TARIFFS: Walmart's CFO signals that price hikes may be coming because of Donald Trump's tariffs.

We need them. I want my social security. You poor whites aren't breeding enough or working hard enough. Your kids are in the basement playing Xbox and watching TikTok.

I didn't say you shouldn't face consequences. They should serve the same amount of time Trump served for his felony.

Why are you supporting a felon?
/—-/ How juvenile. Come up with a rational argument for a change.
We need them. I want my social security. You poor whites aren't breeding enough or working hard enough. Your kids are in the basement playing Xbox and watching TikTok.

I didn't say you shouldn't face consequences. They should serve the same amount of time Trump served for his felony.

Why are you supporting a felon?
Naw, I replaced myself and my wife. We're all good, and the kids are running their own families now. I don't think Xbox plays a large role in their lives, but hey, keep imagining things. Now why again do you support exploiting people for cheap labor? I thought you wanted high wages for all workers.

All felonies being equal in your eyes? Maybe we should force them to spend millions on legal defense and have their lives torn apart daily by people with a rabid, irrational hatred for them. Would that suffice?

Because the alternative was a disaster even worse in the making. Why are you supporting a prosecutor who incarcerated young black men for nonviolent offenses and kept them there after they were supposed to be released?
Doesn't matter what I want. I'm conflicted now. You idiots voted for Trump so I want what he and Elon want for you. You think the Oligarchs want what's best for your kids and their kids?

You think Trump's gonna fix inflation?

Are you and yours saving enough for retirement? Where do you all fall? I'll assume you are in your 50's and the kids are in their 30's?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)


  • Average net worth: $258,073 (ages 30-34), $501,289 (ages 35-39)
  • Median net worth: $89,801 (ages 30-34), $141,200 (ages 35-39)

You think these oligarchs are going to help people like you who fall in the median?

And if you are saving enough, I guess inflation didn't really affect you all that much now did it? So I guess you could say you did very well under Biden. Considering the mess Trump handed him.

Is this true for you? From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Again, you think Trump's going to make Elon a Trillionaire and also help the median? I'm sure he will. But the $ won't be worth nearly as much. So Trump might make everyone a millionaire. But Elon and Zuckaberg will then be trillionaires. A new Guilded Age starts Monday.

I worry because I fall in between the median and average. I'll probably end my career in the average. But by then what will $1 million dollars be? Not much. Plus more out of pocket for medicaid and the social security cuts that are probably coming. We are doomed. Some more than others. I'll survive. And my nephews will probably inherit $5 million each plus they have degrees from top schools. The masses, YOU, are fucked my friend and you don't even realize it. If you were fucked during Biden you're gonna be fucked 4 years from now. Maybe worse. How does 20% cut to your social security sound? $200 less a month in your golden years. All so Elon can make more. Gawd.
/—-/ How juvenile. Come up with a rational argument for a change.

I don't need to argue. I ask, where do you fall?

Are you saving enough for retirement? If you were a loser on Biden's watch, you're going to be a loser in 4 years. And if you are a winner, you're going to love the next 4 years. But it was the losers who got Trump elected.
I don't need to argue. I ask, where do you fall?

Are you saving enough for retirement? If you were a loser on Biden's watch, you're going to be a loser in 4 years. And if you are a winner, you're going to love the next 4 years. But it was the losers who got Trump elected.
/---/ No, you jackwagon. I'm 73, retired, financially stable, and have total assets of 1.6 million, with an income of about $200 k a year, mostly from trading stock options.
I hope this meets at least your minimum standards.
/---/ No, you jackwagon. I'm 73, retired, financially stable, and have total assets of 1.6 million, with an income of about $200 k a year, mostly from trading stock options.
I hope this meets at least your minimum standards.
Well that makes you a boomer who basically is telling us that we can't have it as good as you had it. Your generation ruined America. The greatest generation birthed you and handed you a wonderful country and you have ruined it.

You had job security, pensions, social security, medicare, very little out of pocket, social security increases, a great stock market and money to invest, affordable college, etc....

You got yours. Now you want to make cuts. But not to your benefits. And don't raise taxes on guys like you. You're struggling. Raise taxes on the median people.

The best thing your generation did was pay uneducated blue collar workers a good amount. That's thanks to unions. You don't realize that unions and liberal policies created the strong middle class that allowed you to amass such a fortune.

