Take The Senate Away From Elitists


Sep 23, 2010
When an establishment Republican needs Democrats to win an election you know their party is in trouble. Not only did Senator Thad Cochran call upon Democrats for support he invoked the Democrat party lie with this campaign literature:



I did not watch much news yesterday; so I cannot say how Cochran’s “victory” was covered by talking heads. Happily, Rush Limbaugh exploded over the travesty:

RUSH: Mississippi. The Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel runoff election. It was Operation Chaos in reverse. The Republican establishment sought victory via Democrat voters in the runoff, and they got them. It has been analyzed and it is now practically ontologically certain that without the African-American vote from Democrat-leaning counties, Thad Cochran would have lost by eight or nine percent last night.


RUSH: "Tea Party Intends to Prevent Blacks From Voting on Tuesday -- According to the Clarion Ledger, Chris McDaniel & the Tea Party plan to prevent Democrat voting in the Senate runoff on Tuesday between Thad Cochran and Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel. We know the Tea Party uses 'Democrats' as code for 'African-Americans.' Don't be intimidated by the Tea Party.

"Let's turn out for all Mississippians and vote for Thad Cochran. Thad Cochran works for Mississippi. Mississippi cannot and will not return to the bygone era of intimidating black Mississippians from voting. We must rise up on Tuesday to have our voices heard on who will represent Mississippi in the US Senate. VOTE THAD COCHRAN." This is the flier that was sent out in Democrat districts and counties that told them the purpose of Chris McDaniel and the Tea Party was to prevent them from voting.

Now, it would be one thing if the Democrats did that. They do it every election cycle anyway. But for them to be joined, even if from a distance, by the Republican establishment here, simply confirms what we have long said on this program about establishment Washington. It is ruling class vs. country class. It's elites vs. the plebes. You and me are the plebes, and they are the elites, and they are aligning together.

Score a BULLS-EYE for El Rushbo with this next excerpt. Karl Rove’s Republicans always preferred a Democrat to a conservative.

RUSH: Essentially the Republican base, the Tea Party voters, are considered the problem.

Incidentally, I’m betting that the FOX phonies gave Karl Rove enough face time to spin Cochran’s shady tactics into something noble and good.

This final excerpt made me jump out of my chair and shout: Nail them where it hurts the most.

RUSH: This is something that I have sensed for many, many moons. I've sensed this way, way back since the Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle campaigns, some of the early Tea Party candidates. I think the primary thing that matters to the Republican establishment is the Senate, more so than winning the White House. The Senate is what they are all about here.

Republican Establishment Took Part in Reprehensible Reverse Operation Chaos in Mississippi
June 25, 2014

Republican Establishment Took Part in Reprehensible Reverse Operation Chaos in Mississippi - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Repealing the Income Tax Amendment is the only thing that would rein in Socialism more than repealing the XVII Amendment. The only good that can come from Thad Cochran’s next six years in the Senate (he’s been there 36 years already) would be a serious grassroots movement to repeal the XVII Amendment.

NOTE: Americans must take back the Senate if they ever hope to take back their country from federal government elitists.

Long serving Democrat senators like Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy, and others of their ilk did more harm to this country than did all of America’s foreign enemies combined. But it is REPUBLICAN Senator Thad Cochran who is a painful reminder that the country is still being punished by 1913 —— the worst year in the nation’s history.

Nineteen thirteen was the best year progressives ever had. Nineteen thirteen gave the country Woodrow Wilson, the XVI Amendment, the XVII Amendment and the Federal Reserve for starters.

Finally, some Republicans endorsed Harry Reid for the Senate in 1986. In light of Cochran’s romance with Democrats I doubt if any establishment Republican regrets Harry Reid’s long tenure in the Senate.
The Senate should be shaped more by national concerns than by parochial concerns. What we have instead with the popular election of senators is a Senate governed by "the activity of party zeal, taking advantage of the supineness, the ignorance, the hopes, and the fears of the unwary and [self]-interested." *

Only officers who are independent of populist forces and party lines should be chosen for the Senate. Otherwise, we have a unicameral and democratized legislature, and more and more over these last 100 years, more officers like Thad Cochran.

The Constitution guarantees to the states a republican form of government for a reason, and that reason is not to expand voting privileges.

