps look?

If this guy didn't want to follow the orders of POTUS, why couldn't he just keep that to himself?

Show me a congressionally declared war. The marine also said UNLAWFUL ORDERS. Can you not make that distinction? There is even a military ordinance against obeying certain types of orders.

WRONG!! Learn to read. What this dunderhead implied , and really it's easy to see this, is that ANY order Obama gives is an illegal order. Which is of course stupid.

Obama is a horrible President, but that's no excuse for what this moron Marine stated, and it's no excuse for you to defend him.
I guess somebody's got a bug up his wingnut ass. Maybe this news has him pissed:

Poll shows Obama leading GOP field in Va. | Richmond Times-Dispatch

The GOP pisses on Obama and his policies.
Put your left-winged Richmond Times Dispatch back into your ass, where it belongs.

I knew that would smoke your dumb ass out.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to EriktheRed again.

You're damned straight I will....LOL!!!

Of course you will. That's about all your good for, fuckface.
The GOP pisses on Obama and his policies.
Put your left-winged Richmond Times Dispatch back into your ass, where it belongs.

Only thing laughable is the miserable plethora of candidates the GOP has managed to scrape up so far in this giant train wreck circus I've been having to hear about for the past 6 months. I didn’t vote Obama last election, nor will I vote for him this election (or most likely will not), but the GOP hasn’t given us much of anything of an option.

Mitt - Centrist, Goldman Sachs, Obama v2
Santorum – Crazy and clearly sees no distinction between Church and State (“ban hardcore” porn?).
Gingrich – Forced to resign due to ethics charges? Habitual adulter? Sounds like a perfect leader.
Paul – Extremist. He’s a good Senator, but I don’t think anyone seriously thinks we should go back to the gold standard.
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I know this guy who has been in the military for almost a decade knows better. Is his mental state service related? Or has his politics corrupted his honor, loyalty, and patriotism?

If you don't like what's happening in the military - enlist, assbrain.

If the soldier in question didn't want to follow orders anymore, he should have left the military.

Sgt Asshat didn't just criticize his commander in chief and other superiors, he openly stated that he would be refusing to follow future orders from them, and advocated that others do the same.

It might be our last hope.

I'm guessing you're one of those guys who've despaired about America becoming a banana republic under this Prez.

I've seen what he is doing. I'd vote for Vladimir Putin if it meant we could get rid of obama. Or Hu Jintao. No one could do to this country anything worse than what obama has done.
I know this guy who has been in the military for almost a decade knows better. Is his mental state service related? Or has his politics corrupted his honor, loyalty, and patriotism?

Did it ever occur to you that the military on whole have an extreme disgust for thier CiNC as he wipes his ass with the Constitution those same military members have to defend?

Could it be that they are sworn to defend it from ALL enemies foreign and domestic?

Another president didn't have Rules of Engagement that denied reinforcements or air support to units under attack either. obama is well known to despise the military. That can only go on so long before the military started to despise him back.

Sort of like the American people.

What the are you talking about, traitor-n-dogz?

Show us any link at all proving that the President "despises" the military.

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