Thanks for letting me know you are a rich greedy Republican not a stupid poor one. I don't blame you for voting for your best interests. From where you sit, Republicans are best. You are investor class not working class. You lived through the golden years of America. You are welcome.
Doesn't matter what I want. I'm conflicted now. You idiots voted for Trump so I want what he and Elon want for you. You think the Oligarchs want what's best for your kids and their kids?
Of course not. Believing that a politician cares about someone other than himself is foolish. It's time people stop trying that and understand that politicians are out to amass wealth and power. That's why, for example, so many democrats come into office either moderately or not well off and leave office obscenely wealthy. Republicans do it too, but you seem enamored of democrats and can't find the gumption to criticize them. We need politicians who intend to amass power and wealth who will do in ways we can leverage for ourselves.
You think Trump's gonna fix inflation?
I thought inflation was already fixed by Quid Pro Joe. Are you saying he didn't fix it after 4 years of trying?
Are you and yours saving enough for retirement? Where do you all fall? I'll assume you are in your 50's and the kids are in their 30's?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)


  • Average net worth: $258,073 (ages 30-34), $501,289 (ages 35-39)
  • Median net worth: $89,801 (ages 30-34), $141,200 (ages 35-39)
I'm 60 years old and have I job I enjoy doing that pays me very well and I intend to keep doing it as long as my mind stays healthy. I want to be that old guy that knows the job inside and out and can teach the kids how to do it. Heck, I might switch and teach instead.
You think these oligarchs are going to help people like you who fall in the median?
Help? I expect them to do things that allow us to make the best of our lives. I want government out of my way and not taxing or preventing every move I make.
And if you are saving enough, I guess inflation didn't really affect you all that much now did it? So I guess you could say you did very well under Biden. Considering the mess Trump handed him.

Is this true for you? From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.
Like I said, I intend to keep working because my job keeps my mind sharp. I'm watching Mom suffer from Alzheimer's and I don't want to be the guy that falls apart when he retires. That means I intend to build wealth as I go to fund things I want to do and maybe leave some for the kids and grandkids when I leave this world.

In short, I do not want to be dependent on the whims of the government. Even saving a lot of money doesn't protect it when the government starts eyeing those trillions socked away just aching to be taxed. Remember Obama's famous statement, "I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money." If you think democrats are going to allow you to save a lot and not try to take it any more than Republicans will, I have a rainbow farting unicorn to sell you, cheap.
Again, you think Trump's going to make Elon a Trillionaire and also help the median? I'm sure he will. But the $ won't be worth nearly as much. So Trump might make everyone a millionaire. But Elon and Zuckaberg will then be trillionaires. A new Guilded Age starts Monday.
I don't care if somebody else gets a lot of money. They can have it and the headaches that come with it.
I worry because I fall in between the median and average. I'll probably end my career in the average. But by then what will $1 million dollars be? Not much. Plus more out of pocket for medicaid and the social security cuts that are probably coming. We are doomed. Some more than others. I'll survive. And my nephews will probably inherit $5 million each plus they have degrees from top schools. The masses, YOU, are fucked my friend and you don't even realize it. If you were fucked during Biden you're gonna be fucked 4 years from now. Maybe worse. How does 20% cut to your social security sound? $200 less a month in your golden years. All so Elon can make more. Gawd.
My horizon is more like 15-20 years at this point. Heck, I may just retire to another country where the beaches are white and the living is cheap.
Well that makes you a boomer who basically is telling us that we can't have it as good as you had it. Your generation ruined America. The greatest generation birthed you and handed you a wonderful country and you have ruined it.

You had job security, pensions, social security, medicare, very little out of pocket, social security increases, a great stock market and money to invest, affordable college, etc....

You got yours. Now you want to make cuts. But not to your benefits. And don't raise taxes on guys like you. You're struggling. Raise taxes on the median people.

The best thing your generation did was pay uneducated blue collar workers a good amount. That's thanks to unions. You don't realize that unions and liberal policies created the strong middle class that allowed you to amass such a fortune.

Thanks for letting me know you are a rich greedy Republican not a stupid poor one. I don't blame you for voting for your best interests. From where you sit, Republicans are best. You are investor class not working class. You lived through the golden years of America. You are welcome.
/----/ "Well that makes you a boomer who basically is telling us that we can't have it as good as you had it."
Said by no Baby Boomer ever. Our goal was to give our children and grandchildren a better life than we have.
You're just posting hyperbole because you have nothing else. DERP

"And don't raise taxes on guys like you. You're struggling. Raise taxes on the median people."
More nonsense. Conservatives didn't vote for any of this crap. It was all done by democRATs with the help of some RINOs.

Thank the Progs who raised taxes, increased regulations, imposed labor laws, and environmental laws that drove businesses overseas so they could survive and compete.
None of us voted for that or were able to stop it.
Doesn't matter what I want. I'm conflicted now. You idiots voted for Trump so I want what he and Elon want for you. You think the Oligarchs want what's best for your kids and their kids?

You think Trump's gonna fix inflation?

Are you and yours saving enough for retirement? Where do you all fall? I'll assume you are in your 50's and the kids are in their 30's?