* Federalist 64
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This primary season the TeaP peep creepy party got its ass handed to it.

Establishment GOP are not worried at all about the small % of freakies to our far right.
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The Senate should be shaped more by national concerns than by parochial concerns. What we have instead with the popular election of senators is a Senate governed by "the activity of party zeal, taking advantage of the supineness, the ignorance, the hopes, and the fears of the unwary and [self]-interested." *

To norwegen: I agree with national concerns whenever America is threatened militarily. Beyond that, the Senate should return to what it was before 1913.

Prior to the XVII Amendment a senator’s first duty was to serve and defend his state against the federal government. In less than a century, bringing tax dollars home became a senator’s first and only duty to his state. Even that duty comes in second to the Senate’s global agenda. That’s why I often refer to the Senate as a nest of traitors.

The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments make it all possible. More than anything else those two Amendments gave the country a single political ideology focused on tax dollars, and a one government world.

Incidentally, Thad Cochran’s crowning achievement in the Senate was his vote to ratify New START. I’ll never figure out how that treaty served Mississippi, or brought home the bacon.

Only officers who are independent of populist forces and party lines should be chosen for the Senate. Otherwise, we have a unicameral and democratized legislature, and more and more over these last 100 years, more officers like Thad Cochran.

To norwegen: I would say you are describing every Democrat and most establishment Republicans. Not much can done about Democrats until their numbers are so small their ideology disappears like a puff of smoke. Joseph Ashby over at The American Thinker did have some fun with a few establishment Republican senators.

McConnell and Cochran each beat their conservative challengers, thus our heads can rest a little lighter on our pillows knowing that entrenched incumbency once again dominates the American electoral system.

And rest assured that the repercussions of the Establishment’s win extend far beyond Kentucky and Mississippi.

First and foremost, we won’t have to worry about another government shutdown. Aren’t those horrible? For a small fraction of non-essential government employees to have their compensation briefly deferred while we seek solutions to the most consequential issues of our time is simply too much to bear. Just think of what The Daily Show would say. The thought of all those words and jokes and modified movie posters -- it’s enough to make Lindsey Graham weep.

We're now saved from the destructive political fallout that a shutdown inevitably brings.

June 26, 2014
Whew! That Was a Close One
By Joseph Ashby

Articles: Whew! That Was a Close One

I cracked up over this line: “For a small fraction of non-essential government employees to have their compensation briefly deferred while we seek solutions to the most consequential issues of our time is simply too much to bear.”

Looking back on the government shutdowns I lived through, I do not recall talking heads telling the public a government shutdown frees up federal employees lucky enough to get laid-off so they can do the same thing at home that they do in the federal workplace —— NOTHING —— and still get paid for it.

Incidentally, Cochran bragged about bringing home the bacon in addition to slandering Chris McDaniel. A promise to keep the public trough well-stocked can make Democrat voters turn out for the Devil himself. Had they not come out to defend the public trough Cochran would have lost:

RUSH: Here is the post from Nate Silver at the FiveThirtyEight blog. "Without an increase in vote from Democrat-leaning African-American counties, Cochran would have lost by 8%."

Republican Establishment Took Part in Reprehensible Reverse Operation Chaos in Mississippi - The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Constitution guarantees to the states a republican form of government for a reason, and that reason is not to expand voting privileges.

To norwegen: Exactly so; nevertheless, Democrats are already on their way to eliminating the electoral college. See this thread:

Democrats steal elections by contesting the result à la Al Franken. Al Gore probably would have stole the election in 2000 had he not gone to the Supreme Court for a decision. JFK stole the presidency in 1960 and the media did nothing about it. President Eisenhower said he would support Nixon if he contested the result. Richard Nixon said he did not want America to look like a banana republic so JFK got away with it. Can you imagine a filthy, lying, Democrat thinking about the country first!

The McDanial-Cochran election was a Republican primary; nevertheless, I do not see a reversal if it hurts the Democrats.

The Chris McDaniel campaign identified multiple Mississippi counties in which enough improper ballots were cast that a legal challenge to the outcome of the election is warranted.


The McDaniel campaign has already found 1,000 examples in one county of Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary as Democrats and then crossed over into the Republican primary this week.
This is illegal and their votes should not be counted.

