TB has broken out at Occupy Atlanta

Typical leftist.. Whine and throws a temper tantrum over the truth being posted, accusing the OP of being some heartless person , then goes on to state she wouldn't give the first damn if the poster died. Let's hear it for the Socialists and their stooopidity.. LMFAO.. Open mouth insert foot.. all too easy.
What truth was posted by the OP?

Oh, right, there wasn't one.

TB hasn't broken out amongst the OWIES in Atlanta???????
No, it hasn't. If you had enough of a brain to read the article about it, the one linked at American Spectator, not American Spectator's editorizing bullshit, you'd know that.
Awesome! You better run and get a TB test if you have actually worked closely with the homeless.

Or don't. I wouldn't cry if you disappeared in a fit of bloody coughing.


I bet you haven't ever been in a homeless shelter, though.

Typical leftist.. Whine and throws a temper tantrum over the truth being posted, accusing the OP of being some heartless person , then goes on to state she wouldn't give the first damn if the poster died. Let's hear it for the Socialists and their stooopidity.. LMFAO.. Open mouth insert foot.. all too easy.

And you don't come on here daily to obsessively post about how dumb liberals and leftists and Democrats are, ad nauseum............

insert foot, indeed.

hacks are hacks, yo. 95% of this site is hacks it's like an internet Comedy site, but sadder.

So, let me get this straight.

Telling the truth about liberals (that they are dumb) is the same as wishing someone dies in a bloody coughing fit?

Not even close!

Awesome! You better run and get a TB test if you have actually worked closely with the homeless.

Or don't. I wouldn't cry if you disappeared in a fit of bloody coughing.


I bet you haven't ever been in a homeless shelter, though.

Typical leftist.. Whine and throws a temper tantrum over the truth being posted, accusing the OP of being some heartless person , then goes on to state she wouldn't give the first damn if the poster died. Let's hear it for the Socialists and their stooopidity.. LMFAO.. Open mouth insert foot.. all too easy.
What truth was posted by the OP?

Oh, right, there wasn't one.

So, no one has TB at Occupy Atlanta????????

Typical leftist.. Whine and throws a temper tantrum over the truth being posted, accusing the OP of being some heartless person , then goes on to state she wouldn't give the first damn if the poster died. Let's hear it for the Socialists and their stooopidity.. LMFAO.. Open mouth insert foot.. all too easy.
What truth was posted by the OP?

Oh, right, there wasn't one.

TB hasn't broken out amongst the OWIES in Atlanta???????


Same thing, I asked! :D
Then I will pose the same questions to you:

What is the difference between latent and active TB?

Who would you quarantine? Latent TB, active TB, or both?

How would you assess the difference?

What kind of TB was quarantined in the days when we were eradicating TB? Leave them be. Stop them from spreading the disease beyond their protest sites and leave them alone. I would be shocked if a leftist found fault with that. Isn't the entire point to keep the police out of the sites, stop clean up, stop the arrests of criminals?

Give them what they want. These are groups of people sorely in need of the experience of the consequences of their actions.

So you don't actually have an answer?

So where do we quarantine people with active TB these days?

Just curious.

Most of the time, someone with active TB is in home quarantine and trusted not to spread the disease. They get home health care and help in getting food delivered. If they don't, they are quarantined in a hospital. In 2007 a man was placed under a federal quarantine order, the first since 1963 because he would not quarantine himself.

TB is not so prevalent that we need TB santitarims anymore. A friend of my son got TB and was in voluntary home quarantine for the rest of his life. Everyone he knew had to be tested. My boy included, but no one tested positive.

I gave you a realistic answer, as a leftist I don't expect you to accept it. Spreading TB is a civil right like spreading AIDS.
I wasn't the one crying in my soiled diaper over heartless people. LMFAO BIG FAT FAIL DUMMY!!

No you were the one pointing fingers and going heee heeee look at the weeenieee like you're in high school

Lay down the crackpipe .. and show me where I said any such thing?? You're kind of dumb in an ignorant sort of way.. I may give you a pass.

He's claiming telling the truth about liberals is the same as wishing someone dies in a bloody coughing fit.

Pretty lame attempt at a comparison.

Typical leftist.. Whine and throws a temper tantrum over the truth being posted, accusing the OP of being some heartless person , then goes on to state she wouldn't give the first damn if the poster died. Let's hear it for the Socialists and their stooopidity.. LMFAO.. Open mouth insert foot.. all too easy.

And you don't come on here daily to obsessively post about how dumb liberals and leftists and Democrats are, ad nauseum............

insert foot, indeed.

hacks are hacks, yo. 95% of this site is hacks it's like an internet Comedy site, but sadder.

So, let me get this straight.

Telling the truth about liberals (that they are dumb) is the same as wishing someone dies in a bloody coughing fit?

Not even close!