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)


  • Average net worth: $258,073 (ages 30-34), $501,289 (ages 35-39)
  • Median net worth: $89,801 (ages 30-34), $141,200 (ages 35-39)

You think these oligarchs are going to help people like you who fall in the median?

And if you are saving enough, I guess inflation didn't really affect you all that much now did it? So I guess you could say you did very well under Biden. Considering the mess Trump handed him.

Is this true for you? From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Again, you think Trump's going to make Elon a Trillionaire and also help the median? I'm sure he will. But the $ won't be worth nearly as much. So Trump might make everyone a millionaire. But Elon and Zuckaberg will then be trillionaires. A new Guilded Age starts Monday.

I worry because I fall in between the median and average. I'll probably end my career in the average. But by then what will $1 million dollars be? Not much. Plus more out of pocket for medicaid and the social security cuts that are probably coming. We are doomed. Some more than others. I'll survive. And my nephews will probably inherit $5 million each plus they have degrees from top schools. The masses, YOU, are fucked my friend and you don't even realize it. If you were fucked during Biden you're gonna be fucked 4 years from now. Maybe worse. How does 20% cut to your social security sound? $200 less a month in your golden years. All so Elon can make more. Gawd.
You worry because you're lazy.
/----/ "Well that makes you a boomer who basically is telling us that we can't have it as good as you had it."
Said by no Baby Boomer ever. Our goal was to give our children and grandchildren a better life than we have.
You're just posting hyperbole because you have nothing else. DERP

"And don't raise taxes on guys like you. You're struggling. Raise taxes on the median people."
More nonsense. Conservatives didn't vote for any of this crap. It was all done by democRATs with the help of some RINOs.

Thank the Progs who raised taxes, increased regulations, imposed labor laws, and environmental laws that drove businesses overseas so they could survive and compete.
None of us voted for that or were able to stop it.
You're doing a really shitty job of it then. You tried but failed.

I grew up right at the end when America was still great. The Clinton years. Things started falling apart in the 70's but America was still great. Like, I could have got a job at Ford when I graduated at 17 years old. I'm 54 now. I would be retired with a 30 year pension for 7 years now had I gone that route. Instead I went to college, make close to $100K, no kids, and STILL I have to work till I'm 62. Now that's when America was great. When an uneducated kid out of high school could get a job like that? Now that's when America was great.

And I paid $5000 a year for college. Like I said, back when America was great. So if you are in your 70's, you really took advantage of the new deal. You've been collecting social security for how many years now?

But you see boomer, I'm set to retire the day the fund runs out of money. So boomer like you and Trump are going to "save" the program by cutting MY benefits by 20%. Not yours. Oh no. You get a increase this year. Because of inflation. Funny they don't freeze your payments and never give you an increase, but they'll considering CUTTING ours. Future beneficiaries.

This is why I love the death tax. Tax your estate 50% when you die. Your poor kids will only get $500K. Better than most.
You're doing a really shitty job of it then. You tried but failed.

I grew up right at the end when America was still great. The Clinton years. Things started falling apart in the 70's but America was still great. Like, I could have got a job at Ford when I graduated at 17 years old. I'm 54 now. I would be retired with a 30 year pension for 7 years now had I gone that route. Instead I went to college, make close to $100K, no kids, and STILL I have to work till I'm 62. Now that's when America was great. When an uneducated kid out of high school could get a job like that? Now that's when America was great.

And I paid $5000 a year for college. Like I said, back when America was great. So if you are in your 70's, you really took advantage of the new deal. You've been collecting social security for how many years now?

But you see boomer, I'm set to retire the day the fund runs out of money. So boomer like you and Trump are going to "save" the program by cutting MY benefits by 20%. Not yours. Oh no. You get a increase this year. Because of inflation. Funny they don't freeze your payments and never give you an increase, but they'll considering CUTTING ours. Future beneficiaries.

This is why I love the death tax. Tax your estate 50% when you die. Your poor kids will only get $500K. Better than most.
You're so stupid. Anyone with money sets up a complex, irrevocable trust. Neither the government, nor lazy pricks, like you, will ever get a penny of what I earned.
You're doing a really shitty job of it then. You tried but failed.

I grew up right at the end when America was still great. The Clinton years. Things started falling apart in the 70's but America was still great. Like, I could have got a job at Ford when I graduated at 17 years old. I'm 54 now. I would be retired with a 30 year pension for 7 years now had I gone that route. Instead I went to college, make close to $100K, no kids, and STILL I have to work till I'm 62. Now that's when America was great. When an uneducated kid out of high school could get a job like that? Now that's when America was great.

And I paid $5000 a year for college. Like I said, back when America was great. So if you are in your 70's, you really took advantage of the new deal. You've been collecting social security for how many years now?

