Zone1 Systemic Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
In the real world, systemic racism exists against blacks.

Black people in the U.S. are seven times more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people, according to a new report published Tuesday by the National Registry of Exonerations. The finding is based on an analysis of exonerations for serious crimes in the U.S. over the last four decades, which found that Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country.

In addition to dramatic disparities across racial groups in false convictions, the report finds that innocent Black people also spend a significantly longer time in prison before exoneration than white people, with many spending in excess of 20, 30 or 40 years in prison for crimes they did not commit

When the false convictions are drilled down into categories, a staggering 69% of drug conviction exonerees are Black, compared with just 16% who are white. That means that despite studies showing that Black and white people use drugs at similar rates, innocent Black people are 19 times more likely to be convicted of drug crimes than innocent white people. And a lot of this, the report says, is up to the discretion of law enforcement.

“Because drug crimes are almost never reported to police, the police choose who to pursue for drug offenses — and they choose to stop, search and arrest Black people several times more often than whites,” the report says. “That’s racial profiling. One of its deplorable consequences is drug crime convictions of innocent Black defendants.”

In sexual assault cases, the report notes, Black people are nearly eight times more likely than white people to be falsely convicted of rape, mainly because of higher misidentification of Black suspects by white victims.

In the real world, systemic racism exists against blacks.

Black people in the U.S. are seven times more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people, according to a new report published Tuesday by the National Registry of Exonerations. The finding is based on an analysis of exonerations for serious crimes in the U.S. over the last four decades, which found that Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country.

In addition to dramatic disparities across racial groups in false convictions, the report finds that innocent Black people also spend a significantly longer time in prison before exoneration than white people, with many spending in excess of 20, 30 or 40 years in prison for crimes they did not commit

When the false convictions are drilled down into categories, a staggering 69% of drug conviction exonerees are Black, compared with just 16% who are white. That means that despite studies showing that Black and white people use drugs at similar rates, innocent Black people are 19 times more likely to be convicted of drug crimes than innocent white people. And a lot of this, the report says, is up to the discretion of law enforcement.

“Because drug crimes are almost never reported to police, the police choose who to pursue for drug offenses — and they choose to stop, search and arrest Black people several times more often than whites,” the report says. “That’s racial profiling. One of its deplorable consequences is drug crime convictions of innocent Black defendants.”

In sexual assault cases, the report notes, Black people are nearly eight times more likely than white people to be falsely convicted of rape, mainly because of higher misidentification of Black suspects by white victims.

FALSELY accused lol, even if some of that were true you do realize theyll never get the benefit of the doubt because the percentage of blacks vs their low pop. proves a disproportianite amount of blacks commit crimes.
FALSELY accused lol, even if some of that were true you do realize theyll never get the benefit of the doubt because the percentage of blacks vs their low pop. proves a disproportianite amount of blacks commit crimes.
Actually thats not true, but keep believing wat right wing race pimps tell you.
In the real world, systemic racism exists against blacks.

Black people in the U.S. are seven times more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people, according to a new report published Tuesday by the National Registry of Exonerations. The finding is based on an analysis of exonerations for serious crimes in the U.S. over the last four decades, which found that Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country.

In addition to dramatic disparities across racial groups in false convictions, the report finds that innocent Black people also spend a significantly longer time in prison before exoneration than white people, with many spending in excess of 20, 30 or 40 years in prison for crimes they did not commit

When the false convictions are drilled down into categories, a staggering 69% of drug conviction exonerees are Black, compared with just 16% who are white. That means that despite studies showing that Black and white people use drugs at similar rates, innocent Black people are 19 times more likely to be convicted of drug crimes than innocent white people. And a lot of this, the report says, is up to the discretion of law enforcement.

“Because drug crimes are almost never reported to police, the police choose who to pursue for drug offenses — and they choose to stop, search and arrest Black people several times more often than whites,” the report says. “That’s racial profiling. One of its deplorable consequences is drug crime convictions of innocent Black defendants.”

In sexual assault cases, the report notes, Black people are nearly eight times more likely than white people to be falsely convicted of rape, mainly because of higher misidentification of Black suspects by white victims.

I racism a choice made by actual people?

yes or no
You have been shown an example of systemic racism. Just face the facts and accept that you're wrong.
I don't wish to sound crass but I could care less about the constant whining over a lame social construct....Nobody owes you people anything extra.

If blacks spent their time bettering their lot in life through education and square-dealing they would be viewed the same as everyone else......As it is you people have made your bed of misery by your own hand so deal with it.
In the real world, systemic racism exists against blacks.
Black people in the U.S. are seven times more likely to be falsely convicted of a serious crime like murder than white people, according to a new report published Tuesday by the National Registry of Exonerations. The finding is based on an analysis of exonerations for serious crimes in the U.S. over the last four decades, which found that Black people make up less than 14% of the U.S. population but account for 53% of exonerations in the country.

In addition to dramatic disparities across racial groups in false convictions, the report finds that innocent Black people also spend a significantly longer time in prison before exoneration than white people, with many spending in excess of 20, 30 or 40 years in prison for crimes they did not commit
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—  Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. Th e victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)


Because blacks have a much higher crime rate than whites a criminal justice system that is effective for whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights movement this was understood in the Unite States, and especially in the South. I am pleased to learn from IM2 that the understanding has not been completely lost.
Systemic racism is the current alibi for black failure when there is no evidence of racial discrimination. Black failure is not caused by whites, but by the fact that by every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be considerably less intelligent than whites.
You have been shown an example of systemic racism. Just face the facts and accept that you're wrong.
You have accused me hundreds of times of being a racist, a White Supremacist, and being an example of systemic racism (which is of course a contradiction in itself). You have shown NOTHING except your own rampant racism and bias against me because I spotlight the horrific problems in the poor Black community that you want to hide.

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