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, June 27, 2014, 10:14 AM

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties | The Gateway Pundit

Here’s a suggestion. If it turns out that a bunch of Democrats broke the law they should be denied all public assistance and federal employment for the rest of their lives. That means NOT profiting under the United States as if they were impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

What could be a more just punishment than to drive parasites away from the public trough for breaking the law for the sole purpose of securing their seats at the public trough? No criminal can profit from their crime. So it’s not unreasonable to apply the same rules to public trough parasites.
Let's be charitable folks, Mississippi is one of the most backward states in the nation. Drive the back roads sometime, talk to the people, check out their educational and earning levels, the south in America is ruled by a rigid ideology, now consider the tea party: ideological, uncompromising, fundamentalist, anti-science, tribalism, xenophobia, misogynist, anti-intellect, militia mentality, anti-immigration, in a real sense the epitome of anti American values of inclusiveness and community.

"Still, the Tea Party has also been around long enough to have a record, of sorts. Let’s look at the legacy: No significant legislation, no changes for the better in American life, and no compromise, of course, with the majority of voters who say in numerous polls that the Tea Party has been mostly a negative force in politics. One follows the other, since by the absolutist nature of their philosophy Tea Party members believe that any effort to govern with those they disagree with is traitorous."


'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.
The TEA Party intends to prevent you from voting.


Problem is that many retards actually believe this BS.

To eagle1462010: Right on.

Have you noticed that “Blame the Tea Party” is running neck and neck with Blame Bush?

In light of the cemetery vote and all of the other voting frauds top Democrats get away with it is ludicrous for them to claim their constituents are denied the Right to vote. Clearly, Democrats are not defending the right to vote, they are defending the Right to steal elections; hence, their vehement opposition to voter ID laws.

The worst of it is that retards behave as though stealing an election is a constitutional Right. As harmful as that scam is, retards truly believe that tax dollars should fund their larceny through organizations like ACORN, La Raza, Planned Parenthood, and so on.

'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

To midcam5: Your talking points are absurd.

But I am happy to see that you must hate Taqiyya the Liar because of the way homosexuals are treated in Muslim countries.

Summary of the far right here:

"We keep losing elections! And it's getting worse! We need to rig the rules so that it won't matter if everyone votes against us! After all, we have a hereditary right to rule over those commoners!"
Summary of the far right here:

"We keep losing elections! And it's getting worse! We need to rig the rules so that it won't matter if everyone votes against us! After all, we have a hereditary right to rule over those commoners!"

To mamooth: Summary of America-hating parasites here:

We cannot win elections fairly on our ideology. And Americans are getting wise to us. We need to abolish the Constitution so we win every election. After all, elitists like Nancy Pelosi have a hereditary Right to rule everybody for the benefit of the parasite class.


Secretly seething from being demoted from House Speaker to House Minority Leader ever since January 3, 2011, Nancy Pelosi has been on the prowl for attention-grabbing ways to preen her peacock wings to the world.

So today Pelosi is taking the opportunity of swooping back into the limelight by traveling to the southern border of the U.S. to be briefed by Customs and Border Protection on the flood of unaccompanied minors entering the country.

“The California Democrat will also meet with a group of children held at the South Texas Detention Facility.” (Politico, June 26, 2014)


Take them home, Nancy, you are still No. 13 in the top richest House members.

Dump the rhetoric and take them home, if you really care, Nancy
By Judi McLeod
June 27, 2014

Dump the rhetoric and take them home, if you really care, Nancy
Judi McLeod’s challenge must have prompted Pelosi to decline. See the video:

She also said she wished she could simply "take home" the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.

Pelosi on the Border: We Have to Use This 'Crisis' as an 'Opportunity'

It’s probably unfair to ask Pelosi to take those kids home with her; so I have an alternative suggestion. She can take her entire family and go live in one of those countries those kids came from. That way she can use her own money to address a humanitarian problem at the source instead of legislating coerced charity that forces everybody else to pay for her morality.

The truth is that Pelosi and her kind created the crisis, not to mention that they are responsible for the slaughter of millions of infants. Just once I’d like to hear her admit that Kermit Gosnell is one of liberalism’s heros. Nor has she ever admitted her part in making Planned Parenthood a profitable enterprise, yet that dirty piece of garbage has the nerve to talk about children as though she loves them all.

