Tax Burden of Top 1% Now Exceeds That of Bottom 95%

Sorry that you think your KNEE is more important than a cancer or heart patiant. The fact is they use a triage mentality those with treatable conditions that are LIFE THREATENING get to go first. You are just a selfish prick who thinks the world revolves around him.......News flash Andrew the world does NOT revolve around you sorry to bust your bubble.

yea no shit genius

see the difference is though in this country

you go under the knife immedately for life threatning stuff and for non life threatning you can go under the knife in a matter of days

see the diff you fucking idiot

Go back to watching MSNBC sheep
Sorry that you think your KNEE is more important than a cancer or heart patiant. The fact is they use a triage mentality those with treatable conditions that are LIFE THREATENING get to go first. You are just a selfish prick who thinks the world revolves around him.......News flash Andrew the world does NOT revolve around you sorry to bust your bubble.

Another major problem with this argument. Should someone who needs a lung transplant because they smoked all their life go to the front of the line because their life is in danger essentially by their own doing?
and Bern is right. It's not this nations healthcare systems fault that people smoke...or its not th ehealthcare's systems fault that this is the most obese industralized nation in the world which is the largest contributing factor of our life expectancy.

Wanna live longer? Stop eating Mcdonalds, and eat right and exercise....omg what a fucking concept
The FACT is if more people got diagnosed EARLY then the COST of treatment is LESS and the chances of recovery is BETTER thus SAVING money for treatment.

You failed a lot of subject in high school didn't you. We can add economics to that list where I guess you forgot when the cost of something goes down, demand for it increases. So where, with in increased demand on the system and treating by your triage system are we going to have all this EXTRA time we don't have now for preventative health care? complete uturn from your original arguement, nice job

Well now we are talking about preemptive screening which this country is the best at.

Let's somewhere like Canada where the average wait time for an MRI/Cat Scan is around 8-14 weeks or here in the states where I myself have never waited more then a week for an appointment and thats stretching it.

Tough choice.

Not feeling well? Time from MD- Specialist-MRI-Specialist is 16 weeks up north

Yea its great up there

If people took care of themselves then healthcare would be fucking cheaper...plain and simple

Most peopel don't know thta most insurance plans will pay for a gym mebership...humana does this. However that would require people to get their fat ass off the couch I assume
Yeah I'm sure the drug addict Rush has a great healthcare plan.

lol what does this have to do with anything

typical liberal, when you're proven wrong on every account and made to look like a fool you come back with a rush limbaugh statement

Yes, I;m sure Rush's healthplan is as good as barney franks
No someone who is not willing to change their habits should get a transplant. If you are going to continue smoking/drinking etc then you should NOT be eligable for a transplant. Fair enough Bern? Oh and by the way what did you mean about judging you by your handle?

wowow, but the whole mentality of this healthplan is everyone should have access to the same level of you are just contradicting yourself.

See the system we have now...the cancer patient and the smoking lung transplant patient can both get their procedures done without havign to wait 5 months for it
Yeah Andrew what do you think is the average CO-PAY for an MRI? Do you know cause I do know hom much I would have to pay and it is cost prohibitive. My sisters younger son is having serious problems but the only way to know exactly what is wrong is a $10,000 dollar brain scan......Guess what ins doesn't pay ONE F'ING CENT!!!
People are actually still trying to use infant mortality rates and longevity as measure of healthcare?

No someone who is not willing to change their habits should get a transplant. If you are going to continue smoking/drinking etc then you should NOT be eligable for a transplant. Fair enough Bern? Oh and by the way what did you mean about judging you by your handle?

wowow, but the whole mentality of this healthplan is everyone should have access to the same level of you are just contradicting yourself.

See the system we have now...the cancer patient and the smoking lung transplant patient can both get their procedures done without havign to wait 5 months for it

No contradiction at all. I don't believe in EVERY aspect of Obama's health care plan. You see unlike you Neo-Cons I don't feel the NEED to take the whole policy as is I see room for improving it.
Cold, you don't know who you are talking to. I worked in the insurance business for 12 fucking years...I know much more on the subject then you do.

My plan the copay for an mri and catscan was 80 bucks...I've seen it go up to 100.

and please do tell, what is the name of this $10,000 brain scan which Insurance doesn't cover.. I'd love to do some research on it for ya to either prove how fucking stupid you are, or to help out your sisters son since I know the's not the kids fault that you are retarded.

I'm guessing that if he has some sort of cancer then they are probabl advising to take avistan which can help kill the tumor...its what ted kennedy used for his brain tumor...and that can run up to 10 grand a month...and there are ways to get the insurance plans to cover it you just need to know how to go about it.

however please enlighten me to what the particular name of this 10k brain scan is
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The FACT is if more people got diagnosed EARLY then the COST of treatment is LESS and the chances of recovery is BETTER thus SAVING money for treatment.