But you see boomer, I'm set to retire the day the fund runs out of money. So boomer like you and Trump are going to "save" the program by cutting MY benefits by 20%. Not yours. Oh no. You get a increase this year. Because of inflation. Funny they don't freeze your payments and never give you an increase, but they'll considering CUTTING ours. Future beneficiaries.

This is why I love the death tax. Tax your estate 50% when you die. Your poor kids will only get $500K. Better than most.
You're doing a really shitty job of it then. You tried but failed.

I grew up right at the end when America was still great. The Clinton years. Things started falling apart in the 70's but America was still great. Like, I could have got a job at Ford when I graduated at 17 years old. I'm 54 now. I would be retired with a 30 year pension for 7 years now had I gone that route. Instead I went to college, make close to $100K, no kids, and STILL I have to work till I'm 62. Now that's when America was great. When an uneducated kid out of high school could get a job like that? Now that's when America was great.

And I paid $5000 a year for college. Like I said, back when America was great. So if you are in your 70's, you really took advantage of the new deal. You've been collecting social security for how many years now?

But you see boomer, I'm set to retire the day the fund runs out of money. So boomer like you and Trump are going to "save" the program by cutting MY benefits by 20%. Not yours. Oh no. You get a increase this year. Because of inflation. Funny they don't freeze your payments and never give you an increase, but they'll considering CUTTING ours. Future beneficiaries.

This is why I love the death tax. Tax your estate 50% when you die. Your poor kids will only get $500K. Better than most.
/-----/ I'm smart enough to set up brokerage accounts for each of my 5 grandchildren and fund them with $50k each in dividend-paying stocks and ETFs that are theirs at 18 years old, with the stipulation they need to graduate from college or vocational school before they can touch the money.
They all understand it's not a gift they can squander on a new car or trip around the world. It is their life savings nest egg. For my children, I set up similar brokerage accounts but with lesser amounts.
They will get my portfolio and paid for Condo estate jewelry and some collectibles.
You're so stupid. Anyone with money sets up a complex, irrevocable trust. Neither the government, nor lazy pricks, like you, will ever get a penny of what I earned.

Now that the elections over, suddenly all these Republicans who were so butt hurt over inflation are telling us now they did just fine. Suddenly they are switching to successful people who actually benefited and made money during Covid.

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

So why did you vote for change? You did GREAT under Biden you dumb ass!

You're fucking welcome. Also the record stock market under Biden. Vergogna on you fooling the poor idiots into voting with you, me Elon and Trump. Oh well. They get what they deserve. I tried to help them.
/—-/ She is neither trashy or illegal. That’s why you hate her.
She was both trashy and illegal at one time. But to be honest, Nancy Reagan was a Hollywood whore too.

During her Hollywood career, Nancy dated many actors, including Clark Gable, Robert Stack, and Peter Lawford; On November 15, 1949, she met Ronald Reagan, who was then president of the Screen Actors Guild. She had noticed that her name had appeared on the Hollywood blacklist. Davis sought Reagan's help to maintain her employment as a guild actress in Hollywood and for assistance in having her name removed from the list.

Melania chose Donald because he's rich. That's what European whores do when they come to America. Melania is the American dream for a woman from Russia or wherever she came from. In America women are told you can be president of the USA one day. In her country they are told they could one day grow up to marry the President of the United States. Lower expectation.
She was both trashy and illegal at one time. But to be honest, Nancy Reagan was a Hollywood whore too.

During her Hollywood career, Nancy dated many actors, including Clark Gable, Robert Stack, and Peter Lawford; On November 15, 1949, she met Ronald Reagan, who was then president of the Screen Actors Guild. She had noticed that her name had appeared on the Hollywood blacklist. Davis sought Reagan's help to maintain her employment as a guild actress in Hollywood and for assistance in having her name removed from the list.

Melania chose Donald because he's rich. That's what European whores do when they come to America. Melania is the American dream for a woman from Russia or wherever she came from. In America women are told you can be president of the USA one day. In her country they are told they could one day grow up to marry the President of the United States. Lower expectation.
/---/ Got any fake outrage over Kamala sucking her way into office with a man twice her age?
Of course not. And your moral hero Bill Cinton, who chased every skirt he saw in front of Hillary.
/---/ Got any fake outrage over Kamala sucking her way into office with a man twice her age?
Of course not. And your moral hero Bill Cinton, who chased every skirt he saw in front of Hillary.
I think you are the hypocrite here. It was YOU who cared what Bill was doing. I am pointing out your hypocrisy buddy. Not the other way around.

And I don't know why you are shaming Kamala for doing what Trump's doing with Melania. Talk about holding us to a higher standard.

Based on their birth years, the Trumps have a whopping 24 years between them.

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