Taliban replaces Afghan flag and bans Traditional Afghan flag


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
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And replaces it with a flag that reads ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet’


Thanks xiden. Wonder if they put that on all the billions of dollars of the military hardware xiden gave them.
Jeff Zuckerberg must he so proud of putting Joe Biden in office
Its disgusting that countries should pick their own flags.
And their own heads/hands too.

And actually keep them...

...what an Islamic novelty.

And replaces it with a flag that reads ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.

The translators missed a bit . The whole inscription reads "there is no God but Allah, and Muhhamad is his prophet. Thanks Joe."
Thanks xiden. Wonder if they put that on all the billions of dollars of the military hardware xiden gave them.
Who cares? Why would anyone give a shit about those towelled? I applaud Biden for getting out of the barbaric desert home of ratbag religious fanatics.
Let them have the guns.
Who cares? Why would anyone give a shit about those towelled? I applaud Biden for getting out of the barbaric desert home of ratbag religious fanatics.
Let them have the guns.
Really? A true American in need of a strong limbed tree.
Women have the right to an education, divorce, child custody and support. They have the right to inherit, buy and sell, own property just for starters.

Not in many places.
In many places they are basically only chattel.
Harems are popular in some places.


19th Amendment movie "Iron Jawed Angels"
Lucy Burns to Senator Lleyton's wife":
"We're citizens or we're chattel, you don't need a degree from Harvard to figure that out".

Taliban don't seem to do equality for women.
Not in many places.
In many places they are basically only chattel.
Harems are popular in some places.


19th Amendment movie "Iron Jawed Angels"
Lucy Burns to Senator Lleyton's wife":
"We're citizens or we're chattel, you don't need a degree from Harvard to figure that out".

Taliban don't seem to do equality for women.
It's pretty complicated. Afghan has been at war since 1974 and poverty makes it worse. When Taliban took over the country was completely lawless... Rape, drug use and carjackings were prevalent.
And so many here were about to go and buy property there........Dang shame......

I don't give a damn about them............I don't give a damn about endless Wars there either...........i do care THAT OUR PEOPLE WERE LEFT BEHIND AT THEIR MERCY........AND THAT WE GIFTED THEM MILITARY EQUIPMENT.........

Anyways.........OH WELL.
And so many here were about to go and buy property there........Dang shame......

I don't give a damn about them............I don't give a damn about endless Wars there either...........i do care THAT OUR PEOPLE WERE LEFT BEHIND AT THEIR MERCY........AND THAT WE GIFTED THEM MILITARY EQUIPMENT.........

Anyways.........OH WELL.
The US doesn't have jurisdiction to force Americans to leave. Remember, they had 20 months notice. Most expats aren't so stupid.
The US doesn't have jurisdiction to force Americans to leave. Remember, they had 20 months notice. Most expats aren't so stupid.
BS...........Americans were there..........he closed down the main PROTECTED AIR BASES..........And left our people at the mercy of the FUCKING TALIBAN.

He is a CLUSTERFUCK.........Obama wasn't much better................Rule...........DON'T LEAVE PEOPLE BEHIND......unless you are a BS Politician.

He cared so much for the dead Marines didn't he......................pffft

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