You failed a lot of subject in high school didn't you. We can add economics to that list where I guess you forgot when the cost of something goes down, demand for it increases. So where, with in increased demand on the system and treating by your triage system are we going to have all this EXTRA time we don't have now for preventative health care?

Yeah I guess Plasma/Lcd t.v.s are just as expensive as the day they first came out huh?
New Brain Scan May Diagnose Bipolar Disorder
Technique Tracks Chemical Changes in the Brain
By Peggy Peck
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Charlotte E. Grayson Mathis, MDNov. 30, 2004 (Chicago) -- Researchers using a special type of imaging that tracks brain chemicals are able to produce a "chemical fingerprint of bipolar disorder," a development that may lead to earlier diagnosis and aid in treatment.

If the results of this initial study are confirmed in larger trials, the technique, called MR spectroscopy, could "be a valuable diagnostic tool [for bipolar disorder] in two to three years," Mayo Clinic radiologist John D. Port, MD, PhD, tells WebMD. Port presented results of his preliminary study at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

Doctors have long known that patients with bipolar disorder have abnormal amounts of certain chemicals in the brain that cause changes in mood - fluctuations between depression, normal mood, and mania.

MR spectroscopy uses ordinary MRI technology that is modified to view the chemical properties of brain tissue and thus theoretically can detect the chemical changes associated with bipolar disorder as well as other mental illnesses.

In Port's study, MR spectroscopy was used to analyze various parts of the brain in 19 patients with bipolar disorder and 19 people without the condition. They looked at the parts of the brain believed to be involved in causing bipolar disorder as well as one "control" region that was not believed to be affected by the disease.

The scan analyzed the byproducts of five brain chemicals believed to be in abnormal quantities in bipolar disorder. A graphic representation of these region-by-region variations was produced. Those regional differences "are the patterns that serve as a chemical fingerprint [for bipolar disorder]," Port says.

The 19 patients with bipolar disorder were not receiving drugs used to treat the condition. "We wanted a picture of the bipolar brain in its natural state, before drugs could alter brain chemistry," he says.

When he compared the MR spectroscopy images from the patients with bipolar disorder to scans of the people without the condition, "there were definite patterns -- different patterns -- that emerged in the bipolar patients," he says.

"Differences were clearly visible [within the brain] based on [the] mood state [of the patient]," he says.

Patients with the most severe bipolar disorder had different patterns than patients with mild to moderate cases, suggesting that the severe bipolar disorder may require a different or more aggressive treatment.

The researchers also discovered that an area in the back of the brain called the parietal white matter, which previous research suggested was not affected by bipolar disorder, does experience chemical shifts similar to those seen in other brain regions.

Port says the next step in the research will be a study of patients undergoing medical treatment for bipolar disorder to determine if MR spectroscopy can detect changes in brain chemistry in response to medication.

Philip O. Alderson, MD, professor of radiology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University in New York, tells WebMD that Port's study results are likely to be welcomed by psychiatrists "since they are very eager for a measurement tool that can be used to aid diagnosis." Alderson was not involved in the study, but he led a news conference at the meeting where the results were discussed.

Oden Gonen, PhD, a professor of radiology at New York University School of Medicine in New York, tells WebMD the results are "quite timely. The next step, of course, will be to use this technology to determine if medication can undo the apparent imbalance in brain chemistry. I think this is very, very promising."
No someone who is not willing to change their habits should get a transplant. If you are going to continue smoking/drinking etc then you should NOT be eligable for a transplant. Fair enough Bern? Oh and by the way what did you mean about judging you by your handle?

Okay. Do you see what slippery slope that is? You admit such a system would not just be prioritized on the basis of one's need, but on whether someone deserves to be treated as well. Who would you want deciding that for you? WHY would want anyone to be able to decide that for you?

Hint: The commonality is simply that person in reference shares the same name.
The FACT is if more people got diagnosed EARLY then the COST of treatment is LESS and the chances of recovery is BETTER thus SAVING money for treatment.

You failed a lot of subject in high school didn't you. We can add economics to that list where I guess you forgot when the cost of something goes down, demand for it increases. So where, with in increased demand on the system and treating by your triage system are we going to have all this EXTRA time we don't have now for preventative health care?

Yeah I guess Plasma/Lcd t.v.s are just as expensive as the day they first came out huh?

Where the hell are you trying to go with this one? Yes cost went down. That does not mean actual ACCESS will improve. In fact by your own admission it will probably worsen for many.

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