Saying an entire group of anyone is "dumb" without having personally met and gotten to know them is actually considerably "more dumb" than wishing someone dies, yea, because wishing someone dies is very specific to one person and so you can at least base it on something other than some whoooshing stereotype.
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Albuterol doesn't lower your immune system to the degree we are talking about. Even HIV doesn't start to manifest abnormal pathologies due to immunodeficiency until the CD$ count drops to about 350 (Normal range is 500-1000) and a person doesn't have "AIDS" until their CD4 count is below 200. Just knock it off with your feaux outrage.

As someone already mentioned, if you really want to avoid TB (as opposed to simply needing a reason to carp about OWS) follow simple hygiene protocols.

Albuterol????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Albuterol doesn't have steroids in it! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are going to lecture an asthmatic about asthma medications??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Please stop playing Mr. Know it all. You won't look so dumb.


Oh, I finally get a response from you!

You are right. I was thinking of advair or combivent which have fluticasone and a B2 agonist in them. Silly me.

Either way, your inhaled steroids or even your PO steroids (if you take them) aren't going to make you so severely immunocompromised that you are a massive risk for opportunistic infection.

Either way, you're dead wrong, because I don't take Advair. (I can't, the side effects are too much)

I DO take a steroid inhaler.

And they DO have side effects whether the pharmaceutical companies want to admit it or not.

Any doctor worth his salt will tell you, they DO have side effects like comprising your immune system.

I mean it's common sense. Asthma is inflammation. Your immune system causing inflammation in your lungs.

Reduce inflammation, you are reducing your immune response.

Don't tell this old war horse different. I've been through too many medications and doctors.

I've had asthma since 1964, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

And since my lungs are compromised in the first place (just from asthma) you are telling me I wouldn't be at risk for TB (steroids or no?)

I don't buy that one.
albuterol????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Albuterol doesn't have steroids in it! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are going to lecture an asthmatic about asthma medications??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Please stop playing mr. Know it all. You won't look so dumb.


oh, i finally get a response from you!

You are right. I was thinking of advair or combivent which have fluticasone and a b2 agonist in them. Silly me.

Either way, your inhaled steroids or even your po steroids (if you take them) aren't going to make you so severely immunocompromised that you are a massive risk for opportunistic infection.

roflmao mr. Know it all , didn't know it all.. Omg, too funny!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Umm yea,

The other Candidates all bashed Perry about it in the debates, incited by Michelle Bachman.

You'll notice that since Bachman made that an issue, she has done DOWN in the polls while Perry has not.

Just sayin'


And I'm "just sayin," there was a stage full of Conservatives, or so called, who were against it............contrary to your point.

Actually, the only conservative I heard made a fit about was Bachman, and she's gone down in the polls.

As for me, I'm a conservative and both my daughters have that shot.

I get ALL vaccinations for my kids.
Oh, I finally get a response from you!

You are right. I was thinking of advair or combivent which have fluticasone and a B2 agonist in them. Silly me.

Either way, your inhaled steroids or even your PO steroids (if you take them) aren't going to make you so severely immunocompromised that you are a massive risk for opportunistic infection.

ROFLMAO Mr. Know it All , didn't know it all.. OMG, too funny!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

In a way, I am glad I made the mistake. You obviously were ignoring all of the meat and potatoes about TB (YOUR OP topic) and only felt the need to respond to me when you felt you could attack my knowledge base.

Contrast that with the countless mistakes and stupid statements you have made about TB on this thread, I'll give you the point.

So where you ever really alarmed about TB, or did you just need a reason to bitch about something?

What stupid statements?

All I said is, I didn't know we still had TB in this country.



It's simply your attempt to deflect.


So, nice try, no cigar.

This is about the lack of sanitation at the OWS and how it's now causing disease.

I notice NONE OF YOU LIBS want to talk about that.
And we also used Agent Orange in Viet Nam. Which means, it can't be lethal. If the government uses it in a combat zone, it obviously can't be lethal.

When you can give me a case of a WWII vet whining about DDT exposure, do let me know.



And no one worried about Agent Orange until they figured out it gave people cancer.

Bullshit! They were making a fuss about Agent Orange in the 70s.

How long as WWII been over?

Give me a WWII vet whining about DDT?

Still waiting!
And you don't come on here daily to obsessively post about how dumb liberals and leftists and Democrats are, ad nauseum............

insert foot, indeed.

hacks are hacks, yo. 95% of this site is hacks it's like an internet Comedy site, but sadder.

So, let me get this straight.

Telling the truth about liberals (that they are dumb) is the same as wishing someone dies in a bloody coughing fit?

Not even close!



Saying an entire group of anyone is "dumb" without having personally met and gotten to know them is actually considerably "more dumb" than wishing someone dies, yea, because wishing someone dies is very specific to one person and so you can at least base it on something other than some whoooshing stereotype.