It is not unusual for a Democrat to do the compassionate bit as Pelosi did in the video. Supposedly, a woman can pull it off better than a man. I’m only surprised that she did not whip out a silk hankie and wipe away a tear.

Bottom line: Anybody that a needs lessons in morality from slime like Nancy Pelosi can join her in a mass exodus to the foreign country of their choice. If nothing else, I’d like to see how a foreign government reacts to 20 million-plus American parasites coming in illegally.
The TEA Party intends to prevent you from voting.


Problem is that many retards actually believe this BS.

To eagle1462010: Right on.

Have you noticed that “Blame the Tea Party” is running neck and neck with Blame Bush?

In light of the cemetery vote and all of the other voting frauds top Democrats get away with it is ludicrous for them to claim their constituents are denied the Right to vote. Clearly, Democrats are not defending the right to vote, they are defending the Right to steal elections; hence, their vehement opposition to voter ID laws.

The worst of it is that retards behave as though stealing an election is a constitutional Right. As harmful as that scam is, retards truly believe that tax dollars should fund their larceny through organizations like ACORN, La Raza, Planned Parenthood, and so on.

'Oklahoma Tea Party Candidate Supports Stoning Gay People to Death'

To midcam5: Your talking points are absurd.

But I am happy to see that you must hate Taqiyya the Liar because of the way homosexuals are treated in Muslim countries.

They don't care how they maintain power. Lie, misrepresent others comments, and the standard your a Racist is you disagree manure.

Shows a lot about their own personal character.
We don't "blame" the Tea Party. We credit them with handing 6 senate seats and the senate majority to the Democrats.

Thanks, Tea Partiers! The Democrats are also counting on your help in 2014, so don't let us down.
Democrats steal elections by contesting the result à la Al Franken. Al Gore probably would have stole the election in 2000 had he not gone to the Supreme Court for a decision. JFK stole the presidency in 1960 and the media did nothing about it. President Eisenhower said he would support Nixon if he contested the result. Richard Nixon said he did not want America to look like a banana republic so JFK got away with it. Can you imagine a filthy, lying, Democrat thinking about the country first!

The McDanial-Cochran election was a Republican primary; nevertheless, I do not see a reversal if it hurts the Democrats.

The Chris McDaniel campaign identified multiple Mississippi counties in which enough improper ballots were cast that a legal challenge to the outcome of the election is warranted.


The McDaniel campaign has already found 1,000 examples in one county of Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary as Democrats and then crossed over into the Republican primary this week.
This is illegal and their votes should not be counted.

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, June 27, 2014, 10:14 AM

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties | The Gateway Pundit

Here’s a suggestion. If it turns out that a bunch of Democrats broke the law they should be denied all public assistance and federal employment for the rest of their lives. That means NOT profiting under the United States as if they were impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

What could be a more just punishment than to drive parasites away from the public trough for breaking the law for the sole purpose of securing their seats at the public trough? No criminal can profit from their crime. So it’s not unreasonable to apply the same rules to public trough parasites.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, ... "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term"

In reality English: there are not enough neo confederate inbred jerkwad vermin in the backward fly over bible thumping states to make a difference anymore

No country for angry old white men: the GOP's diminishing demographic | Diane Roberts | Comment is free | theguardian.com
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The Senate is controlled by big banking firms(Goldman-Sachs) and the Chinese.
The Dems are running a candidate. They helped nominate Cock Ran because they think that he'll be easier to beat, especially now that the Principled vote is staying home...here in Virginia, the GOP nominated a party hack who is also hoping to get enough support from Dems to make up for the loss of about 40% of his party's supporters--not going to happen...

With losses in Va and Miss, the Repuglican establishment will have plenny a splainin' to do on the Sunday morning shows as Harry The Crook Reid and his Dems keep the Senate. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory once again. ANYBODY (but these guys) could have beat the Mideast collasping, inflation-and-taxation, Obamacare passing, corrupt, incompetent assholes in the Senate...it was theirs, and they have tossed it away...I can hardly wait to NOT vote for Jeb Bush in 2016, and the Greek tragedy will be complete...

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