Tax Reform Is Going To Be Great


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
This time the Republicans’ tax reform plan will bring great gifts to corporations and usual. Conservatives, of course, will be thrilled.

But, before you conservatives pi$$ your panties with joy, those among the upper-middle class are not going to fair so well. They likely face triple what they paid in the past. The deductions famous and beneficial to this segment of taxpayers will be limited or eliminated completely.

It appears the very people who believe the GOP is there for them will be the Republicans’ main targets to replace the many billions-of-dollars handed to the billionaires and corporations as tax cuts.

As usual, the working poor have so little already, the Republicans decided it would cost more to squeeze money out of them than the government would get. But, the retirement plans of the middle-class will take a big hit so the billionaires can send more of their incomes to the Caymans, because it’s a myth they reinvest their tax cuts to stimulate growth here in the U.S.

After four decades, even the simple-minded conservatives should begin realizing “Trickle Down” is a lie...but, they haven’t.

Tax reform is going to be great. The suckers that believe they are rich enough to vote Republican might finally understand they are NOT, and they are going to pay through their noses. Perhaps, this might force them to see reality. No, not likely.



Can this example finally make conservatives understand the damage trickle down causes? No, their willful ignorance does not permit them to know the meaning of "gangrene".


These facts and the economic wreckage Hurricane Brownback left behind in Kansas should be definitive proof trickle down is a GOP lie.


The best idea ever.

The Dumb Left Wing Losers hate rich white people but the Democratic Party is ran by rich white people LOL
Hugo Chavez promised the Venezuelans that he would take the money from the corporations and rich people and end poverty.
After he died they discovered that he had stolen $billions$.
He destroyed the middle class and he didn’t lift the poor.
Now the Venezuelans are starving and their currency is worthless.
Sooooo remember this when you hear the idiot Troglocrats complain about rich people and corporations.

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