That's about as dumb as when our (former) Gov Rhodes said he thought litter was worse than rape, because litter pollutes everyone and rape only bothers "that lady." (yes, he really said that)

Only yours is backwards. It's OKAY to wish a PARTICULAR PERSON (aka a coservative) should die.

I mean, what could be wrong with wishing a conservative would die, right?

But it's NOT okay to call liberals dumb, because we haven't met each and every liberal?

We can't conclude anything from observing their actions, right?

Or even some REALLY STUPID RATIONALIZATIONS in posts like yours? :eusa_whistle:


Laughably pathetic hypocrites!

So, let me get this straight.

Telling the truth about liberals (that they are dumb) is the same as wishing someone dies in a bloody coughing fit?

Not even close!



Saying an entire group of anyone is "dumb" without having personally met and gotten to know them is actually considerably "more dumb" than wishing someone dies, yea, because wishing someone dies is very specific to one person and so you can at least base it on something other than some whoooshing stereotype.


That's about as dumb as when our (former) Gov Rhodes said he thought litter was worse than rape, because litter pollutes everyone and rape only bothers "that lady." (yes, he really said that)

Only yours is backwards. It's OKAY to wish a PARTICULAR PERSON (aka a coservative) should die.

I mean, what could be wrong with wishing a conservative would die, right?

But it's NOT okay to call liberals dumb, because we haven't met each and every liberal?

We can't conclude anything from observing their actions, right?

Or even some REALLY STUPID RATIONALIZATIONS in posts like yours? :eusa_whistle:


Laughably pathetic hypocrites!


I didn't say it wasN'T wrong to wish a person dead. tRY AGAIN FOR COMPREHENSION, THIS TIME. It's definitely wrong.

That's about as dumb as when our (former) Gov Rhodes said he thought litter was worse than rape, because litter pollutes everyone and rape only bothers "that lady." (yes, he really said that)

Only yours is backwards. It's OKAY to wish a PARTICULAR PERSON (aka a coservative) should die.

I mean, what could be wrong with wishing a conservative would die, right?

But it's NOT okay to call liberals dumb, because we haven't met each and every liberal?

We can't conclude anything from observing their actions, right?

Or even some REALLY STUPID RATIONALIZATIONS in posts like yours? :eusa_whistle:


Laughably pathetic hypocrites!


aND BTW, i'M NOT "YOU LIBS" giggle giggle giggle, just like you're not "you conservatives!!!"
Either way, you're dead wrong, because I don't take Advair. (I can't, the side effects are too much)

Either way, advair is just a combination of a long acting B2 agonist (albuterol is a short acting B2) and a steroid. So whatever you are taking, it's working in the same manner as advair.

I DO take a steroid inhaler.

And they DO have side effects whether the pharmaceutical companies want to admit it or not.

Any doctor worth his salt will tell you, they DO have side effects like comprising your immune system.

Of course they compromise your immune system. That is the point. It's not a "side effect", it's the desired effect. Steroids are anti-inflammatory and work to combat the inflammatory nature of your reactive lung disease. The B2 agonist cause bronchodilation and help keep your bronchioles open.

I mean it's common sense. Asthma is inflammation. Your immune system causing inflammation in your lungs.

Reduce inflammation, you are reducing your immune response.

Don't tell this old war horse different. I've been through too many medications and doctors.

I won't. You are correct, with the exception of claiming that depressing your immune system is a side effect in this instance.

I've had asthma since 1964, I KNOW what I'm talking about.

And since my lungs are compromised in the first place (just from asthma) you are telling me I wouldn't be at risk for TB (steroids or no?)

I don't buy that one.

The "evidenced based medicine" states that asthma doesn't make you higher risk for TB. If you can find a better or more focused study, then I'd be happy to read it.

Investigation of the risk factors for tuberculosis: a case

It certainly makes you higher risk for pneumonia.

Saying an entire group of anyone is "dumb" without having personally met and gotten to know them is actually considerably "more dumb" than wishing someone dies, yea, because wishing someone dies is very specific to one person and so you can at least base it on something other than some whoooshing stereotype.


That's about as dumb as when our (former) Gov Rhodes said he thought litter was worse than rape, because litter pollutes everyone and rape only bothers "that lady." (yes, he really said that)

Only yours is backwards. It's OKAY to wish a PARTICULAR PERSON (aka a coservative) should die.

I mean, what could be wrong with wishing a conservative would die, right?

But it's NOT okay to call liberals dumb, because we haven't met each and every liberal?

We can't conclude anything from observing their actions, right?

Or even some REALLY STUPID RATIONALIZATIONS in posts like yours? :eusa_whistle:


Laughably pathetic hypocrites!


I didn't say it wasN'T wrong to wish a person dead. tRY AGAIN FOR COMPREHENSION, THIS TIME. It's definitely wrong.

Oh bullshit you didn't.

You said it was FAR WORSE to call liberals stupid!

I ask again, did you libs meet each and every TEA Party advocate before you concluded we were racist, violent tea baggers?

